

词汇 have
释义 have[hæv; hæv]及物动词(had; hav.ing)A
1 拥有, 有, 持有
a. 有…, 拥有…
I ~ a car and so does [has] Bill.我有汽车而比尔也有
He has a pen (in his hand).他 (手里) 有钢笔
He has a lot of money.他 (拥) 有很多钱
She has a packet in her arms [under her arm].她怀里抱著 [腋下夹著] 一个钱袋
The store has antique furniture for sale.这家商店有骨董家具出售 [有卖骨董家具]
He has a large room to himself.他独自占有一个大房间
b. [身上] 带有…, 身怀… [about, on, with, around](cf. HAVE on)
Do you ~ [H~ you (got)] any money with [on, about] you?.你身上带著钱吗?
She had a scarf around her neck.她脖子上围著围巾
c. [受词常被形容词用法之 to 不定词修饰] 持有 < (应 [可] …之) 事、时间等> , 有, 被赋予, 具有
I ~ a letter to write.我有信要写
Do you ~ [H~ you] anything to declare?.你有东西申报吗 [你有要申报的东西吗] ?
We ~ a long way to go.我们有一段远路要走
I didn't ~ [hadn't] time to see her.我没有时间去见她
2 (表示) 有 (某种关系)
a. 有 < 亲人、朋友等> 在, 有…; 雇有 < 佣人等>
They ~ two [no] children.他们有二个[没有]孩子
She has a nephew in the navy.她有个侄子在海军服役
We ~ a kind boss.我们有一位仁慈的老板
The organization has a paid staff of ten at its Washington headquarters.该机构在华盛顿总部有十位支薪的职员
b. 饲养著< 动物> (当宠物)
He has a pet dog.他养一条狗当宠物
3 具有 (部分、属性)
a. < 人> 具有 < 身体部分、身体特徵、特质、能力等> , < 人> 有…
She has a sweet voice.她有甜美的声音
Does she ~ [Has she (got)] brown hair?.她的头发是褐色的吗?
I ~ a bad memory for names.我记不住人名
He has the ability [no authority] to do that.他有能力 [没有权力] 做那件事
b. < 东西> 具有 < 部分、附属物、特徵等> , (含) 有…
This room has five windows.这个房间有五个窗户
How many days ~ May?.五月有多少天?
That hall has excellent acoustics.那个厅的音响效果极佳
The book had a chapter on cooking.该书有一章写的是烹饪
Her bag has no name on it.她的袋子上没有名字
4 a. (心里) 怀有, 存有 < 感情、想法等>
Do you ~ have much time for youe work ?.你工作的时间很多吗 ?
I've no idea [notion] at all about [as to] his age.关于他的年纪我毫无概念(我摸不清他的年纪)
He has no fear of death.他没有死的恐惧; 他不怕死
b. [对…]怀 < 恨等> [against]
I ~ a grudge against him.我对他怀恨在心
I don't know what she has against me.我不知道她恨我什么
c. [对…]把< 感情等> 表示 (于态度、行动) [on, for]
H~ some consideration for others.要多体谅别人一些
He has no pity on us.他对我们不表同情
d. [受词与 " the+抽象名词+to do" 连用] 有 < (做…) 的好意 [勇气等] >
He had the kindness to give me a present.他有送我礼物的好意
H~ the kindness to help me.求你帮助我
He has (got) the nerve to come uninvited.他竟然厚著脸皮不邀自来
5 患 [正患著] < 病等> , 受苦
~ a slight [bad] cold患轻微 [严重] 的感冒
~ a headache [(a) toothache]头 [牙] 痛
~ diabetes [gout]患糖尿病 [痛风]
Do you often ~ colds?.你常患感冒吗?
Do you ~ [H you (got)] a cold now?.你现在患感冒吗?
1 得到, 获得
a. 得到, 拿到, 接受..
I'll let you ~ the camera for ten dollars.我以十美元让给你那部相机
You may [can] ~ it for the asking.你想要它, 尽管说好了
We don't ~ classes on Sunday.我们星期日没课
You ~ my sympathy.我同情你
There was nothing to be had at that store.在那家店没什么东西好买
b. [从…]得到…, 拿到, 接受[from]
She had a letter [a telephone call] from her brother.她接到兄弟的信[电话]
c. (选) 取…要
I'll ~ that blue sweater.我要 [选取] 那件蓝色毛衣
Do you ~ suger on your tea ?.你要茶加糖吗?
d. 得到 < 情报、消息> , 获悉
May I ~ your name, please?.请问尊姓大名?
We must ~ the whole story; don't hold anything back.我们必须知道全盘的事, 不要隐瞒任何事
→ have it (3).
