

词汇 embody
释义 em.bod.y[ɪm`bɑdɪ; imˈbɔdi]及物动词
1 a. 具体表现< 思想、感情等> , 使< 思想、感情等> 具体化
The statue embodies the sentiment of the sculptor.这座雕像具体表现出雕刻家的情感
b. 具体表现< 思想、感情等> [in]
He embodied the idea in his painting.他把那个概念具体地表现在他的绘画中
2 赋< 精神> 以形态, 使…实体化
3 使…合为一体, 汇集, 统一
4 包含, 收录, 编入[in]
Many improvements are embodied in the new edition.新版中收录了许多改良之处




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