

词汇 lot
释义 lot[lɑt; lɔt]《源自古英语“分配”的意思; →allot》名词A
1 a. (C)签, 闺
cast [draw] ~s抽签, 拈闺, 以签决定
The ~ fell on [to, upon] him.他抽中了签
b. (U)拈闺 (决定) 法, 抽签
by ~以抽签
2 (C) (应得的) 一份
one's ~ of an in heritance遗产中的应得之份
3 (C)运气, 命运
a hard ~苦命
It falls to one's ~ to do.﹍.= It is one's ~ to do﹍.= The ~ falls to[on]one to do﹍. (人) 命当…, 命中注定要 (做) …
4 (C)
a. (美)一块土地; 地皮, (建筑) 用地
one's house and ~房地产
a parking ~(美)停车场
b. 电影摄影场, 拍片场
5(C) (商品、拍卖品的) 商品分类号码
L~ 30 fetched.£1000.编号三十号的商品以一千英镑卖出 [拍卖成交]
6(C)(口语)家伙, 东西
a bad ~坏家伙, 坏东西
1 [a ~; 常 ~s]
a. (口语)许多
There are a ~ of [~s of] nice parks in San Francisco.旧金山有许多好公园
We always have a ~ of rain in June.此地六月经常多雨
Sometimes we have very little snow, but sometimes we have a ~.此地有时不怎么下雪, 但有时下很多
What a ~ !.真多!好多!
I got ~s of things from Mummy.我从妈妈那里得到许多东西
b. 大大地, 多多地, …得多
I want a ~ [~s] more.我要更多更多
You've changed a ~.你变了很多
2 [the ~](口语)全部, 统统, 全体
the whole [all the] ~ of you你们全部
That's the ~.那就是全部; 人都齐了
Take the (whole) ~.统统拿去
3 (C)
a. (商品等的) 一批, 一堆, 一组b. (人、物品的) 群, 组
a tough ~ of people一群不屈不挠的人
a fat lot → fat形容词 throw[cast]in one's lot with﹍
与…风雨同舟, 与…共生死
及物动词(lot.ted; lot.ting)
1 划分< 土地等> < out>
2 将< 商品等> 分类, 拣, 区分< out>




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