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roll[rol; roul]《源自拉丁文“车”的意思》不及物动词1 a. < 球、车轮等> 滚动, 滚行, 滚进~ down滚下去~ out滚出~ on滚去, 滚进The barrel ~ed over and over.桶子辘辘地滚动著b. < 泪、汗> 流下, 滚流Tears ~ed down his cheeks.眼泪沿著他的脸颊流下来c. < 人> 滚上 (床等) , 滚进I was so tired I just ~ed into bed.我累得见床滚上去就睡2 a. < 车辆> 缓慢地行驶, 前进The cab ~ed to a halt.计程车慢慢地停下来The train ~ed into the station.火车慢慢地驶入车站b. < 人> 乘车去[跑]He ~ed by in his car.他搭车 [驾车] 经过3 a. < 人、动物> 横向乱滚 [翻滚] , 因痛苦而翻滚The boy ~ed downstairs.男孩滚下了楼梯He ~ed over in (the) bed.他在床上翻滚b. (口语)笑得打滚< about> The comedian kept us ~ing with laughter [~ing about in stitches].那个谐星 [喜剧演员] 使我们笑得人仰马翻c. [be ~ing] (口语) [在…之中] 过悠闲而奢华的生活[in]He is ~ing in money.他腰缠万贯, 过奢华的生活4 < 岁月> 逝去 < by, on> ; < 季节等> 循环 < round> The centuries ~ed by [on].数个世纪过去了Spring ~ed round.春天又循转回来了5 a. < 船等> 横向摇晃, 摇晃著行驶The ship ~ed heavily (in the waves).船 (在浪中) 摇晃得很厉害The ship ~ed over and sank.船翻身沉了下去b. < 人> 摇晃身体; 摇摆He ~s as he walks.他举步踉跄6 a. < 波浪等> 翻腾, 滚动, 波动; < 土地> 起伏, < 河川等> 滔滔地流The country went ~ing by [on] for miles and miles.那片土地绵延起伏好几哩The Mississippi ~s south to the Gulf of Mexico.密西西比河滔滔地向南流入墨西哥湾b. < 云、烟等> (朝某方向) 滚滚上升, 卷拢; 消散, 飘去The smoke ~ed up in billows.烟滚滚升起He saw the clouds ~ing away.他看著云儿飘散A fog ~ed over the city.雾飘过了城市上空7 a. < 雷、大鼓等> 隆隆作响, 震鸣Thunder ~ed in the distance.雷声在远处隆隆作响b. < 啭舌金丝雀等鸟类> 以颤声鸣啭c. < 言语等> 滔滔不绝8 < 金属、印刷油墨, 面团等> (被放到滚轮上) 辗压, 轧, 杆The dough ~s well.那一团面团干得很薄 [细]9< 眼睛> 溜转, 转动His eyes ~ed with fear.他害怕得眼睛溜转不定10 a. < 纸、布、线等> 卷成球, 卷起< up> b. < 猫等> 将背缩卷起来< up> 及物动词A1 a. 滚动< 球等> ; 使…回转; 使< 车> 辘辘地转动~ a barrel [ball]滚动桶子 [球]~ a bicycle推著自行车走b. 将< 物> (朝…) 滚去; 将< 某物> (放在滚轴 (rollers) 上) 运 (往…)~ a barrel to the warehouse将桶子推滚到仓库去~ a piano into the room将钢琴放到滚轴上推进房间内c. 将< 物> 滚[成…][into]~ the snow into a huge snowball将雪滚成一个大雪球d. [~ oneself]翻转, 翻身He ~ed himself onto his stomach [front, face].他翻身成俯卧状态e. 投, 掷 < 骰子> 2 滚滚推进 < 波浪、水> The river is ~ing its waters.河水滚滚而流3 a. 以压路机辗平 < 地面、草坪等> ; 辗平 [干薄] < 金属、面团等> < out> ~ a lawn [tennis court]将草地 [网球场] 辗平She ~ed out the pastry.她将面团干开b. 将 < 地面、草地等> 以压路机压成…; 将 < 金属、面团等> 辗成…She ~ed the pastry flat [thin].