释义 |
right[raɪt; rait]形容词(more ~; most ~)A (←→ wrong)1 (从道德上或一般观念而言) 对的a. 正当的, 正义的, 正直的Always do what is ~.永远做正当的事It is ~ that you should have given up the plan.你放弃了这个计画是对的b. [在…上]对的, [做…是] 正当的[in]You were ~ in judging so [in your judgment].你那样判断 [你的判断] 是对的c. < 人> < 做…是> 正确的, 应当的It was quite ~ of you to refuse the offer.= You were quite ~ to refusethe offer.你拒绝那项建议是完全对的2 没有错的, 准确的; 正确的the ~ answer正确的答案Show me the ~ way to do it.教我做这件事的正确方法See that you take the ~ train.注意别搭错火车My watch isn't ~.我的表不准确3 a. 适当的, 恰当的the ~ man in the ~ place适材适所b. [对…]最恰当的, 正合适的[for]Jack is the ~ boy for the job.杰克正是适合做这件工作的男孩4 a. 完满的; 妥当的, 妥善的All's ~.一切妥善All's ~ with the world.世界万事妥善That's ~.那样很好; (口语)对啊, 是的, 不错R~ you are.(口语)你说的对, 正如你所说的; (回答提议或命令) 好的, 是, 遵命, 知道了b. [R~; 当感叹词用] 好的!可以!对!→ all right.5 整齐的, 井然有序的→ put [set, get] ﹍ right.6 a. 身体状况良好的, 健康的; 正常的, 脑筋正常的feel ~觉得身体状况良好b. (精神上) 正常的, 脑筋正常的He is not (quite) ~ in his [the] mind [senses].=He is not (quite) in his ~ mind [senses].他神志不 (太) 正常7 正面的the ~ side(衣服等的) 正面8 直角的a ~ angle直角B (←→ left)1 (无比较级、最高级)右的, 右方的, 右侧的, 右边的→ right-hand, right arm, right fielderthe ~ bank (河川的) 右岸(面向下游而言)on the ~ side of﹍ 在…的右侧2 [常 R~] (政治上的) 右翼的, 右派的■ all right完满的, 妥善的, 没问题的He is all ~.他是个正正当当的人 [他很能胜任, 他健康, 他安然无恙]All ~! You shall remember this. [反语] 好哇, 你记著!■ (as) right as rain(口语)很顺利, 精力充沛, 很健康" Is everything all right?" " R~ as rain." .“一切顺利吗?”“很顺利”■ on the right side of→ side■ put[set]oneself right(1) 亲密起来; 和好, 相好, 搏得[…]的喜爱[with](2) 改正自己所犯的错误■ put [get, set] ﹍right(1) 整理, 调整, 整顿(2) 纠正, 矫正, 订正I put my watch ~.我对准了表Please put me ~ if I make a mistake.如果我错了, 请纠正(3) 使…恢复健康, 使…复元Regular living will put him ~.有规律的生活会使他复元 [如果生活有规律, 他会复元]■ right enough完全令人满意的(cf. adv.成语)■ Right oh! = Right-o好的, 知道了 (All right !)■ right or wrong好歹, 无论如何副词(more ~; most ~)A1 正直地, 正当地, 公正地act ~正当地行动2 正确地, 无误地, 准确地answer ~正确地回答get the meaning ~正确地瞭解意思if I remember ~如果我没有记错3 如愿地; 顺利地; 妥当 [妥善] 地; 整齐地, 井然有序地Things went ~.事事顺利4 a. 完全地, 全部, 全然, 彻底地The car turned ~ over on its roof.那部车整个儿翻成四轮朝天The car turned ~ around and went off in the opposite direction.那部车作一百八十度的回转后向相反的方向驶去b. 直直地, 从正面地, 正对著~ in the wind's eye正对著风Go ~ on to the end of the street.径直走到这条街道的尽头I went ~ at him.我径直地向他冲去c. 一直go ~ to the end一直走到尽头~ through the winter整个冬天一直都5 恰好, 正好, 刚好~ here现在就在这里, 现在当场~ now立刻, 现在马上; 目前~ opposite正对面, 正相反~ in the middle正好在中间~ across the street [over the way]在街道 [道路] 的正对面~ in the middle of one's work正在工作的当中6(口语)马上, 立刻, 很快就I'll be ~ back.