

词汇 credit
释义 cred.it[`krɛdɪt; ˈkredit]《源自拉丁文“相信”的意思》名词
1 (U)信赖, 信用
give ~ to [put ~ in] a person's story相信某人的话
have ~ with a person受人信任 [做人有信誉]
gain [lose] ~ (with﹍) 得到[失去] (…的) 信任
The rumor deserves no ~.那谣言不足信
2 (U) (由信用而生的) 名声, 好评; 信誉
a man of (the highest) ~名望极高的人
The president was in high ~ with the students.这位 (大学) 校长在学生中享有很高的声望
3 a. (U) (因功绩等的) 光彩, 荣誉, 名誉; 称赞
→ to a person's CREDIT
do ~ to a person=do a person ~成为某人的光荣 [功绩] , 增加某人的光彩
→ take (the) CREDIT for
You should get more ~ for your contributions to the project.你对该计画的贡献应获得更多的荣誉
The ~ goes to him.那是他的功劳
b. [a ~][为…]带来荣誉的东西[人][to]
He is a ~ to his family.他是他家的光荣
Your son is a great ~ to your training.令郎 (的表现) 是归功于你的悉心培育
4 a. (U)承认 [有功绩、性质等] , 确信[for]
She is more thoughtful than you gave her ~ for.她比你原先想的更具深思远虑
b. (C)[常 ~s]对出版品、戏剧、广播节目等使用材料的提供者所表示的口头或书面谢启
5(C)(美) (科目的) 及格证; 学分
a. (U)信用; 赊帐, 放帐, 赊卖, 信用贷款, (凭信用的) 支付宽限期间
a letter of ~信用状
(略作 L/C)
long [short] ~长期 [短期] 信用贷款
buy [sell] a thing on ~以挂帐方式买[卖]东西
give [allow] a person 3 months' ~给某人三个月的信用贷款
No ~.谢绝赊帐
b. (银行的) 存款 (额)
He has a ~ of $1000 at his bank.他在银行有一千美元的存款
a. (又作 credit side) 贷方(帐簿的右侧; 略作cr.; ←→ debit)b. 记入贷方 take (the) credit for﹍(1) (尤指有他人协助却) 因…而获得光荣 [称赞] , 被认为有…功劳
He took to himself all the ~ for what was actually a joint effort.他将事实上大家合力所做的事归功于他自己 (一人)
(2) 认为< 自己> 也对…事有所贡献
I take some [no] ~ for your successful career.对于你成功的事业我也有些 [我毫无] 贡献
to a person's credit
(1) 成为某人的荣誉, 值得称赞 [表扬] 的是
His conduct is very much to his ~.他的行为值得大加称赞
It is to your ~ that you did it alone.你独自做那件事值得称赞
Much to his ~, he didn't abandon his poor relatives.很值得称赞的是他没有遗弃他的穷亲戚
(2) 在某人名下, 属于某人
He already has ten published books to his ~.他已经出版十本书
0 (3)‘簿记’在某人的贷方
1 相信, 信赖
I cannot ~ his story.我无法相信他的话
2 a. 相信< 某人> [有某种性格、感情等] [with]
~ a person with honesty相信某人诚实
b. 将 < 功绩、名誉等> 归[于…][to]
They ~ his eccentricity to his solitude.他们将他的奇行怪癖归咎于他的孤独
3 ‘簿记’将< 某金额> 记入[某人的]贷方[to]; 将 [某金额] 记入< 某人> 的贷方[with]
~ a sum to a person's account =~ a person's account with a sum把某金额记入某人的帐户




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