

词汇 head
释义 head[hɛd; hed]名词
1 (C)
a. (包括脸的) 头, 头部, 首
bow one's ~弯下头, 鞠躬
Better be the ~ of an ass than the tail of a horse.(谚)“宁为鸡首, 不为牛后”
(原意为“宁为驴头, 不为马尾”)b. (指人的眼睛以上部分的) 头
hit [strike] a person on the ~殴打某人的头
My ~ aches terribly.我的头很痛
c. 头的长度
win by a ~以一头之优势获胜
He was a ~ taller than me [I am].他比我高一个头
2 (C)
a. (当作知性、思考等所在之处的) 头; 脑力, 头脑, 智力; 智慧, 理解力, 理智(cf. heart 2 a, mind 1)
use one's ~用头脑, 思考
~ and heart理智与感情
have [keep] a clear ~有 [保持] 明皙的头脑
put something into [out of] a person's ~使人想起 [忘记] 某事
get something out of one's ~变成不相信[想]某事
→ get it into one's head that, take it into one's head that[to do]
Two ~s are better than one.(谚)一人不抵二人智, “三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮”
b. 与生俱来的才智, 才能, 能力
He has a (good) ~ for math.他有数学头脑 [有数学天才]
I have no [a bad] ~ for heights.我攀高时会头晕; 我不适应登高
c. 冷静, 镇静
keep one's ~冷静, 沉著
→ lose one's head.
3 a(C) (权力、统辖的) 主管, 头目, 首领, 领袖, 支配者, 指挥者, 长官, 主席, 会长, 总经理
the ~ of state元首
The Pope is the ~ of the Roman Catholic Church.教宗是罗马天主教会的领袖
b. [the H~](英口语)校长
4 (C)首位, 首席; 上座; 主席座位; (队伍、跳舞的) 带头者
He is [stands] at the ~ of his class.他是班上的第一名
march at the ~带头前进
take the ~领头, 带头
sit at the ~ of the table (宴会时) 坐于上座
a. [常 ~s, 当单数用] (掷硬币时) 硬币的正面(有国王、总统等人头像的一面)(cf. tail n.6)→ Heads or tails.b. (雕像等的) 头部, 头像
6(C)(pl. ~) a. (动物的) 头, 头数, 匹数
forty ~ of cattle四十头牛
→ couvt heads.b. 每人 (份) , 每客$2 a ~ 每人二美元
a. (对东西底部 (foot) 而言的) 上部, 上端; 顶端, 顶 (top) [of]
the ~ of a valley谷顶
at the ~ of a ladder [stairs]梯子 [阶梯] 的上部
the ~ of a bed床头
the ~ of a grave坟墓上方
(遗体头部所在处)b. (河、湖、泉等的) 源头, 水源[of]
the ~ of the Nile尼罗河的水源
the ~ of a lake湖口
(河水流入口)→ fountainhead.c. (海湾、洞穴的) 深处d. 前端, 鼻, 悬崖边端; 海角, 岬
the ~ of a pier码头前端
Diamond H~.钻石岬
(在 Hawaii 的一海角)e.‘航海’ (船的) 船首; (俚) (船上的) 厕所f. (桥的一) 端
the ~s of a bridge桥的两端
a. (铁锤、钉子、大头针等的) 头b. (高尔夫球杆的) 头(击球的部分; → golf club)c. (桶) 盖d. (鼓) 面 (有皮的部分)e. (炮弹的) 弹头 (部分)
9a. (啤酒等的) 泡沫[on]
the ~ on (a glass of) beer酒杯上的啤酒泡沫
There is too much ~ on this beer.这种啤酒冒泡太多
b. (英)牛奶表面的乳脂
a. (树的) 顶梢b. (花草的) 头部, 谷穗; (包心菜等的) 球状部分, 结球
three ~s of lettuce [cabbage]三个莴苣 [包心菜]
11 (C) (脓肿的) 化脓部分
→ come to a head, gather to a head.
