

词汇 finger
释义 fin.ger[`fɪŋgɚ; ˈfiŋɡə]可数名词
1 手指
He has more wit in his little ~ than I've ever seen you display.他远较你有智慧
2 (手套的) 手指部分
3 a. 指状物
a ~ of black smoke一股黑烟
b. (糕点等的) 指状小片c. 指示物d. (钟表、计量器等的) 指针
4 指幅
(测量液体等深度的单位; 约为 3/4 吋)
be [feel] all fingers and thumbs → thumb. burn one's fingers
(多管闲事而) 引火上身 crook one's finger
(口语)弯手指(有事叫人过来时所作的屈指动作) cross one's fingers
(为避灾难等而) 将中指弯曲重叠在食指上; 祈求好运
I kept [had] my ~s crossed until the exam grades were reported.考试成绩未发表以前我一直在祈求自己能过关
One's fingers are all thumbs.某人非常笨拙 [笨手笨脚]
have a finger in the [every] pie haveat one's finger's tips [ends]
= haveat one's FINGERTIPs have one's fingers in the till
(口语)偷自己工作店里的钱 have[get]one's fingers burnt
= burn one's FINGERs lay one's fingers on﹍
= put one's FINGERs on look through one's fingers at﹍
偷看…, 假装没看见… not lay[put]a finger on﹍
不插手管 [不干涉] < 某人> , 不触犯
I won't let you lay a ~ on him.我怎么也不让你插手管他的事 [我不许你动他一根毫毛]
not lift [raise, stir] a finger
毫不努力, 不采取任何行动 pull one's finger out
(俚) (重新) 开始努力工作 put one's finger on﹍
(1) 明确地指出 [追究] < 原因等>
(2) 亲自动手做… put the finger on﹍(俚)
(1) (向警方) 指认, 密告 < 凶手、犯人>
(2) 指定< 某人> (为被杀的对象) , 指明< 某地> (为犯案场所) slip through a person's fingers
(1) 从指间滑落
(2) 失去 < 机会、金钱等>
I let the chance slip through my ~s.我让机会从我指间溜掉
(我白白错过机会) snap one's fingers
(1) (弹指作响) 引起人 [服务生 (等) ] 的注意
(2) 蔑视, 轻视[…][at] twist [turn, wind] a person (a) round one's little finger
把某人玩弄于股掌之上, 任意操纵[支配]某人; 完全控制某人 work one's fingers to the bone
(口语)拼命工作, 不停地工作
1 用手触摸 [玩弄] …
Please don't ~ the goods.请勿触摸这些物品
2 a. 用 (…的) 指法弹奏< 曲子>
b. 在 < 乐谱> 上加符号指示运指法
3 指出…< 为…>
Air pollution has been ~ed as the cause of acid rain.空气污染已被指明为造成酸雨的原因
1 (用手指) 翻[…][through]
She ~ed through the documents.她翻过那些文件
2 < 乐器> 用手指弹奏
His trumpet doesn't ~ as well as mine.他的喇叭不像我的那样好吹奏




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