

词汇 screw
释义 screw[skru; skru:]可数名词
1 螺丝, 螺旋, 螺钉
give the ~ another turn把螺丝再转一下, 再转紧一些
2 a. 拔塞钻 (corkscrew)
b. (船的) 螺旋桨推进器; (飞机的) 螺旋桨 (又作 screw propeller)
3 转一下, 一转
give a nut a few ~s把螺帽转两三下
4 (英) (放少量烟草或盐的) 小纸包; 一小包的量[of]
a ~ of tobacco一包烟草
(重约 1/2 ounce)
5(俚) (监狱的) 看守员
6(英口语)吝啬鬼; 爱杀价的人
7(英俚)薪水, 工资
a beginning ~ of 100 pounds a week每周一百英镑的起薪
8(英口语)老弱的马, 驽马
9(鄙) 性交 have a screw loose [missing](口语)脑筋有一点问题 [毛病]
He must have a ~ loose to do that.他一定是脑筋有问题才会做出那样的事
put the screws on[to]a person
(口语) (为使人听从而) 对人施加压力, 威胁人
1 a. 用螺丝栓紧, 给…上螺丝< up> ; 用螺丝钉钉住 < down, on>
~ up a handle用螺丝拴紧把手
~ down the cover of a coffin用螺丝钉钉住棺材盖
S~ the handle on last.最后给把手上螺丝
b. 用螺丝把…固定[于…][to, on]
~ a license plate to [on] a car用螺丝把车牌固定在车子上
c. [自某物上] 转开螺丝而取下…[off]
He ~ed the lock off the door.他转开螺丝, 取下门锁
2 a. 扭转 < 身体、手臂等> < around, round>
~ one's head around [round]扭转头部
b. 把 < 盖子等> 转紧 [固定] < on> ; 把 < 盖子等> 转开取下< off>
~ a lid on [off]把盖子转紧 [转开取下]
c. 把 < 两根管子等> 扭转相接< together>
S~ the two pipes together.把两根管子 (的各一端) 相接扭紧
d. 把…转紧 [固定] [于…][on, to]
~ a hose to a hydrant把水管转进消防栓里
~ the lid on a jam jar把果酱瓶盖转紧
e. 把…[从…]转开取下[off]
~ the lid off a jam jar转开取下果酱瓶盖
f. 扭转盖子使…成< …状态>
~ a bottle open [shut]扭转盖子使瓶子打开 [关闭]
3 a. (因不安、疼痛、不赞成等而) 扭曲< 脸> ; 皱 < 眉头> < up>
~ up one's face皱起面孔
b. (因光线太强或细看而) 眯起< 眼睛> < up>
~ up one's eyes眯起眼睛
c. 扭歪, 噘 < 嘴等> < up>
~ up one's lips噘著嘴 [扭歪嘴唇]
d. 扭曲< 脸> [成…]< up> [into]
He ~ed his face (up) into a frown.他皱起眉头, 面露愠色
4 a. (烦躁地) 将…揉成一团< up>
~ up a letter把信揉成一团
b. 把…揉[成…]< up> [into]
She ~ed (up) her handkerchief into a ball.她把手帕揉成球状
5 a. [从…]拧出< 液体> [out of, from]
~ water out of a wet towel从湿毛巾拧出水来
b. [从…]强取 [榨取] …[out of, from]
~ money out of the poor榨取穷人的钱
They ~ed (his) consent out of him.他们迫使他同意
6 a. 鼓起< 勇气等> , 振作起来< up>
~ up one's courage鼓起勇气
b. [~ oneself]鼓起勇气< up>
a. (英)使< 人> 紧张, 变成神经质< up>
He gets very ~ed up before exams.考试前他变得很紧张
b. 把< 事情> 弄砸, 搞垮< up>
~ up one's exam考坏
Things were ~ed up from start to finish.事情从头到尾都搞砸 [糟] 了
a. 欺骗< 人>
He was easily ~ed.他容易受骗
b. 骗< 人> [而取走…] [out of]
I was ~ed out of 50 dollars.我被骗走五十美元
9(鄙) < 男> 与< 女> 性交
1 a. 扭歪, 旋转
This handle won't ~ well.这个把手不好转
b. 转紧, 关闭< on>
This lid won't ~ on properly.这个盖子无法转紧
c. 用螺丝钉固定[于…]< on> [to]
This rack ~s on easily (to the wall).这个挂物架易于用螺丝钉固定 (在墙上)
2 (口语)弄砸, 弄错, 失败< up>
3 (鄙) 性交 have one's head screwed on the right way头脑清楚; 通达事理




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