

词汇 argument
释义 ar.gu.ment[`ɑrgjəmənt; ˈɑ:ɡjumənt]《argue 的名词》名词
1 a. (依据事实或逻辑进行的) 辩论; 争论, 论证[about, over]
for the sake of ~为 (进行) 辩论的缘故
by ~藉辩论
They wasted no time in ~ about what to do.他们没有把时间浪费在辩论该做何事上
We had an ~ about the plan.我们就这个计画辩论了一番
b. < …云云的> 议论; 论据; 主张
The ~ that poverty is a blessing has often been put forward.贫穷是福的议论常有人提出
The ~ that smoking is injurious has become accepted.吸烟有害 (健康) 的说法已被接受
2 (C) (表示赞成与否的) 论点, 主张, 论据, 理由 [for, in favor of, against]
a strong ~ against war反对战争之有力论据
There is a good ~ for dismissing him.有个解雇他的充分理由
These are ~s in favor of this hypothesis.这些就是支持这个假设的论据
3 (C)(文语) (主题的) 要旨, (一本书的) 摘要 [梗概] , (故事、剧本的) 情节 (plot)




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