释义 |
blow[blo; blou](blew[blu; blu:]; blown[blon; bloun])不及物动词1 [常以 it 作主词]a. < 风> 吹, 刮It is ~ing hard.正在刮大风There was a cold wind ~ing in from the sea.一股冷风从海上吹 (进) 来b. < 风> < 以…的状态> 吹It was ~ing a gale [a storm].正在刮暴风→ blow great GUNs.2 a. < 物> 被 (风) 吹动 [吹走, 吹散]The papers blew off [away].文件被风吹走了Dust blew in through the cracks.灰尘从裂缝中吹进来Her long hair was ~ing (in the wind).她的长发迎风飘扬b. < 物> 被风吹< 成…状态> The door has blown open [shut].门被风吹开 [关]3 a. 吹气; < 电风扇等> 吹出风B~ harder.更用力吹b. 吹气[于…], 哈气, 嘘气[on, upon, into]~ on a trumpet吹小喇叭He blew on the window pane.他往玻璃窗上哈气He was ~ing into the bottle.他把空气吹入瓶中c. < 鲸鱼> 喷水 (柱)There she ~s (鲸鱼在喷水)4 < 风琴、笛等> 响The whistle ~s at noon.汽笛在中午鸣响5 喘气, 喘息, 气喘吁吁→ PUFF and blow.6 a. < 保险丝> 被烧断< out> The fuse has blown (out).保险丝烧断了b. < 轮胎> 爆裂< out> c. 爆炸< out> 7 a. (口语)偶然来访, 出其不意地出现Steve blew in [into town].史帝夫突然来访 [来城里]b. (俚)忽然离去, 急急忙忙地逃走8(美口语)吹牛, 自夸, 吹嘘及物动词1 a. 吹, 使…飘扬, 吹动The wind blew her long hair.风儿吹动她的长发b. 吹走, 吹掉His balloon blown off.他的气球被风吹走了The tent was blown over [down] by the wind.帐篷被风吹倒Two trees have been blown down by the storm.两棵树被暴风雨刮倒c. 对< 人> 吹…It is an ill wind that ~s nobody (any) good.(谚)再怎么坏的事, 都会对某些人有利(直译为“吹起来对任何人都无益的风才是坏风”, 但实际上不会有这种风, 因而 It is﹍ that ~ 变成为“再怎么…也会 ~”之意)2 a. 吹气于…; 吹< 火> < up> ~ a pair of bellows给风箱送风~ (up) the fire(用风箱等) 把火吹旺He blew the tea to cool it.他把茶吹凉b. 吹掉< 灰尘等> < off> He blew the dust off.他吹掉灰尘c. 将< 灰尘等> 吹 [离…] [off]He blew the dust off the table.他吹掉桌上的灰尘d. 将…吹< 成…状态> He blew it dry.他把它吹乾He blew his pipe clear.他把烟斗吹乾净3 吹, 吹奏, 吹响 < 笛、喇叭等> ~ a horn [trumpet]吹号角 [小喇叭]~ a whistle < 裁判> 吹哨子→ blow the WHISTLE on, blow one's own TRUMPET.4 a. 吹出, 吹成, 吹制< 物> ~ (soap) bubbles吹出肥皂泡~ a glass吹制玻璃杯b. 给< 人> 吹制< 物> ; [给人]吹制< 物> [for]He used to ~ us glass animals. = He used to ~ glass animals for us.他以前常为我们吹制玻璃动物5 a. < 鼻涕> ~ one's nose鼻涕b. (吹按在嘴唇上的手指尖) 向< 人> 抛 < 飞吻> ; [向人]抛 < 飞吻> [to]She blew her boyfriend a kiss. = She blew a kiss to her boyfriend.她对男友抛飞吻6 a. 爆破, 炸毁< up> The bridge was blown (up) with dynamite.桥被炸药炸毁b. 使< 轮胎> 爆裂; 使 < 保险丝> 烧断< out> That blew (out) the fuse.那使保险丝烧断7(俚)a. 乱花, 浪费< 钱> She blew most of her hard-earned money on dress.她把辛苦赚来的大部分钱花在衣服上b. 白白扔掉, 断送掉 < 好机会> 8 (过去分词为 ~ed) [用祈使语气或被动语态(俚)诅咒B~ it!.无聊! 真可恶!I'll be ~ed if.﹍. = Blowed if﹍.如果…我把脑袋给你, 我绝不…Well, I'm ~ed !.咦, 真没想到 [竟会有这种事] !■ blow hot and cold[对于…] (时而赞成时而反对) 打不定主意[about, on]■ blow off(1) → v.i. 2 a(2) < 蒸气等> 喷出, 放出(3) →v.t. 1 b(4) → v.t. 2 b■ blow out(1) 吹熄 < 烛火等> The candle was blown out by a gust of wind.蜡烛被一阵风吹熄He blew out the lamp [match].他吹熄了灯 [火柴](2) [~ itself out] 停止吹, 停止刮The wind has blown itself out.风 (猛吹之后终于) 平息了(3) 将…吹到外面, 吹出(4) →v.t. 6 b(5) < 灯火等> 熄灭(6) 爆破, 炸毁(7) →v.i. 6 b■ blow over(1) →v.t. 1 b(2) < 台风> 离去, 停止, 平息(3) < 危机、传闻> 消失; 被遗忘■ blow town(美俚) (匆匆忙忙地) 离开城镇等■ blow up(1) 将…打气, 使…充气~ up a tire给轮胎充气(2) → v.t. 6 a(3) 放大 < 照片、地图等> (enlarge)(4)(口语)夸张 < 传闻等> (5)(英口语)斥骂, 斥责< 人> (6) < 轮胎、汽球等> 充满气而鼓起(7) < 炸药等> 爆炸(8) < 台风> 刮起, 增强A storm suddenly blew up.突然刮起一阵暴风雨(9)< 议论等> 沸腾(10)(口语)[对…]生气[at, over]可数名词1 一吹, 吹 (气)2 擤鼻give one's nose a good ~把鼻子擤乾净3 (口语)一阵风; 强风, 暴风have [go for] a ~去吹风, 去纳凉 [乘凉] |