

词汇 observation
释义 ob.ser.va.tion[ˌɑbzɚ`veʃən; ˌɔbzəˈveiʃn]《observe v.t. A 的名词》名词
1 a. 观察, 注目; 监视
come [fall] under a person's ~被某人看到 [注意到]
He made ~s of the customs of Indians.他观察印地安人的习俗
Some insects often escape ~ because of protective coloring.有些昆虫因有保护色而往往不被察觉
b. (U)观察力
a man of ~观察力敏锐的人
2 a. 观测; ‘航海’天体的观测
make ~s of the sun观测太阳
take an ~观测天体, 测天
b. (C)[常 ~s]观察 [观测] 报告, (观察、观测的) 结果
3 (C)
a. (根据观察的) 言谈, 看法, 意见, 评论[on, about] (→ comment【同义字】)
make an ~ on [about]﹍ 讲述关于…的意见
b. 发言, 谈话
He was correct in his ~ that the war would end within a year.他认为战争将在一年之内结束的评论[判断]是正确的
under observation在观察[监视]中, 观察[监视], 受到监视
keep [put, hold] a person under ~观察[监视]某人




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