12 (C)
a. (书页等的) 上部, 开头b. (问题的) 题目, 项目c. (文章、章节等的) 标题; (报纸的) 大标题
13 (C) (录音机、录影机的) 磁头
14 (C)
a. (水车、发电厂用的) 水源地b. (水的) 落差; (水、水蒸气等的) 水压
15(C)(口语) (宿醉等引起的) 头痛
have a (morning) ~因宿醉而头痛
16(C)(俚)吸毒者, 吸食麻醉药品者
17(C)‘建筑’楣石, 台石
18 = headword 2 above a person's head = above the head of a person
对某人而言太深奥的, 某人所不能理解的 bang [beat, knock, run] one's head against a (brick [stone] ) wall
(口语)尝试不可能的事 beat a person's head off
大败某人, 彻底击败某人 bite a person's head off
(口语) (为芝麻小事而) 疾言厉色地回答[说话]; 厉言顶撞
I said hello to him and he bit my ~ off.我向他打招呼, 他却没有给我好脸色
bring﹍to a head
使…陷入危机 [穷途末路]
His action has brought matters to a ~.他的行动使事态陷入不可挽回的困境
bury one's head in the sand
逃避现实, 假装看不见 [不知道] , 采取鸵鸟政策 cannot make head or tail of﹍ = can make neither head nor tail of﹍
对…莫名其妙, 根本不了解…
I couldn't make ~ or tail of what he said.我根本不了解他说什么
come to a head
(1) < 脓包> 即将破裂出脓
(2) < 时机> 成熟; < 事态> 濒临危机, 濒临 < 紧要关头> count heads
计算 (出席者、赞成与反对者等的) 人数 eat one's head off
(口语) < 牲畜> 吃得多事做得少, < 人> 好吃懒做 from head to foot [heel]
(1) 从头到脚, 全身
He was covered with mud from ~ to foot.他全身都是泥
(2) 完全, 彻底 gather head
(1) 增加速度, < 风势等> 增强
(2) 增强势力 gather to a head = come to a head get one's head down
(1) 回到工作
(2) 躺下来 (睡觉) get it into a person's head that﹍
(口语)费神地使人了解 [领悟] …
I just couldn't get it into his ~ that he should keep his money in a safe place.我就是无法使他懂得他应该把钱放在安全的地方
get it into one's head that﹍ = take it into one's head that get through a person's head
使人了解[明白]… get through one's head
了解… give a person his head
让< 某人> 自由行动, 让< 某人> 随意而为 go to a person's head
(1)< 酒> 使人醉
(2) < 胜利等> 使人兴奋 [兴高采烈]
(3) < 称赞等> 使人自负 hang (down) one's head
深以为耻, (羞愧得) 垂下头; 垂头丧气 hang over a person's head
< 灾难> 可能降临于某人 (身上) , 有发生灾难之虞 have a (good) head on one's shoulders
有实务的才能; 有见识与判断力 have an old head on young shoulders
少年老成, 年轻而有智慧 [可靠] have﹍hanging over one's head
觉得可能 (随时) 要发生 < 什么讨厌的事>
He has an examination hanging over his ~.他担心随时会有考试
have one's head in the clouds
不切实际, 耽于空想 have one's head screwed on right [the right way]
(口语)有判断力, 头脑清醒, 没有疏忽 head and shoulders above﹍
As a baseball player he is ~ and shoulders above the others.作为一名棒球选手, 他远胜过其他选手
head first [foremost]
(1) 头朝下地
He dived into the river ~ first.他一头栽进河里
(2) 鲁莽地, 不顾前后地, 轻率地
He threw himself ~ first into the fight.他冒冒失失地加入打架中
a person's head off
大大地 head of hair
[a ~; 常与修饰语连用慗oiM@ (蓬松的) 头发
She has a lovely ~ of hair.她有一头漂亮的蓬松头发
head on
头 [船头, 车前部] 朝前, 迎面, 从正面
The cars collided ~ on.车子正面相撞
head over ears in﹍= over head and ears in head over heels = heels over head
(1) 头朝下地; 倒栽葱地
(2) 深陷[…]地, 完全地[in]
be ~ over heels in love深陷情网
be ~ over heels in debt深陷债务, 债台高筑
heads or tails
(掷硬币决定先后或输赢时的用语, 等于划拳; →5 a) Heads up !
