

词汇 scratch
释义 scratch[skrætʃ; skrætʃ]及物动词
1 a. < 人、动物等> (以指甲等锐利的东西) 抓伤…
The cat ~ed my face.猫抓伤了我的脸
b. [从…]撕下…[off]
Will you ~ that sticker off the car window?.请你把车窗上的那张贴纸撕下好吗?
c. [被…]抓伤…[on, with]
He ~ed his hand on a nail.他的手被钉子划伤
The child ~ed the table top with his toy.小孩用他的玩具刮伤桌面
d. 用爪挖< 洞等> < out> ; 用爪挖出 < 地下的东西等> < up>
~ (out) a hole用爪挖洞
The birds ~ed up worms.鸟用爪挖出虫
2 a. (用指甲等) 搔 < 痒处等>
~ a mosquito bite搔被蚊子叮的地方
~ one's head (困扰地) 搔头, 不知所措
S~ my back and I will ~ yours.(谚)你搔我的背, 我也搔你的背(你帮我, 我也帮你; 你捧我, 我就捧你)
b. [~ oneself]搔身体
The dog was ~ing itself (with a hind leg) ..那只狗 (用它的后腿) 在搔痒
c. 将…划 [轻擦] 于…之上[on]
He ~ed a match on the sole of his shoe.他在鞋底上划亮了一根火柴
3 a. 匆忙刻划 [书写] < 记号、名字等> 于…之上[on]
~ one's name on a wall (with a nail) (用钉子) 把某人名字刻于墙上
b. 潦草书写…
~ one's signature潦草签名
~ a note to a friend草草写一封短函给朋友
4 a. (以划线或涂抹) 勾消…, 删除…< off, out>
~ out [off] a name划掉 [删除] 一个名字
b. [从…]划去…, 删除…[off, from]
The name had been ~ed off [from] the list.那个名字已经从名单上删除
a. 将 < 选手或出赛的马名> 从出赛名单上划去, 取消 < 选手等> 的出赛
The horse was officially ~ed.那匹马被正式取消出赛
b. 将 < 选手等> [从出赛名单、比赛、球队等中] 除去, 删除[from]
We had to ~ him from the race (because of his injury) . (由于他的受伤) , 我们不得不取消他出场赛跑
6 a. 勉强赚取 < 生活费等>
~ a living勉强谋生 [过活]
b. (设法) 凑合< 金钱等> < up, together>
~ up [together] some money凑合一些钱
~ up a team from various sources从四面八方凑成一个球队
1 a. (用爪等) 抓
That cat ~es.那只猫会抓伤人
b. 到处扒寻< about>
The hens were ~ing (about) in the barnyard (for food) ..那只母鸡正在榖仓附近到处扒寻 (食物)
c. 以爪用力抓[at]
The cat is ~ing at the door.那只猫在用力抓门
2 搔痒
This dog is always ~ing.这只狗总是在搔痒
3 < 笔等> 刮纸
This pen ~es a little.这枝笔写起来不太滑(有点会刮纸)
4 ‘运动’ < 选手、出赛的马等> 退出比赛
5 勉强维生 [过活] < along>
1 (C)
a. 刮擦的痕迹, 抓痕, 抓伤, 擦伤
There were deep ~es on the desk.书桌上有深的刮痕
He escaped without a ~.他安然无恙地逃脱了
b. 刮擦的声音; 唱片的刮擦伤痕
the ~ of a pen on the paper笔刮纸的声音
2 [a ~] (痒处的) 搔抓
The dog had a good ~.那条狗好好搔了一顿痒
3 (C)‘运动’被撤出比赛的马[选手]
4 (U)(美俚)钱 (money) from scratch(口语)从一开始, 从一无所有
start (again) from ~从一无所有 (重新) 开始
up to scratch
(口语)够上水准, 情况良好
bring a person up to ~使某人够上水准, 使某人获得相当的能力
His work isn't up to ~.他的工作达不到水准
1 凑合的, 现有的
a ~ meal以现有食物凑成的一顿饭
a ~ team凑合的球队
2 ‘运动’对强者不加阻碍的, 公平竞争的
a ~ golfer公平竞争的打高尔夫球者
a ~ race公平竞争的赛跑




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