

词汇 pray
释义 pray[pre; prei]《源自拉丁文“乞求”的意思》不及物动词
1 a. [向神、上帝] 祈祷[to]
~ to God向神祈祷
He ~ed twice a day.他一天祈祷两次
b. [向神] 祈求[…][to][for]
The peasants ~ed for sunshine [rain].那些农夫祈求天晴 [下雨]
She ~ed to the gods for mercy.她向神祈求慈悲
c. [为某人]祷告, 祈祷 [for, on behalf of]
She ~ed for her son.她为儿子祈祷
2 恳求, 请求[…][for]
~ for pardon恳求饶恕
1 祈求
a. 祈求 < 神等的…>
~ God's mercy祈求上帝的慈悲
b. 向< 神等> 祈求 [祷告] […][for]
She ~ed God for strength in her troubles.祈求神在她遭遇困难时赐予力量
c. 祈求< 做…事>
He ~ed to be given strength and courage.她祈求 (神) 赐予力量与勇气
d. 向< 神等> 祈求< …事> ; [向神等] 祈求< …事> [to]
He ~ed (to) God that he might be for given.他祈求上帝宽恕他
2 a. 祷告
He ~ed that he would not be seen by anybody who knew him.他祷告他不会被任何认识他的人看到
b. (文语.古)请求< 某人> < 做…> , 恳求
I ~ you to help me.我恳求你帮助我
be past praying for
没有挽回 [悔改 (等) ] 的希望
(文语.古)请, 但愿, 希望, 请问
P~ sit down.请坐下
P~ don't leave me.请别离开我
P~ don't mention it. [应对话] 不必客气
What's the use of that, ~?.请问那有什么用?




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