我很快就回来R~ after lunch mother went shopping.吃过午餐后, 母亲立刻去买东西7(古)a. 非常地, 极I know ~ well that.﹍ 我知道得很清楚…b. [尊称] 非常地the R~ Honourable → honorable 成语B(无比较级、最高级)向右地, 向右方地, 向右侧地 (←→ left)turn ~向右转Keep ~.靠右行驶 [通行]R~!.‘美航海’向右转舵!Eyes ~!.向右看!■ all right完满地, 很好地, 妥善地; 平安地; 顺利地; 确实地, 一定地I'll be there all ~.我一定会到■ get in right with a person讨< 某人> 喜欢; 讨好< 某人> ■ right along(美口语)一直, 不停地, 不断地■ right and left(1) 向左向右地(2) 向 [从, 在] 四面八方; 无拘束地■ right away即刻, 马上 (at once)I'll come ~ away.我马上来■ right enough果然, 正如所料, 的确(cf. adj.成语)He came ~ enough.他果然来了■ Right face[turn]!向右转!■ right off → off adv■ Right on!(1) 对啊!正是! (演 [唱, 做, 说] (得) 好!继续下去!(2) 加油!名词A (←→ wrong)1 (U) (道德上的) 正, 正当; 正义, 公道, 公正; 正当的行为~ and might正义和强权fight for the ~为正义而战do ~做正当的事Do her ~.公平地对待她2 (C)a. (法律上或政治上的) 权利; 正当的要求[to]~s and duties权利和义务human ~s人权assert [stand on] one's ~s坚持自己的权利claim a ~ to the use of land提出土地使用权的要求, 宣称有权使用土地→the right of search→right-of-way.b. [做…的]权利the ~ to pursue one's happiness追求幸福的权利I have a [the] ~ to demand an explanation.我有要求解释的权利(我应当可以要求)You have no ~ to say such things to us.你没有权利对我们说这些事3 [~s]真相the ~s (and wrongs) of the matter事情的真相 [是非, 真伪]4 [~s]本来的状态, 正确的状态set [put, bring]﹍ to ~s 整顿< 物> , 使…复元, 使< 人> 恢复良好状态, 使…变得健康B (←→ left)1 (U)[the ~, one's ~]右, 右方, 右边, 右侧sit on a person's ~坐在某人的右边on [from] the ~ of在[从]…的右方to the ~ of向 [位于] …的右方turn to the ~向右转Keep to the ~.靠右行驶 [通行]2 (U) [常the R~; 集合称] ‘政’坐在主席右侧的议员; 右翼, 右派, 保守派sit on the R~是右派 [保守派] 议员3‘棒球’a. (U)右外野(位置)He plays ~.他防守右外野b. (C)右外野手4 (C)‘拳击’右手, 右手所击之拳■ as of right=by right (s)■ be in the right对的; 有理的 (←→ be in the wrong)You are in the ~.你 (说[做]的) 有道理, (是) 你对■ by right of﹍凭…的权利; 据…的理由, 由于He took the chair by ~ of seniority.他由于资历深而担任主席■ by right (s)公正地, 恰当地, 正当地; 按理说By ~(s), he should have received the land, but his younger brother got it.那块地理应由他继承, 但却落到他弟弟的手中■ do﹍right公平地对待…, 公正 [正当] 地评价■ in one's own right凭自己 (与生俱来) 的权利 [能力, 价值 (等) ] , 以自己的名义, 本来a queen in her own ~ (本身是) 女王(即不是凭王后的身分 而是天生具有为女王者之权利的人; cf. queen consort)She has a little money in her own ~.她有一点属于自己名下的钱a great book in its own ~本身真正具有价值的伟大著作■ in right of﹍=by right ofMr. Right.(口语) (作为结婚对象) 理想的男人■ of right=by right (s)■ right of common‘法律’共有权, 共同使用权及物动词1 a. 使…复归正确位置[状态], 扶直, 竖立, 扶起~ a fallen chair把倒下的椅子扶起~ the helm‘航海’拨正船舵b. [~ oneself]恢复平衡, 恢复直立, 恢复正常The boat ~ed itself.船又自行恢复平稳2 纠正 < 错误> , 改正; 补偿, 解救< 人> , 拯救~ the oppressed解救被压迫者Your wrongs ought to be ~ed.你所受的冤屈应该获得补偿 [应该为你雪冤]不及物动词 < 倾斜的船等> 恢复平衡名词~.ness |