

词汇 lose
释义 lose[luz; lu:z](lost[lst; lst])及物动词
a. (不小心而) 失去< 物> ; 遗忘, 遗失
Don't ~ the money.不要丢钱
He has lost his keys.他丢了钥匙
b. (因事故等而) 失去
~ one's life丧生
~ one's job失业
She lost her only son in a car accident.她在一次汽车车祸中丧失了唯一的儿子
c. (无法维持而) 失去…
~ one's balance失去平衡
~ color失色, 脸色发白
~ one's health失去健康
~ heart灰心
~ (one's) patience变得无法忍耐 [失去耐心]
~ one's reason [senses]失去理性 [理智]
She has lost her sense of direction.她已无法辨认方向 [失去方向感]
I lost my temper.我发怒了
2 a. 迷失 < 方向> , 找不到< 路>
The traveler lost his way in the mountains.旅人在山中迷了路
b. [~ oneself]迷路, 走失; 迷惑(cf. lost 5)
He lost himself in the woods.他在森林中迷路
3 失去< 机会> , (英罕)未能赶上< 车子等>
~ a train [a bus, a sale, the post]未能赶上火车 [公共汽车, 出售, 邮递]
4 a. 看[听]漏…
His last few words were lost in the roar of the crowd.他的最后几个字被群众的吼声掩盖而没能听到
b. [~ oneself]消失[在…中][in]
Soon the moon lost itself in the clouds.不久月亮消失在云层之中
He was quite lost in the crowd.他消失在人群之中完全看不见
5[~ oneself]使…沉迷于[in]
He lost himself in thought [a comic book].他在沉思 [沉迷于一本漫画书]
6 a. 浪费 < 时间、努力等>
(←→ gain)
There is not a moment to ~ [to be lost].一刻都不能浪费, 刻不容缓, 分秒必争
b. 浪费… [在做…] , [因做…而] 浪费…[in]
I lost no time (in) telling him.我立即告诉了他
You're losing your time trying to teach that boy.你想教那男孩子, 等于是浪费时间
No time should be lost in looking into the problem.(1) 应该立即调查这个问题; (2) 不应该把时间浪费在调查这个问题
7 a. 输< 比赛等>
(←→ win)
~ a race [battle]输了一场赛跑 [战役]
b. 未能得 < 奖等>
8< 事态> 使< 人> 失去 < 胜利、职业等>
This lost them the victory.这使他们丧失了胜利的机会
The bet lost me.£100.那场赌局使我输掉了一百英镑
His impudence lost him her favor.他因卤莽而未能博得她的欢心
9 灭亡…, 破坏…中
The ship and its crew were lost at sea.船和随船人员都在航海中遇难覆灭
We are lost!.我们完了!
10 a. 解除, 不再有 < 病、恐惧等>
I have lost my cold.我感冒已经好了
~ one's fear不再惧怕
b. 减少 < 体重等>
He's trying to ~ weight.他在试著减轻体重 [减肥]
11 < 钟表> 会慢 < 某一单位的时间>
(←→ gain)
This clock ~s five minutes a day.这时钟一天慢五分钟
1 输, 败[to]
I'm afraid our team will ~.恐怕我们的队会输
He didn't want to ~ to me.他不想输给我
2 [因…而]蒙受损害, 蒙受损失 [by, on]
You've lost by your honesty.你因老实而吃亏
He lost on the contract.他因那合约而亏损
3 < 钟表> 会走慢
(←→ gain)
This watch is apt to ~.这只表有走慢的趋势
4 [在…方面]衰弱, 衰退, 逊色[in]
~ in speed [beauty]速度 [美丽] 减慢 [衰退]
A story does not ~ in the telling.故事说起来总是会加油添醋 [穿插不少细节]
lose out
(1) (倒楣地) 输 [给对方] , 败[给…][to]
(2) [于交易等] 蒙受 (大) 损失; [在…方面]未能赢取 [获得] [on]




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