

词汇 ring
释义 ring[rɪŋ; riŋ](rang[r; r]; rung[r; r])不及物动词
1 a. < 铃、钟、电话等> 鸣响
The bell [telephone] is ~ing.电铃[电话]在响
b. < 声音> 鸣响< out>
I heard a shot ~ out somewhere.我听到某处一声枪响
c. < 耳朵> 嗡嗡作响, 耳鸣
My ears are still ~ing.我的耳朵还在嗡嗡响
2 a. < 话等> (仍然) 萦绕心际, 言犹在耳, (似) 仍可听见[in]
The melody still rang in her ears.那个旋律仍然在她的耳际回荡 [回响]
b. 发出< …的> 声音; 听起来 < 好像…>
A good [bad] coin ~s true [false].硬币的真 [假] 可藉声音来辨识
The orator's words rang hollow.那位演说者的话听上去不诚恳 [虚假]
3 a. < 场所> 回响, 鸣响, 共鸣[with]
The beach rang with young people's shouts.海滩上响起了年轻人的吆喝声
b. [声名、评价] 传遍< 场所> , 喝采[with]
The whole city rang with the praises of the brilliant girl.全城的人对那才气洋溢的少女赞不绝口
4 a. 鸣 (信号) 钟, 按铃
I wonder who is ~ing at the front door.我不知谁在前门按电铃?
b. 鸣钟 [摇铃] 召唤 [求助] […][for]
I rang for the maid.我摇铃叫女仆
The bells are ~ing for church.叫人上教堂的钟声在响
c. 鸣钟, 摇铃< 要…> [做…]
He rang for the maid to bring tea.他摇铃叫女仆端茶来
5 a. 打电话< up> (call)
b. 挂上电话, 切断电话< off> 及物动词
1 a. 鸣 < 钟、铃等> , 敲
~ the church bells敲响教堂的钟
→ring a BELL, ring BELLS, ring the CHANGES.
b. 使< 物> 发出声音以识别真假
~ a coin敲硬币以辨真假
c. 鸣钟 [摇铃] 召唤 [求助于] […][for]
~ the bell for a maid摇铃 [按铃] 召唤女仆
2 a. 鸣钟 [铃] 示 < 警> ; < 钟表, 谐音钟等> 报知< 时间>
~ an alarm鸣钟示警, 敲警钟
The chimes were ~ing the noon hour.谐音钟正鸣报正午
→ring the KNELL of.b. 鸣钟 [摇铃] 叫< 某人>
~ a servant down [in, up]鸣钟 [摇铃] 叫仆人下来 [进来, 上去]
~ people to church鸣钟叫人们上教堂
c. 鸣钟送走 < 旧岁> < out> ; 鸣钟迎接 < 新年> < in>
R~ out the Old Year and ~ in the New. (随著钟声) 送走旧岁迎接新年
3 打电话给< 人> < up; back>
I'll ~ you up again tomorrow morning.我明天早上再打电话给你
I'll ~ you back later.我稍后再回电话给你
1 (C)
a. 鸣响 (钟、铃等) , (钟、铃等的) 鸣响; 响声
give the bell a ~ (按) 响铃
answer the ~ at the door回应门口的电铃声
b. (教堂等的) 一组钟 (声)
a ~ of six bells六个一组的钟
2 [a ~]打电话
Give me a ~ this afternoon.今天下午给我电话
3 [用单数]
a. (表示物的性质、真假的) 声音, 响声[of]
try the ~ of a coin试一下硬币的声音来辨识真假
b. (话、文章等的) 韵调; 腔调; 格调; 语气[of]
His words have the ~ of truth.他的话听起来颇为真实
c. 响亮的声音[of]
the ~ of her laughter她响亮的笑声




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