

词汇 occasion
释义 oc.ca.sion[ə`keʒən; əˈkeiʒn]《源自拉丁文“降临于…, 落在…”的意思》名词
1 (C) [常on﹍ ~] (发生特殊大事的) 时候, 场合
on this happy [sad] ~在这快乐[悲伤]的时候
on one ~曾经; 有一次
on several ~s屡次, 好几次
→on occ ASION (s)
on the ~ of﹍ 在…的时候, 值此…之际
2 (C)特别的大事, 节日; 庆典, 仪式
in honor of the ~为表示庆祝
Her marriage will be a great ~.她的婚礼将出现盛大的场面
3a. […的]时机, 良机[for]
improve the ~利用机会
This is not an ~ for laughter [for feasting and rejoicing].这不是笑 [飨宴和欢乐] 的时候
b. < 做…的> 机会, 良机
take [seize the] ~ to do﹍把握良机去做…, 乘机做…
Let me take this ~ to speak to you.让我利用这个机会和你谈一谈
I have never had an ~ to meet him.我不曾有过机会见到他
I have little ~ to use my English.我很少有机会用到英文
c. (U)好机会
4 (U)
a. [事情的] 开端, 直接原因, 转机, 诱因[of]
A chance meeting was the ~ of our friendship being renewed.一次偶然的邂逅是我们恢复友谊的开端
b. [做…的]理由[for]
Is there any ~ for anxiety?.有忧虑的必要吗 ?
I see no ~ for visiting them.我看不出有拜访他们的必要
c. < 该做…的> 根据, 理由
There is [You have] no ~ to be alarmed.用不著 [你用不著] 惊慌
d. [人] < 该做…的> 根据, 理由
There was no ~ for her to get excited.她没有必要 (如此) 激动
5(U) (由特定情况产生的) 必要
if the ~ arises [should arise] = should the ~ arise在必要的时候
have no ~ to do﹍ 没有做…的必要
for the occasion
(1) 为了那场合
(2) 临时 give occasion to[for]﹍
引起… on[upon]occasion (s)
有时候 rise to the occasion
妥善处理难局, 采取临机应变的措施
1 惹起, 引起, 成为…的原因
His impolite remarks ~ed the quarrel.他无礼的话引起争吵
2 致使, 引起< 某人> < 担心等> [to]
The student's conduct ~ed us much anxiety [~ed much anxiety to us].那学生的行为使我们很担心




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