

词汇 regret
释义 re.gret[rɪ`grɛt; riˈɡret]名词
1 (U) [又作 a ~]
a. 懊悔, 遗憾; 后悔, 悔恨 [for, at]
express one's ~ for an accident对意外事件表示遗憾
hear with ~遗憾地闻悉
He felt (a) great~ at having spent his time in that way.他很后悔那样地浪费了时间
It is a matter for ~ that there is always some trouble going on in some parts of the world.在世界上某些地方总是发生著某种纠纷, 真是令人遗憾
b. [对死亡、不幸的] 悲悼, 悲叹; 哀悼, 哀惜 [at, for, over]
a letter of ~吊唁信
express ~ over a person's death对某人之逝世表示悼惜
He felt a great ~ at the loss of his friend.他对朋友的去世深感哀痛
2 [~s]
a. 遗憾之意[心情], 后悔 [抱憾] 之言→ have no regrets.b. (对请柬的) 婉谢; 婉谢函
send one's ~s寄出对邀请的婉谢函
Please accept my ~s.请接受我的歉意
Regrets Only.仅于无法参加时请回覆
have no regrets
没有遗憾 [后悔] , 感到遗憾 [后悔]
Looking back over the long years, he had no ~s.他回顾漫长的岁月, 心中没有 (感到) 遗憾 [后悔]
to one's regret
To my ~, the plan had to be given up.令我遗憾的是, 那项计画只好放弃
Much to my ~, I must say goodbye to you.很遗憾, 我必须向你告别
及物动词(re.gret.ted; re.gret.ting)
后悔, 对…感到遗憾; 悲叹
a. 对 < 已发生的事、过失等> 懊悔, 惋惜, 对…引以为憾; 悲叹 < 人之死、不幸>
I regretted my words immediately.我马上后悔说了那种话
He regretted his child's death.他为孩子的死感到哀痛
b. 后悔 < 做了[做]…> , 遗憾; 抱憾
I ~ being unable to help you.我不能帮助你, 深感遗憾
He regretted not having come oftener to her.他因没有常来看她而感到后悔
c. 为< 做…> 感到遗憾, 抱憾 [抱歉] 做…
I ~ to say that Mr. Smith is ill in bed.很抱歉, 史密斯先生卧病在床
d. 对…引以为憾, 后悔…
I ~ that you should have been caused inconvenience.我真抱歉给你添了麻烦
I strongly ~ that the Government has not done more for the poor.政府为贫困人们做得太少, 本人深感遗憾
It is to be regretted that he should have died so young.他竟然这么年轻就死了, 实在令人惋惜 [遗憾]




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