

词汇 blood
释义 blood[blʌd; blʌd]名词
1 (U)
a. 血, 血液
the circulation of the ~血液循环
a drop of ~一滴血
give ~捐血, 提供血液
lose ~失血, 大量出血
b. (低等动物的) 体液c. (树木、果实等的) 红色汁液, 红色树液 [果汁]
2 (U)
a. (作为生命之泉源的) 血, 性命
give one's ~ for one's country为国流血捐躯 [牺牲性命]
b. (作为感情之泉源的) 血性, 血气, 激烈的情绪; 脾气; 性情
a man of hot ~易激动的人, 火爆性子的人
curdle [chill, freeze] a person's ~使某人心惊胆战
make a person's ~ boil使某人大怒
make a person's ~ run cold使某人毛骨悚然
stir a person's [the] ~使某人激昂 [热血沸腾]
The thought of that air crash makes the ~ creep.一想到那次空难就会心惊胆战
When he heard the news, his ~ boiled [was up].他一听到这消息就震怒
→ bad blood
with ~ in one's eyes眼睛带著血丝, 杀气腾腾地
3 (U)流血; 杀人 (罪) ; 牺牲
a man of ~冷血汉, 凶手
deeds of ~杀人行为
4 a. (U)血统; 血缘, 血亲; 门第, 家世, 名门
fresh [new] ~ (加入旧血统等之) 新血; [又当集合称用] (团体等的) 新血轮, 新秀, 新进人员
(cf. young blood 2)→ half blood, blue blood
Caprice runs in her ~.她生性善变
Bravery is in his ~. = He has bravery in his [the] ~.勇敢是他生来有之的特性
B~ is thicker than water.(谚)血浓于水; 血亲总比朋友亲
B~ will tell.血统是瞒不了的 (事实不容争辩)
b. [the ~]王族, 皇族(cf. blood royal)
a prince [princess] of the ~王子 [公主] , 皇太子 [皇女]
blood and thunder
流血和暴力; 刺激而夸张的通俗剧 a novel full of ~ and thunder
充满暴力凶杀情节的冒险小说 cannot get blood from[out of]a stone
从石头里挤不出血来, 不能从冷酷无情的人那里得到同情 flesh and blood
→ flesh have a person's blood on one's head [hands]
应对某人之死[不幸]负责 in cold blood
冷酷地; 无动于衷地; 蓄意地
commit murder in cold ~ (并不是因一时失去理智而) 蓄意杀人 in hot blood
愤怒 (地) let blood
放血 sweat blood
(1) 拼命地工作
(2) 焦虑万分 taste blood
(1) < 猎犬、野兽等> 尝到血的味道
(2) 初次尝到甜头 to the last drop of one's blood
1 a. 使< 猎犬> 初尝血腥
b. 使 < 军人> 对流血习以为常
2 使< 人> 得到新的经验
3 为 < 初次参加猎狐的人> 举行脸部涂狐血的仪式




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