2 a. 用 < 餐等> ; 吃, 喝 < 饮食品> ; 抽 < 烟>
He is having lunch.他正在吃午餐
Breakfast can be had at seven.七点可吃早餐
Will you ~ another cup of coffee ?.你要再来一杯咖啡吗?
What did you ~ for supper?.你晚餐吃了什么?
H a cigarette.抽一根烟吧
b. < 以…方法> 吃[喝] < 饮料、食品>
How do you ~ your egg?.你怎么吃蛋 ?
I like to ~ my steak rare.我喜欢吃半熟的牛排
3 [常以表示动作、行为, 带不定词的名词为受词] (口语)做…, 有…行为
~ a dance跳舞
~ a lie-down躺一躺
~ a swim游泳
~ a walk散步
~ a dream做梦
~ a talk [an argument] with﹍ 与…谈话[议论]
~ a drink of water喝 (一杯) 水
~ another try再试一次
Did you ~ a good sleep?.你睡得好吗?
~ a look at﹍ 看一看…
4 a. 经验, 享受, 遭遇 < 意外事故等>
~ fun [trouble]享受乐趣 [遭遇困难]
~ an adventure冒险
~ an accident遭遇意外事故
I'm having trouble with the car.我正为那部车伤脑筋
I'm having an operation next week.我下周要动手术
Do they ~ much snow in New York in winter?.纽约的冬天常下雪吗?
H~ a nice day.愿你有个美好的日子
H~ a nice trip.祝你旅途愉快
b. 度过 < 时光等>
We were having a good time.我们过得快乐
A good time was had by all.大家都过得快乐
5 举行< 聚会等> , 举办
~ a party [a conference]举行聚会 [召开会议]
~ a game举行比赛
We are having a picnic tomorrow.我们明天去郊游
6 迎接< 某人> (为客人等) , 邀请< …> 过来 (…)
We had a lot of visitors.我们有很多客人来访
We are having the Smiths (over [round]) for [to] dinner this week.我们本周要邀请史密斯夫妇过来聚餐
7< 人、动物> 产< 子>
She is [We are] having a baby in April.她将在四月间生小孩 [我们将在四月间添一子]
My dog had pups.我的狗产下小狗
8 a. 抓住, 抓到
Now I ~ you.现在我可抓到你了
b. (口语) (在比赛、议论等) 击败…
I had him in the argument.我在议论时驳倒他
You ~ me there.那件事你说得对; 那无法回答
c. (口语)欺骗< 人> ; 收买
You have been had.你受骗 [上当] 了
a. 占有< 女子> , 与< 女子> 性交b. [~ sex] 性交[with]
10[~ oneself](美口语)享受..
~ oneself a time [steak]快活一下, 玩个痛快 [痛痛快快地吃一顿牛排]
11 (古)懂得, 知道 < 言语、科目等>
Thou hadst small Latin and less Greek.拉丁文你懂得不多, 希腊文知道得更少
1 a. 将…保持 (在…的位置、状态)
He had his back to me.他把背对著我
He had his arm around her shoulders.他用手臂抱住她的肩膀
He had the sun at his back.他背受阳光
You'll ~ the car in the ditch if you are not careful.如果你不小心你会使车子陷入沟中
H pencil and paper near you.把纸笔放在身边 (备用)
We'll ~ the small table here [over there].我们把小桌子放在这里 [那里]
They had their heads out (of the window).他们把头伸出 (窗子) 外面
b. 把…< …> , 使… < 成为…>
I want to ~ my office clean and tidy.我要使我的办公室保持整洁
I'll ~ him a good expert before long.我不久要使他成为一名好专家
c. 把< 人、东西> 保持< …> ; 使< 人> < 做…>
We ~ friends staying with us.我们把朋友留在我们处(我们有朋友同住)
I ~ several problems troubling me.有几个问题使我困扰; 我有几个问题困扰著我.
He had us all laughing.他使我们发笑
2 a. 请人把< 东西、人> < …> , 使< …>
When did you last ~ your hair cut?.你上一次 (请人) 理发是何时?
I am having a suit made.我正请人定制套装
I had my composition corrected by our teacher.我请老师批改我的作文
You should ~ your head examined [tested, seen to].(口语)你该请人检查你的头脑(你居然做出那种事)
b. < …> 被…
He had his wallet stolen.他的皮夹子被偷了
I had my hat blown off.我的帽子被吹走了
c. 把< …> …了
She had little money left in her purse.她的皮夹子里没剩下什么钱了
They had a chart spread (out) on the table.他们把海图展开在桌上
H your work done by noon.在中午前把你的工作做完
3 a. 使< 人> 做< …> , 让< 人> < …>
H~ him report.让他报告吧
H~ him come early.让他早点来
b. (文语)一定要…< 做…> , 坚持…< 做…>
What would you ~ me do?.你要我做什么?
c. 被< 人、事物> …
Tom had a man rob him last night.汤姆昨晚被人抢了
I have never had that happen to me.我从没遭遇过那样的事
4 a. 准许, 忍受
I won't ~ any noise [any fighting] here.我不容许这里有吵杂声 [打架事]
b. 准许< 做…> , 忍受c. 准许…< 做…> , 忍受d. 容许…< 被…> , 忍受e. 容许…< 做…> , 忍受 have at﹍(古)攻击… H~ at you !
