

词汇 bleed
释义 bleed[blid; bli:d]《blood 的动词》(bled[bld; bled])不及物动词
1 a. 流血
The cut is ~ing.伤口在流血
He was ~ing to death.他流血过多而濒临死亡
b. [ (从) …] 流血 [at, from]
He was ~ing at the nose.他鼻子在流血 [他在流鼻血]
They were both ~ing from the nose and mouth.他们两人口鼻都在流血
c. [为…]受伤; 死, 阵亡[for]
They fought and bled for their country.他们为国家战斗而受伤 [阵亡]
2 < 心> [为…]悲痛, 痛心 [for, at]
My heart ~s for them [at the sight].我的心为他们 [因看到那情景] 而悲痛
My heart ~s for you.我为你伤心; (讽刺)我一点都不为你感到难过
3 a. < 树木> 流汁, 流出液汁
b. < 所涂的染料> 渗出, 渗开
4 [因…]受到敲诈, 被勒索[for]
1 为< 人> 放血
Doctors used to ~ sick people.从前医生常为病人放血
2 从…抽出 [液体、气体等] [of]
~ a pipe of water从管子抽水
3 榨取, 敲诈< 人> 的钱财
bleed a person white → blanch white.




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