

词汇 expect
释义 ex.pect[ɪk`spɛkt; ikˈspekt, ek-]《源自拉丁文“看外面, 盼望”的意思》及物动词
1 预期, 期待
(→ want A【同义字】)
. a. (当作当然之事而) 期待…, 预期…, 等待…, 预计会有…
Don't ~ wonderful results.不要期待有很好的结果
I ~ed the worst.我曾预期会有最坏的情形
We are all ~ing you.我们都在期盼著你来
The scenery was not so fine as we ~ed.景色并不如我们所期盼的那么美
b. < 人> 期盼…要来的事
What time do you ~ him home?.你想他什么时候会回来?
I ~ him back at six.我想他会在六点回家
We are ~ing you in London on Tuesday.我们星期二在伦敦等你来
c. (视为当然地) 期待[某人]; [对某人]寄予…的期待[of, from]
You are ~ing too much of him.你对他期望过多
As might be ~ed of a gentleman, he was as good as his word.就像绅士应该做的 [不愧为一名绅士] , 他履行了诺言
What more can you ~ of [from] him.你还能对他期待什么呢?(更多的期待是办不到的)
d. 预期< 要做…> , 打算< 做…>
I ~ to be there this evening.我打算今晚到那里去
We ~ to arrive at Heathrow Airport at eight.我们预计八点钟到达希塞罗机场
e. 期待…; 期望…, 要求< 某人> < 去做…>
I am ~ing him to come any moment.我随时都在等待他来
You cannot ~ him to do that.你不能期望他做那件事
England ~s every man to do his duty.英国期望每一位国民尽他的义务
f. 认为, 期待
I ~ that you will come to our party.我期待你会来参加我们的聚会
I ~ that you will obey.我认为你会服从
2 (口语)想
I ~ (that) you have been to Europe.我想您去过欧洲吧
3 [用进行式] ( (口语)怀孕
She is ~ing a baby.她怀孕了
[用进行式] ( (口语)怀孕, 有喜
His wife is ~ing.他的妻子 (不久) 要生孩子了




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