(口语)注意!当心! head to head = head on hide one's head = hang (down) one's head hold one's head high
(面临困难而) 不畏缩地, 坚强地 hold one's head up
表现自大 [傲慢] keep one's head above water
(1) 保持浮在水面上 [未淹没]
(2) (免于负债地) 靠自己收入过活
(3) 不怕失败地支撑著 keep one's head down
(1) (低头) 隐藏著
(2) (等待演变而) 不使自己惹人注目, 自重 knock﹍on the head → knock knock their heads together
(口语)以武力制止争吵; 使人明白道理 laugh one's head off
大笑, 狂笑 lay our [your, their] heads together = put our [your, their] heads together lift (up) one's[its]head
(1) 露头角; 恢复精神
(2) 感到骄傲, 保持自尊 lose one's head
(1) 慌张, 不知所措
(2)[对…]著迷, 迷恋[…][over] lose one's ~ over a girl
对一个女孩子著迷 make head
推进, 前进
We [Our boat] couldn't make ~ (against the current).我们 [我们的船] 不能逆流前进
make a person's head spin [go round]
< 事情> 使人头脑混乱 [头晕] need to [ought to, should] have one's head ex-amined
(口语)头脑有问题, 失常 off[out of]one's head
(1) 精神失常的
(2) 狂热的, 入迷的
(3) 轻易地, 易如反掌地
(4) 由自己负责
go off one's ~发疯, 发狂
on[upon]one's head
stand on one's ~倒立
I can do it (standing) on my ~.我能轻易 [不费吹灰之力] 地做这件事
Let success or failure be on my (own) ~.成败由我自己负责吧
Be it on your (own) ~. (如果事情做不好) 那是你的责任, 你自己负责 over a person's head=over the head of﹍
(1) = above a person's head
(2) 不与人商量 (而逾越…) ; 至较高的职位上
He was promoted over the ~s of his colleagues.他被晋升到他的同事之上
over head and ears in﹍
深陷于…, 因…而不能自拔 be over ~ and ears in debt
债台高筑, 深陷于债务中 be over ~ and ears in love
深深坠入情网, 陷入热恋中 put our [your, their] heads together
聚集研商 rear one's head
(1) 抬起头
The snake reared its ~.那条蛇抬起头来
(2)(谑) < 邪念等> 抬头, 出现
(3)< 人> 崭露头角, 出人头地
Graft again reared its (ugly) ~.贪污丑闻又出现
shout [scream] one's head off
(口语)长声大叫 snap a person's head off = bite a person's head off take it into one's head that[to do]﹍
(1) 开始相信…
He took it into his ~ that everybody was persecuting him.他开始相信每一个人都在迫害他
(2) 突然决定…, 起…的念头, 忽然想要…
He has taken it into his ~ to go abroad.他忽然想要出国
talk one's head off
(口语)滔滔不绝地讲, 喋喋不休 turn a person's head
(1) < 成功等> 使人得意忘形 [自负]
Don't let the compliments turn your ~.别让恭维话使你得意忘形
(2) 使人坠入情网
首席的, 居首位的 (chief)
a ~ coach总教练, 总指挥
a ~ cook主厨 [大厨司]
a ~ boy(英) (由学校班长 (prefect) 中选出的) 总班长
1 a. 站在…的前头
His name ~s the list.他的名字列于名单之首
b. 居于…之首, 成为…的首长
~ a new government成为新政府的首长
2 把 < 船、车等> 转向 (…) , 使… (朝…方向) 前进
The captain tried to ~ the ship for the channel.船长试著把船驶向海峡
He ~ed the boat north [toward (the) shore].他把船驶往北方 [岸边]
3 a. 给 < 大头钉、钉子等> 制头
b. 给…冠以< …的> 标题 [信的地址与日期]
He ~ed the article " Politics." .他给那篇文章冠以“政治”的标题
4 ‘足球’用头顶< 球>
He ~ed the ball into [toward] the goal.他用头把球顶入球门
1 (朝…) 前进
The plane is ~ing south.飞机正朝南飞行
Now we'd better ~ for home.现在我们最好回家
Where are you ~ing for?.你要到哪里去?
2 < 植物> 长出头, 结球< out>
3 < 河流> 发源[于…] [from, in] head off(1) 改变…的航路
(2) 阻止, 回避, 防止…的发生
~ off a crisis回避危机, 防止危机发生
She ~ed off toward town.她朝著镇上去
(3)朝著去(4) 出发, 动身
It's about time we ~ed off.该是我们动身的时候了




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