

词汇 drown
释义 drown[draʊn; draun]不及物动词
溺死, 淹死
He was ~ing.他快要淹死了
He almost ~ed in the sea.他差一点在海里淹死
A ~ing man will catch at a straw.(谚)快要溺毙的人一根草也要抓 [急不暇择]
1 a. < 人、水> 使< 人、动物> 淹死, 使…溺死
~ kittens淹死小猫
(用河水处理不要的小猫的方法)b. [~ oneself]投水自尽
She attempted to ~ herself in the river.她企图投河自尽
2 a. 使< 土地等> 淹水, 使…浸水
All the fields were ~ed by the floods.所有的田地都被洪水淹没了
Her eyes were ~ed intears.她泪水盈眶
b. 给< 食品> 充分浇上[…][with]; 把…浸[于…][in]
~ French fries with ketchup给炸薯条浇满番茄酱
3 < 噪音> 淹没 [盖住] < 小声> < out>
The roar of the wind ~ed (out) his voice.风的怒吼声盖住了他的声音
4 消除 < 辛劳> [in]
He ~ed his sorrows in drink.他以酒消除忧愁 [借酒浇愁]
5[~ oneself]沉溺[于…], 埋头[于…][in]
He ~ed himself in work.他埋头于工作
drown out
(1) < 洪水> 使< 人> 撤出
The villagers were ~ed out.洪水使村民撤出
(2) → v.t. 3




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