

词汇 rush
释义 rush[rʌʃ; rʌʃ]不及物动词
1 匆匆忙忙地行进, 急往; 匆促行事
Don't ~; there is plenty of time.别慌忙, 时间多的是
Excuse me. I must ~. I'm late.对不起, 我得赶去, 我迟到了
~ home赶回家
2 (朝某方向) 冲进; 涌至; 突击, 袭击
The river ~ed along.河水奔流著
(出自英国诗人波普 (Alexander Pope) 之 Essay on Criticism)
The boys ~ed out of [~ed into] the room.男孩子们从室内冲出 [冲进室内]
He ~ed down the stairs.他冲下楼梯
They ~ed toward me.他们朝我冲过来
They ~ed at the enemy.他们冲向敌人
3 性急 [轻率] 地进入 [行动等] [into, to]
~ to extremes走极端
~ into print →print n. 1
~ into marriage仓促地结婚
We should avoid ~ing to conclusions.我们应避免轻率地下结论
4 突然发生 [出现] [于…][to, into]
Blood ~ed to his face.血涌上他的脸
My past life ~ed into my memory.我蓦然地想起过去的生活
1 a. 催赶, 催促, 赶紧做, 赶办
~ a message to a person火速向某人报信
I don't want to ~ you.我不想催你
b. 催促< 人> [做…][into]
I was ~ed into buying a cheap necklace.我在别人的催促下买了便宜货的项炼
2 使< 人、物> 冲 (向某方向) , 驱赶
They ~ed the bill through.他们匆促地使议案通过
We ~ed him to a hospital.我们赶紧把他送进医院
3 a. 向…冲锋, 夺取
They ~ed the enemy.他们向敌人冲锋
b. 突破< 障碍等>
~ a fence跳过栅栏
c. 成群涌至 < 金矿等>
Crowds of people were ~ing the territory that was reputed to produce gold.一群一群的人潮涌向那个据说产金的地区
4 (美口语)
a. 执拗地追求< 女人> b. 为争取会员而款待 < 未加入大学交谊社团的学生> rush a person off his feet催促< 某人> ; 迫使< 某人> 忙碌地工作 rush out
大量地赶制 < 印刷品等>
1 (C)
a. 冲进, 突进; 冲锋, 突击, 袭击
a ~ of rain一阵骤雨
a ~ of wind一阵强风
make a ~ for the door冲向门口
b. (感情的) 激发
a ~ of anger勃然涌上的愤怒, 激怒
2 (U) [又作a ~] 匆忙的活动, 匆忙; 忙碌; 交通拥挤 [尖峰] 时间
the ~ of city life都市生活的匆忙
I'm in terrible ~. I can't stay to talk.我赶得要死 [赶著要办件事] , 无法待下来讲话
He talked in a ~.他匆促地讲著
The ~ is over.忙碌 [尖峰时间] 已经过去了
What's the ~ ?.急什么?
3 [用单数]
a. […的]大量需求, 抢购, 订单的蜂拥而至 [for, on]
a ~ for iron铁的大量需求, 铁的抢购
a ~ on mining stocks抢购矿业股
b. < 做…的> 热潮
a ~ to travel abroad出国旅行的热潮, 出国热
4 [a ~] [向新开发地、新矿区等的] 蜂拥而至, 热潮[to, for]
a ~ for gold=a gold ~淘金潮
a ~ to the gold fields往金矿地区的淘金热
5(C)[常 ~es]‘电影’毛片 [样片]
6(C)‘美式足球’带球冲向敌阵 give a person the bum's rush(美俚)把< 人> 从酒吧中撵出去
with a rush
(1) 以突击
(2) 一举, 哄地一下子, 猛然
The army carried the fortress with a ~.军队一举攻下了堡垒
蜂拥而至的, 熙熙攘攘的, 忙碌的; 匆促的, 赶造的
a ~ order紧急订单
a ~ job急件 [急事]




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