

词汇 scrape
释义 scrape[skrep; skreip]及物动词
1 a. 将 < 附著物> (以锐利、粗糙物) 刮掉, 擦去, 削去< away, off>
~ peeling paint off [away]将剥落的油漆刮掉
~ off scales刮去鱼鳞
b. [从…]擦去, 刮去 < 附著物> [from, off]
~ the mud from [off] one's shoes擦去鞋上的泥巴
~ scales off a fish刮去鱼鳞
c. 擦 < 变脏的东西> 使乾净, 使…去污< down>
~ muddy shoes擦乾净沾满泥巴的鞋
~ a ship's bottom (为去掉附著的贝壳等而) 刮擦船底
~ a door (down) (用砂纸等) 擦掉门上的污物
d. 把…擦成…状态
She ~d her boots clean.她把长靴擦得乾乾净净
2 a. 擦伤
He fell and ~d his knee.他跌倒而擦伤膝盖
b. 擦到[against, on]
He ~d his car against a wall.他的车子擦到墙壁
c. 使… (重重地或发出声响地) 相擦, 磨擦[against, on]
~ a chair on the floor在地板上拖椅子发出磨擦声
3 (用手脚抓的方式) 挖< 洞等> , 穿< 孔> < out>
~ (out) a hole (in the sand) (在沙地上) 挖个洞
4 a. 勉强赚到 < 生活费>
manage to ~ a living设法谋生, 勉强过活
b. 用耙子耙拢; 用手指集拢< together, up>
~ together dead leaves (into a pile)把枯叶集拢 (成堆)
c. (辛苦地) 凑合< 金钱等>
~ up a few dollars勉强凑合了两三块钱
1 a. 勉强通过, 贴近而过< through> :The lane is narrow but I think we can ~ through.这条巷子狭窄, 但是我想我们可以勉强通过
b. 勉强通过[through]
2 a. 勉强通过 [考试等] < through> [in]
He barely ~d through (in English).他仅以及格分数勉强通过 (英文) 考试
b. [考试等] 勉强及格[through]
I ~d through the exam.勉强通过考试
3 勉强维持生计 [过活] < by, along, through>
The family just ~d by [along] on his small wages.这一家人勉强靠微薄的工资过活
bow and scrape → bow scrape (the bottom of) the barrel → barrel可数名词
1 a. 磨擦, 辗轧
b. 磨擦 [辗轧] 声
with a ~辗轧作声地
2 磨擦 [抓过] 的痕迹; 擦伤
get a ~ on the knee擦伤膝盖
3 (口语) (违规等自己惹来的) 苦恼, 麻烦
get into a ~ with the law惹出违警 [违章] 事
bow and scrape→ bow bread and scrape→ bread




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