

词汇 paste
释义 paste[pest; peist]《源自希腊文“大麦粥”的意思》不可数名词
1 浆糊
2 a. 面团
(用以做馅饼皮等)b. (鱼肉、肝等的) 酱
3 糊状物
4 铅玻璃
1 a. 用浆糊贴 [黏] < 纸> < together, up>
~ two sheets of paper together把两张纸黏贴在一起
b. 用浆糊把< 纸> 贴 [黏] [在…上]< up> [in, on]
~ up playbills on a wall把戏单贴在墙上
I cut out the article and ~d it in my scrapbook.我剪下那篇文章贴在我的剪贴簿上
2 a. 贴于…< up, over>
b. [把纸等] 贴于…< up> [with]
~ a wall with paper用纸糊墙壁




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