

词汇 bargain
释义 bar.gain[`bɑrgɪn; ˈbɑ:ɡin]《源自古法语“杀价”的意思》可数名词
1 a. 买卖契约, 合同, 协议; 成交, 交易
strike a ~ (with a person) (与人) 达成买卖的协议 [订买卖契约]
It's [That's] a ~.就这样 [那样] 说定
A ~'s a ~.(谚)契约终是契约 (说定了就得遵守)
b. < 做…的> 契约, 协定
The two camps made a ~ to cease fire.双方阵营订了停火的协定
c. < …的> 契约, 协定
The two country made a ~ that they would not fight each other again.两国订下互不侵犯条约
2 廉购; 廉售或廉购之物, 特价品, 廉价的买卖[交易]
make a good ~买得便宜, 做一次合算的买卖
a bad [losing] ~买得贵, 不合算的买卖
~s in clothes衣服的特价品
at a bargain 以特价, 廉价地
buy at a (good) ~廉价购买
I got this at a ~.我廉价买了这个
beat a bargain
杀价 drive a (hard) bargain
(口语)订下条件很 有利于自己的协定, 狠杀 [卖主等] 的价, 做一次条件很有利于自己的交易, 讲一笔很合算的买卖[with] into[in]the bargain
而且, 再加上, 另外 make the best of a bad bargain
→ best n
廉价的, 特价的; 便宜的
a ~ basement (百货商场的) 地下层廉售部
a ~ counter特价专柜
a ~ hunter廉价品搜寻者
a ~ price特价
a ~ sale大抛售, 大减价
1 a. [就买卖之事] 讨价还价, 议价, 讲价[with][about, over]
~ with the producer about the price of the article与生产者讲商品的价格
b. 协议 [订约] , [为求…] 讨价还价[with][for]
~ with the producer for a constant supply of
the articles与生产者订约, 要其经常供应货品
c. 订合约[on]
~ on a five-year term以五年为期的条件订合约
2 [为…]杀价, 讨价还价[for]
~ for a car讨价还价欲买汽车
3 a. 预料, 预期[…] [for, (美)on]
I didn't ~ for that.那是我所没有料到的
You'll get more than you ~ for.你会得到比你所预料的更多
This bad weather is more than I ~ed for.这种坏天气是我始料未及的
b. 指望, 托靠[…][on]
~ on a person's help指望某人的援助
1 a. 将…议价卖出
b. 交涉< 说…> , 提出…的条件
The worker ~ed that they should have no work on Sundays.工人提出星期日不上班的条件
2 保证, 担保
I can't ~ that he will come.我不能保证他会来
bargain away
廉售< 土地等> ; 轻易地放弃 < 权利、自由等>
~ away one's estate廉售地产




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