

词汇 opinion
释义 o.pin.ion[ə`pɪnjən; əˈpinjən]《opine 的名词》名词
1 (C)
a. 意见, 见解
What is your ~ (of that)?.你 (对于那件事) 的意见如何?
In my ~ that is a poor book.依我看来, 那是内容无聊的书
In the ~ of some people the pioneer spirit remains in the American mind.根据某些人的看法, 美国人心中仍保持著先驱者的拓荒精神
【同义字】 opinion 受个人判断或喜爱与感情影响的意见 view 个人对事物的看法或想法
b. [be of the ~] < 有…的> 看法, 意见, 见解
I am of the ~ that in some degree wisdom can be taught.我的看法是, 智慧在某种程度内是可以通过教育培植的
c. [常~s] 所持的论调, 主张, 信念
act up [act according] to one's ~s依照某人所持的信念去做
2 (U) (对某事的) 一般想法, 看法, 舆论
public ~舆论
3 [an ~]
a. (善恶的) 判断, 评价
have [form] a bad [low] ~ of﹍认为…不好, 瞧不起…
have [form] a good [high, favorable] ~ of﹍认为…好, 对…评价高
b. 好的评价
have no ~ [not much of an ~] of﹍认为…不太好; 对…印象不佳
4 (C)专家的意见, 鉴定
a medical ~医师的意见
ask for a second ~徵求别人的意见




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