

词汇 rein
释义 rein[ren; rein]《源自拉丁文“抑制”的意思》名词
1 a. (C)[常 ~s]缰绳
(→ harness)b. [~s]安全带, 牵儿绳(系在幼儿身上供母亲等牵的)→ leading reins.
2 (C)[常 ~s]统驭手段, 牵制法[力]; 统驭, 牵制
assume [hold, drop] the ~s of government掌握到 [掌握著, 放弃] 政权
hold [keep] a tight [firm] ~ on [over]﹍严密地牵制[控制], 紧紧地抑制
take the ~s (代替现在的当权者) 指挥, 统治
without ~ on﹍ 无拘于…地, 不受…限制地
3 (C) [常 ~s; 有时为(U)] 行动之自由
give a horse (the) ~(s)让马随意走
give (the) (free [full]) ~ to one's imagination充分发挥想像力
draw in the rein(s)(勒缰) 停住马 draw rein
(1) 慢下 (步调等)
(2) = draw in the rein (s) throw the reins to ﹍
放开< 马> 的缰, 放任…
1 以缰绳操纵, 驾驭< 马>
2 a. (勒缰绳) 停住< 马> < back, up>
~ back [up] a horse勒住马
b. (勒缰绳) 使< 马> 慢下来< in> 3 驾驭, 抑制< back>
~ back inflation抑制通货膨胀




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