

词汇 expectation
释义 ex.pec.ta.tion[ˌɛkspɛk`teʃən; ˌekspekˈteiʃn]《expect 的名词》名词
1 (U) [有时 ~s]
a. 预期, 预料, 期待[of]
according to ~如所预料
against [contrary to] (all) ~(s)与预期相反, (事) 与愿违
beyond (all) ~(s)料想不到地, 出乎意料地
in ~ of﹍ 预料, 预期
There is no [little, every] ~ of a good harvest.全无 [几乎没有, 大有] 丰收的希望
b. < …的> 期待, 预料
in the ~ that he will help us期待他会帮助我们
There is some ~ that the prime rate will soon be lowered.预期最优惠利率不久会下降
2 [~s]
a. 期待 [预料] 的事, 期待的目标 [对象]
come up to a person's ~s不辜负某人的期望
fall short of a person's ~s辜负某人的期望
b. (有继承希望的) 遗产 expectation of life= life expectancy




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