

词汇 bang
释义 bang[bæŋ; bæŋ]《拟声语》不及物动词
1 a. 砰然重击, 猛击[…] [on, at]
I heard someone ~ing on the door with his hand.我听到有人在用手猛敲门
b. [向…]砰砰地开枪< away> [at]
The hunters ~ed away at the tigers.猎人们向老虎砰砰地开枪
2 a. < 门等> 发出砰的一声 < 呈…的状态>
The door ~ed shut [back].门砰地关上 [关回去]
b. 砰然 [轰然] 作响, 发出巨响 < away, about>
Their guns were ~ing away.他们的枪砰砰地响著
The children were ~ing about noisily.小孩们到处弄得砰砰响
3 砰然撞上[…] [against, into]
~ into the wall砰地一声撞上围墙
1 a. 使< 门等> 砰然作响, 砰然而关; 砰然重击, 猛击
He went out, ~ing the door behind him.他砰地一声关上门出去了
I tumbled and ~ed my buttocks.我一屁股跌在地上
b. 砰然重击 < 桌面等> [with]; 以 < 拳头等> 砰然重击 [在桌上等] [on]
He ~ed the desk with his fist. = He ~ed his fist on the desk.他用拳头在桌上砰地重击
c. [~ oneself]砰地撞上, 猛撞上[…][against]
The boy ~ed himself against a tree.那个男孩砰地撞上一棵树
d. 使< 门等> 砰地一声 < 呈关闭状态>
The door was ~ed shut [to].门被砰地关上
2 砰地发射 < 枪炮等>
3 将< 知识等> 灌输 [入脑中] , 将…硬塞[进…][into]
My teacher tried to ~ Chinese grammar into my head.老师想要把中文文法硬塞进我脑袋里
4 (鄙)< 男人> 与< 女人> 性交 bang away(1) → v.i. 1 b
(2) → v.i. 2 b
(3)(口语)拼命 [专心] [做工作等] [at]
(4)(鄙)连续 [一再地] 性交 bang out
(1) 大声地演奏< 音乐>
(2) 以打字机等打出< 新闻等> bang up
(1) 破坏< 物>
(2) 弄伤< 身体等>
I ~ed up my knee skating.我溜冰时伤了膝盖
1 重击 (声) ; 撞击; 砰 [轰] 然巨响
He got a ~ on the head.他脑袋挨了一记重击 [砰地撞到脑袋]
2 (美口语)刺激, 兴奋 (kick) ; 享受, 乐趣, 快感
get a ~ out of music从音乐得到兴奋
3 (口语)元气, 活力 with a bang(1) 砰地一声, 砰然
shut the door with a ~砰然关门
(2)(口语)顺利地, 圆满地, 成功地
go over [(英)off] with a ~ < 演出等> 获得大成功
(3)(口语)忽然, 蓦地
(4) 精力充沛地, 带劲地
start things off with a ~鼓足干劲开始做某事
砰! 轰
B~! went the gun.轰隆一声, 枪响了
1 砰然
go ~砰然作响 [爆炸]
2 (口语)突然, 蓦地
3 (口语)恰恰, 正巧
~ in the middle在正当中, 正好在中间, 不偏不倚地; 直接地; 著著实实地
run ~ into a tree正面撞上一棵树




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