

词汇 after
释义 af.ter[`æftɚ; ˈɑ:ftə]副词
1 在后, 随后
go ~追随, 跟在后面
Please line up one ~ another.请按顺序排队
wash one's hands before and ~ meals在饭前饭后洗手
2 以后, 之后, 后来
Soon ~, they moved to Hong Kong.不久之后, 他们搬到香港
the day [week, year] ~次日 [周, 年]
long [soon] ~过后很久 [随后不久]
1 a. 在…之后, 跟随…之后
follow ~ him跟随在他之后
Shut the door ~ you when you leave the room.当你离开房间, 请随手关门
b. [在前后均使用同一名词以表示连续反覆] …复一…
read page ~ page一页接一页地读下去
c. 在…之后; 亚于…, 次于…
He is the greatest composer ~ Beethoven.他是仅次于贝多芬的最伟大作曲家
2 a. 比…晚, 后于… (later than)
~ breakfast早餐后
the day ~ tomorrow后天
~ a month过了一个月, 一个月后
He come back ~ a week.他一星期后才回来
b. [在前后均使用同一名词以表示连续反覆] …复一…
day ~ day日复一日, 天天
time ~ time一次又一次地
c. (美) (…时) 过 (…分) ( (英) past)
five minutes ~ seven七时五分
3 追赶…; 追踪…; 追求…
The policeman is running ~ the murderer.警察正在追缉凶手
seek ~ wealth and burglar追逐名利
4 仿照, 依照, 按照…风格[作风]的
He paints ~ Rubens.他模仿卢本斯的画风
She was named ~ her aunt.她以阿姨的名字为名
5 关于…, 有关…
look [see] ~ the boys照顾 [看管] 小孩子们
He asked (inquired) ~ you.他问候 (打听) 你
6 由于…, 鉴于…
I shall never speak to him agin ~ what he has about me.鉴于他在背后谈论我, 所以我不想和他说话了
7 虽然, 尽管 (in spite of)
A everything he said, I forgot to take enough money.尽管他一再地说过, 我仍忘了带足够的钱
after all
(1) 毕竟(cf. 6, 7)
A~ all, we are friends.毕竟我们是朋友
(2) 究竟, 终归, 终究
He had many things to do, but he decided to go to the concert ~ all.他有许多事要做, 但他终究决定去音乐会
after hours
→ hour one after another
→ one pron one after the other
→ one conj
在 (做完…) 之后, 后于…
~ he comes, I shall start.他来之后我就要出发
I arrived there ~ she had left [~ she left].我在她 (已) 离开之后才到达那儿
after all is said and done
毕竟, 总算, 终归
A~ all is said and done, it was my fault.终归是我的错
1 后来的, 之后的, 后面的 (later)
~ ages后世
(in) ~ years(在) 以后的几年 [岁月] , 在晚年
2‘航海’船尾的, 近船尾的
~ cabins后舱




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