

词汇 answer
释义 an.swer[`ænsɚ; ˈɑ:nsə]《源自古英语“对…发誓 (swear) ”的意思》及物动词
1 答, 答覆, 回覆, 回答
【同义字】 answer 是表示对质问、命令、招呼、要求等回答之意的最普通的字; reply 用在较正式之文体中, 或表示较正式且经考虑之答覆; respond 表示对预期、诉求或想望者加以反应而作回答
a. 答覆, 回答, 解答
Please ~ my question.请回答我的问题
~ a letter回信
b. [向人]回答…[to]
He didn't ~ a word.他没有回答一句话
c. 回答< 人> < 问题等>
Can you ~ this riddle?.你能回答这个谜吗?
d. 回答< 人> 说…
She ~ed that she would be happy to come.她回答我说她乐意来
" I'm fine, thank you, " she ~ed.她回答说“我很好, 谢谢你”
2 应 < 敲门声、门铃声> (开门) ; 接< 电话>
Please ~ the doorbell.请应门铃声开门
She ~ed the telephone in a great hurry.她急急忙忙的去接电话
3 a. 回报 < 某人的微笑> ; 报复< 攻击> , 回敬, 还
~ a person's smile向某人回笑一下
b. 回报…, 报复, 回敬, 还[with]
He~ blows with blows.他以牙还牙, 以眼还眼
She ~ed my smile with a scowl.她以怒视回报我的微笑
4 a. 答应 [允许, 准许] < 要求、请求、愿望等>
My wishes were ~ed.我如愿以偿了
b. 适合, 合乎, 适应 < 目的、条件等>
The plan did not ~ my request.这计划不合我的要求
c. 符合 < 说明、人像画、图形等> , 与…一致
He ~ed the description of the criminal.他与那犯人的相貌描述相符
5 反驳, 答辩, 辩驳, 驳斥 < 议论、批评等>
~ a charge反驳指控
1 a. 回答, 回覆, 答覆
A~ in a loud voice.以大声回答
b. 应门; 接电话
He rings the bell, but no one ~.他按门铃, 但是没人开门
c. 回报, 回敬, 报复[with, by]
He ~ed by giving me a black look.他对我报以怒目相视
2 a. [为…事][对人]负责[to][for]
He will have to ~ for his wrongdoing one day.他终有一天会为他所犯的罪负责
b. [为人品、品质等] 负责, [为…]保证[for]
I can't ~ for his honesty.我不能保证他是诚实的
3 a. 合乎, 适合 [于目的、条件、用途等] [for]
This suitcase will ~ very well.这个手提皮箱将很合用
b. (罕)< 计画等> 成功, 令人满意, 顺遂
His poor attempt did not ~ at all.他没有尽全力所以不会成功
4 符合 [于说明、相书等] , 一致, 相符[to]
The man's features ~ to the description of the murderer.该男子之面貌与凶手的相貌描述符合
answer back
Don't ~ your father back like that!.不可那样顶撞你父亲!
1 a. [对于质问、信、要求等的] (口头或书面等的) 答覆, 回答, 回音[to]
Please send an ~ to my letter soon.请尽快回信
b. (藉行为的) 反应, 回答[to]
Her ~ to my greeting was a smile.她以微笑回答我的问候
2 a. [问题等的]解答, 答案[to]
How many students had the correct ~?.有多少学生提出正确答案?
b. 对策, 解决的对策[to]
an ~ to the population explosion解决人口爆炸问题之对策
c. [an[the]~ to a person's prayer (s) ](口语) (合乎愿望的) 理想之物[人]
an [the] ~ to a maiden's prayer少女理想中的白马王子
3 a. [对指责、批评等的] 反驳, 驳斥, 辩驳[to]
b. 回报, 报复[to]
He ~ was to slam the door.他猛力关门做为回报
c.‘法律’答辩 (书) in answer (to) ﹍应…而, 回答…而, 为答覆…而 in ~ to your query
为答覆你的质疑 know all the answers
(口语)无事不知, 机警而博识
He thinks he knows all the ~s.他认为他什么都懂




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