

词汇 score
释义 score[skor, skɔr; skɔ:]《源自古北欧语“ (第二十的) 刻度, 二十”的意思; 从前数羊时使用手指与脚趾, 每二十只在木棒上刻划做记号》名词(pl. ~s, (5 a 为) ~)
1 (C)
a. (竞赛、比赛的) 得分
make a ~得分
b. 总分, 得分记录
keep (the) ~记录得分
win by a ~ of 4 to 2以四比二获胜
What's the ~?.现在的比数是多少?
The ~ is [stands at] 10-3 in our favor.比数是十比三, 我们赢
2 (C) (考试的) 分数, 成绩
He had a perfect ~ on the mathematics exam.他数学考试得满分
3 (C)
a. (又作 score mark) 抓伤的痕迹 [伤痕] , 刻痕, 划痕
~s on the floor (椅子等的磨擦而形成的) 地板上的划痕
make ~s in the bark of a gum tree在橡胶树的树皮上刻划
b. (从前酒吧等用粉笔写在黑板或门上的) 帐, 欠帐, 赊帐
pay one's ~付帐
run up a ~欠债, 负债
What's the ~?.帐上多少钱?
4 (C)‘音乐’乐谱, (尤指) 总乐谱
(合奏[唱], 重奏[唱]等各部分谱表上下并列, 可以一目瞭然的乐谱)
an orchestral ~管弦乐用总乐谱
a vocal ~声乐 (用乐) 谱
in full ~用总乐谱, 各部并记地
5 a. (C)(pl. ~ (二十) 个, 人)
three ~ (years) and ten (人生) 七十年
four ~ and seven years ago八十七年前
a ~ of people二十个人
b. [~s]许多的…[of]
in ~s很多, 大批, 大群
~s of times屡次
~s of years ago几十年前
6(C)理由, 根据, 缘故; 点
on the same ~以相同理由
7(C) (该报的) 仇恨
settle [pay] off, wipe out]an old ~报复旧怨 [宿仇]
I have a few old ~s to settle with him.我有一些老帐要和他算清楚
a. (争论时) 驳倒对方, 漂亮还击
make a ~ off one's opponent驳倒对方 [驳得对方无话可说]
b. 成功, 幸运
What a ~!.多么幸运啊!
know the score
(口语)知道事情的真相 [内幕] ; 瞭解社会 (的内情) on that[this]score
(1) 由于那个 [这个] 理由
I refused on that ~.由于那个理由 [缘故] , 我拒绝了
(2) 关于那 [这] 一点
He had no anxiety on that ~.关于那一点他不担心
on the score of﹍
(1) 由于…的理由
He retired on the ~ of ill health.他由于健康欠佳而退休
(2) 关于…的方面[事]
On the ~ of money, don't worry.关于钱的事, 你不必担心
1 a. [竞赛、比赛时] 得 < 多少> 分[in, at]
~ a goal(足球) 得一分
~ a century at cricket打板球得一百分 [踢进一球]
The team ~d three runs in the second half of the ninth inning.该队在第九局的下半场得三分
b. 算 < 几分>
A touch down ~s six points. (美式足球) 触地算得六分
c. < 裁判> 给予< 选手> < 分数> ; 给予[选手]得< 分> [for, to]
The judge ~d him 10 points. = The judge ~d 10 points to[for]him.裁判给他十分
2 a. [考试]得< 分> [on, in]
He ~d 80 points on the English exam.他英文考了八十分
b. (美)给 < 考试、应徵者等> 评分, 打分数
~ a test打考试分数
3 获得 < 利益、成功、众望等>
~ an advantage获得利益
~ a great victory获得大胜
He ~d a success with this novel.他写了这部小说而一举成名
She ~d a great hit as Eliza in My Fair Lady.她在窈窕淑女 (My Fair Lady) 一片中扮演伊莱莎 (Eliza) 的角色而获得极大成功
4 a. 在…作记号, 刻划于…, 画线于…
S~ the paper before tearing it.把纸撕开前先作折痕
Mistakes were ~d in red ink.错处用红墨水作了记号
b. 划线消去… < out, through>
~ out [through] the wrong figure划掉错误的数字
5 a. 给…加截痕 [切痕, 刻痕]
~ a leg of lamb在小羊腿上加切痕
The glacier has ~d the mountainside.冰河在山腰留下刻痕
b. (作记号) 把 < 借钱等> 作为 […的帐] , 把…记入帐内; 把…记下< up> [against, to]
~ up ten pounds against [to] a customer记下十英镑作为客人的赊帐
I will ~ up that remark against [to] you.我一定记住你那一句话
The President ~d Congress for rejecting his plan.总统因他的计画被驳回而严责国会
7 [为管弦乐、声乐等] 编[作] < 乐曲> [for]
a piece ~d for full orchestra为各式乐器齐备的管弦乐团编的一首曲子
1 a. (比赛) 得分
He ~d several times.他多次得分
b. 记分c. 优于[…], 较[…]为优 [over, against]
That is where you ~ over others.那是你优于别人的地方
2 (考试等) 得到 (好, 坏) 成绩, 被评价 (为…)
~ high on an exam考试获得高分
The car ~d well in fuel consumption.那部汽车在燃料消耗方面获得好评
3 [因…而]得利, 有利, 成功[by, with]
She ~s by knowing English well.她因精通英语而得益
He ~d with that idea.他因那个主意而获得成功
4 加截痕 [切痕, 刻痕] score off (英) (议论、争论时) (以漂亮的反击) 驳倒 [击倒] < 对方>
It's not easy to ~ off Tom.要驳倒汤姆并非易事




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