

词汇 have
释义 have[(轻读)həv, əv; həv, əv; (重读)hæv; hæv]助动词(变化形式与 have 同)
1 [现在完成式]
a. (刚) 完成…
I ~ [I've] done it.我已做了那件事
H you finished yet?.你做完了吗?
Yes, I ~.是的, 做完了
No, I haven't.不, 没做完
I ~ been to the station to see him off.我已到过车站送他
b. …了
He has [He's] gone.他已经走了
She has grown! [Hasn't she grown!].她长大了!
What I ~ written, I ~ written.我已经写了的就是写了(无法变更)
c. 曾经… (过)
She has not [hasn't] seen a koala.她不曾见过 (澳洲的) 无尾熊
This is the biggest animal that I ~ ever seen.这是我见过的最大的动物
I ~ been all over the world.我去过世界各地
d. (一直) 在…
We ~ known each other for ten years.我们彼此已认识十年了
I ~ [I've] been learning English for four years.我已学了四年的英文 (还在学)
Let's have tea after we ~ finished the work.做完工作后我们来喝茶
2 [过去完成式]
Had he finished it when you saw him?.你看到他时, 他已经做完了吗?
Yes, he had.是的, 他已做完了
No, he hadn't.不, 他没做完
I had been ill for a week when he called on me.当他来访时我已经病了一星期
That was the smallest mouse I had ever seen.那是我见过的最小的老鼠
He lost the pen his uncle had given him as a birthday present.他丢失了叔父 [伯父] 送给他当生日礼物的笔
Had I found it [If I had found it], I would have returned it to you.如果我 (当时) 找到它, 我早就把它还给你了
I had intended to make a cake, but I ran out of time.我原想做个蛋糕, 但没有时间
3 [未来完成]
I shall [He will] ~ written the letter by the time she comes back.到她回来时, 我[他]将已写好了这封信
He will ~ been absent (for) three years next January.到明年一月止他将三年不在了
4 [完成式不定词]
He seems [seemed] to ~ been ill.他好像生过病
He should [ought to] ~ helped her.他理应 [本应] 帮助她 (但没有)
He may ~ left last Tuesday.他可能上星期二已经离开了
It's six o'clock; they will [should] ~ arrived home by now.六点了, 他们现在该到家了吧
c. 用于表示“希望、意图、预定”等动词的过去式之后, 表示“未实现的事”
I should like to ~ seen it.我很想看到它 (但没看到)
She was to ~ bought some stamps.她打算要买一些邮票 (但忘了)
He expects [hopes] to ~ finished by May.他预期[希望] (最迟) 到五月时完成
5 [完成式分词; 常用分词构句] …后, 由于…
Having written the letter, he went out.写完那封信后他就出去
Having failed twice, he didn't want to try again.经过了两次失败, 他不想再试
6 [完成式动名词] (做过) …事
I regret having been so careless.我后悔自己那样的不小心
have got
(1) 持有 (have)
I've got ten dollars.我带有十美元
Helen hasn't got blue eyes.海伦的眼睛不是蓝的
" H~ you got a newspaper ?" " Yes, I have [(美)Yes, I do] ." “你有报纸吗?”“是的, 有”
(cf. " Do you have a newspaper ?" " Yes, I do." )
I've got a kettle boiling now for tea.为了泡茶, 我让茶壶的水沸腾著(cf. have C 1 c)
(2) ] 不得不< 做…> (have to)
I've got to write a letter.我不得不写一封信
You've got to eat more vegetables.你得 (再) 多吃一点蔬菜
(3) ] 不必< 做…> (need not)
We haven't got to work this afternoon.我们今天下午不必工作
(4) ] (美)一定…, 必定… (must)
It's got to be the postman.那一定是邮差
You've got to be kidding.你一定是在开玩笑




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