我要攻击你了! have back
(1) 把 < 出借之物> 要回, 取回
(2) 把 < 分手的丈夫、妻子、情人、同事等> 再接回
(3) 回请 < 款待自己的人> have down
接待 [招待] < 某人> (下乡) 作客 have had
(1) 对…感到厌烦
(2)(英) (似乎) 已不能得到… have had it
(1)(美)已经厌烦 [腻] 了, 够了
(2)(美)到此为止不行了, 完了, 无希望
(3) 力竭; 已过时, 老旧
have in
(1) 让 < 工匠、医生等> 进入 (屋里、房间) ; 把< 某人> 招[叫]进 (屋里)
(2) 把< 东西> 储存 (在屋里、店里等) , 囤积 have it
(1) 赢, 获胜, 有利
(2) 知道 (答案等)
(3)[从…]获知, 知道[from]
(4) 说, 明言, 主张
(5) (以某种方法) 做事
(6) 承认, 接受
(7)< 命运等> 支配, 控制
→ as luck would have it.
(8)(口语)被 (子弹等) 击中; 受惩罚, 挨骂 have it all over﹍
= Have it over[on] have it away
(英俚)性交[with] have it coming (too ne)
(口语)(尤指处罚、非难等)值得承受; 应得报应, 活该 have it good
(口语)富裕; 享受快乐的时光 have it in for a person
(口语)对< 人> 怀恨, 厌恶< 某人> have it in one (to do﹍)
(口语)有 (做…的) 本质 [能力, 勇气] have it off
(英俚)性交[with] have it out
不客气地争论; 通过争论 [吵架] 解决问题 [争端等] [with] have it over[on]﹍
(1)[因…而]较< 对方> 有利, 优异[in]
(2) < 因…事而> 较< 对方> 占优势 have nothing on﹍
(1)(谑)没有一点胜过< 某人> 的地方
(2)< 警察> 没有找到< 某人> 犯罪 [不利于某人] 的证据 have off
(1) 把 < 星期几等> 作为休息日
(2) 卸下[取下]…
~ one's hat off把帽子拿下 [脱掉]
(3) 切断…
(4) 背…
(5) 寄出… have on
(1) 穿著 < 衣服、鞋子等> , 戴著< 帽子等>
(2) (在某时) 有 < 约定、该做的事等> , 预定要 < 见面等> ; 正在< 工作等>
(3) 开著 < 灯、收音机等>
(4)( (英口语)欺骗< 人> , 使< 人> 上钩
(5) → A 1 b
(6) 握有对< 人> 不利的…
→ Have nothing on (2),
have only to do
→ only adv. have out
(1) 把…拿出外面
(2) 使< 牙齿> 被拔去, 割除 < 扁桃腺等>
(3) 关掉 < 照明等>
(4) 把…解决掉 [搞出个结果来] ; 彻底讨论[with]
→ Have it out.
(5)(英)使 < 睡眠等> 继续到最后, 使…不被打断 have over
(1) 迎接… (到家) 为客人
(2) 使…倾覆 [翻倒]
(3) < 因某事> 较…为优 [占优势]
→ Have it over. have round = have over (1)
have something on a person握有< 某人> 的弱点
have something [nothing, little, etc.] to do with﹍→ do.
have to do[be]
(1) 不得不< 做…>
(2) 不必…
(3)(美)一定…, 必定…
have to do with﹍→ do.
have up
(1) 请< 某人> (到楼上、市区、城市) 作客
(cf. have down)
(2)(英口语)把< 某人> 叫出来; 控告< 某人> […][for]
(3) 把< 东西> 举起, 挂起 < 帐篷等>
have what it takes
→ what pron.
have yet to do
→ yet. not having any(口语)→ any pron.→ there adv.A 3.名词
1 [~s; 常 the ~] 有产者; 有资源 [核子武器等] 的国家
the ~s and the have-nots有产者与无产者; 富人与穷人; 富国与穷国
(cf. have-not)
the nuclear ~s拥有核子武器的国家
2 (C)(英口语)诈欺, 诈骗




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