

词汇 doubt
释义 doubt[daʊt; daut]《源自拉丁文“必须在两者中选择”的意思》及物动词
1 怀疑
【同义字】 doubt 缺乏明确证据, 而怀有“不会是…”的疑念 suspect 令人怀疑, 但产生“可能…”的疑心
a. 怀疑
~ the truth of a person's words怀疑某人说话的真实性
I ~ed my own eyes.我怀疑自己的眼睛
(不相信自己所看到的事)b. _] 怀疑< 是否…>
I ~ whether [if] she will be present.我怀疑她是否会出席
c. 怀疑< …事>
I don't ~ that he means well. (这件事) 我相信他出自善意
2 a 认为…可疑, 不相信
I cannot help ~ing his sincerity.我不由得认为他的诚意可疑
In spite of his assurances, I still ~ him.尽管他一再保证, 我还是不相信他
b. _] 怀疑< 是否…>
I ~ whether he is sincere.我怀疑他是否诚实
3 认为< …事> 似乎不可能
I ~ that he will succeed.我认为他似乎不可能成功
I ~ that they'll want to go.我认为他们不可能想去
1 怀疑, 感到疑惑
2 (文语)[对于…]有疑念[of, about]
1a. 怀疑, 疑惑 [as to, about]
a fact that throws ~ on a person's sincerity使人对某人诚实起疑的一件事实
No one could have ~s as to his success.没有人对于他的成功有过怀疑
b. [对于是否…的] 怀疑, 不确定 [as to, about]
There is some ~ (as to) whether he will be elected.他是否能当选还不太确定
c. < …的> 疑虑
There seems to be no ~ that Dick has done his job well.迪克把工作干得很出色, 这似乎是不容置疑的
2 疑念, 不相信[about]
I have my ~s [have some ~] about her honesty.我对于她的诚实有些不相信
3 (U)可疑 beyond doubt毫无疑问
in doubt
(1)< 人> [对于…]怀疑的, 疑惑的, 不确定的[about]
I'm in ~ (about) what to do.我不知该怎么办
(2)< 事情> 可疑的, 有疑问的
The matter hangs [remains] in ~.那件事悬而未决
It was still in ~.那件事还有可疑之处
no doubt
(1) 无疑地, 必定地
No ~ he will succeed.无疑地, 他会成功
He is no ~ right, but we must check.他无疑是对的, 但是我们必须加以核查
(2)(口语)大概, 多半
He will no ~ come.他大概会来
without (a) doubt
无疑地, 的确, 确实地




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