她将面团干平 [薄]c. 摊开 < 卷曲之物> , 延展, 延伸< out> ~ out the red carpet for a person→ red carpet 2.4 a. 溜转 < 眼球> He ~ed his eyes.他不断地溜动眼睛b. 溜动< 眼睛> [看…] ; < 女人> [对男人] 送秋波[at]She ~ed her eyes at me.她向我频送秋波5 a. < 波浪、气流等> 使< 船、飞机等> 左右摇晃The rough waves ~ed the ship.波涛使船摇晃b. [~ oneself]< 人> 将身体左右摆动6 a. 击响 < 大鼓等> b. 嘹亮地唱[说]…< out, forth> The organ ~ed out [forth] a stately melody.风琴奏出庄严的乐曲7 使 < 摄影机等> 运转, 回转8(美俚)盗取 < 酒醉者、睡眠者> 的财物B1 a. 将 < 纸、布、线等> 卷起来, 把…卷成球< up> ~ a diploma把毕业证书卷起来~ one's umbrella把伞卷摺起来~ up one's sleeping bag将睡袋卷叠起来→ roll up one's sleeves.b. 转动把手使 < 汽车的窗等> 上[下]< down, up> c. 将< 物> 卷 [搓, 绕, 揉] [成…][into]~ yarn into a ball将毛线绕卷成球d. [~ oneself]< 动物> 将身体卷缩起来The kitten ~ed itself.小猫卷缩著e. 卷制…~ a cigarette卷纸烟f. 为< 人> 卷制< 物> ; [为人]卷制< 物> [for]Please ~ me a cigarette.= Please ~ a cigarette for me.请为我卷枝纸烟2 a. 将< 人、物> 裹[入…]< up> [in]~ a baby in a shawl将婴儿裹入围巾里b. [~ oneself]裹 [在…里] < up> [in]He ~ed himself (up) in the rug.他把身体裹在毛毯里3 扬起 < 烟、灰尘等> < up> The chimneys were ~ing up smoke.烟囱正冒著团团浓烟4 卷舌发…音He ~s his r's.他卷舌发 r 音■ roll back(1) 击退< 敌人> (2)(美)藉管制使 < 物价> 回降, 压低■ roll in(1) 大量 [源源, 滚滚, 蜂拥] 进入 [聚集]Money ~ed in.金钱滚滚而来(2)(美口语)就寝, 上床■ roll on(1) → v.i. 1(2) → v.i.4(3)< 波浪等> 涌至(4) 将 < 袜子等> 边翻转边穿上She ~ed her stockings on.她把长袜边翻转边穿上■ roll over(1) 再谈判 < 金融协议> 的条件(2) 将 < 资金> 投资于同种类的其他资金上■ roll up(1) → v.i. 6b(2) → v.i. 10(3)< 财产等> 累积, 增加(4) (以不受欢迎的方式) (成群) 来到, 蜂拥而至(5)请进!欢迎!(6) → v.t. B 1 a, b(7) → v.t. B 2 a, b(8) → v.t. B 3■ nA(C)1 a. 转动, 回转b. (骰子的) 投掷2 a. (船、飞机等的) 左右颠簸, 摇摆(cf. pitch n. 5)b. (走路时的) 身体摇摆; 蹒跚3 (波浪等的) 滚动, 起伏; (土地的) 高低不平[of]the ~ of waves波浪的滚动the ~ of the plain原野的起伏不平4 a. (雷声等的) 轰鸣the ~ of thunder雷鸣b. (大鼓的) 连敲, 疾擂 (drum roll)c. (金丝雀等鸟的) 颤声, 啼声d. (韵文等) 朗朗上口的调子B1 (C)a. 卷物, 卷轴, 轴a ~ of gauze一卷纱布b. (成卷的牛皮纸等的) 记录, 公文2 a. (C)目录, 表; 名簿in the ~ of saints列名于圣人录中a ~ of honor阵亡将士名册on the ~s of fame留名于青史b. (C) (学校、军队等的) 点名簿call the ~点名c. [the ~s](英)律师名册be [enter] on the ~s列于律师名册中strike﹍off the ~s 将 < 律师> 自名册中除名3 (C)卷物; 一卷[of]a ~ of film一卷软片a ~ of carpet一卷地毯a ~ of stamps一卷邮票(每五百张或一千张包装在一起)4 (C)卷制之物a. 毛线团b. 面包卷, 圆形小面包 (→ bread 【说明】(1)c. 蛋糕卷; 肉卷5(C)(美俚)一叠钞票 |