

词汇 light
释义 light[laɪt; lait]名词
1 a. (U)光, 光线
in ~受到光的照射
He read the letter by the ~ of the candle.他在烛光下读那封信
b. (U) [又作 a ~] (映入眼帘的) 光亮, 光辉, 光芒; 明亮处
in the ~在明亮处
in (a) good [bad] ~在容易看清的 [看不清的] 地方
c. (U) [又作 a ~] (喜悦、幸福等的) 目光; 眼神
She had a certain ~ in her eyes.她眼中闪烁著一种光辉
2 (U)
a. [常 the ~]日光; 白天, 白昼
the ~ of day白昼之光
before the ~ fails在天未黑之前
b. 黎明 (dawn)
before ~在天未亮之前
He left home at first ~.他在天刚亮时出门
3 a. (C)发光体, 光源
b. (C) [常当集合称用] 灯火, 灯光; (信号的) 灯光, 交通信号灯; (电子计算机类的) 指示灯→ traffic light
put out the ~熄灯
wait for the ~s to change等红灯变绿灯
jump [go through] the ~s闯红灯
Bring me a ~.拿个灯给我
The ~s went out.灯熄了
c. (C)灯塔; 烽火d. (C)天体e.[~s] (舞台的) 脚灯, 舞台照明 (footlights)
before the ~s登上舞台, 受人瞩目
4 (C) (帮助发火的) 火花, 火焰; 引火物(火柴等); (香烟的) 火
a box of ~s一盒火柴
get a ~要 [借] 火
put a ~ to﹍ 引火于…, 点燃…
strike a ~ (用火柴等) 擦出火
Will you give me a ~?.借个火好吗?
5(U)暴露, 显露; 周知
come to ~暴露, 显露, 现形, 败露
Many new discoveries have been brought to ~.许多新发现已公诸于世
6 a. (U) [又作 a ~] (启蒙 [启明] 之) 光; (释明问题的) 线索; 可作线索 [启发性] 的事实[发现]
throw [cast, shed](a) new ~ on [upon]﹍对…提供一个新的 (解决) 线索, 对…作新的解释
give ~ on [upon]﹍ 把…弄明白
b. (U)知性, 才智, 明智
7(C)看法, 观点, 见解; 事实的真相
see something in a new ~对某事持新的看法
He saw it in a favorable ~.他从有利的观点看这事 [对这事做善意的解释]
→ in (the) light of.
8(C)领导性人物, 泰斗, 权威人物, 大师
the greatest literary ~ of our time当代最伟大的文学权威
9(C) (采光) 窗口, 天窗, 使光线进入之物
(←→ shade)→ highlight.
11 (U)‘法律’采光权
12 (U)
a.‘基督教’天光, 灵光, 光[of]b.‘圣经’荣光, 福祉
according to one's [a person's] lights依据某人的见解[能力], 依照某人的情形
He was an honest man according to his ~s.按照他自己的标准他是个安分守己的老实人
between the lights
在黄昏时 between two lights
在 (夹在两个白天之间的) 夜晚; 趁著黑夜 by the light of nature
直觉地, 自然地, 天生地 get[stand]in a person's light
(1) 给某人遮住光
(2) 阻碍某人成功或进步之机会
stand in one's own ~自己阻碍自己, 使自己受损
get out of the light
避免挡住 [阻碍] hide one's light under a bushel
谦虚而隐藏自己的才能, 靦腆而隐藏自己的善行
(把灯隐藏在斗底下; ◆出自圣经“马太福音”) in the (cold) light of day [dawn, reason]
若回到现实想一想, 冷静地想一想 in the light of﹍
按照…, 根据…, 鉴于…; 从…的观点
He explained the phenomenon in the ~ of recent scientific knowledge.他根据最新的科学知识 [从最新科学知识的观点] 解释了那现象
in the light of a person's countenance → countenance 2 light and shade
(1) 光和影
(2) 明暗; 天壤之别 place[put]in a good[bad]light
(1) 将< 物> 置于光线良好[不良]之处
(2) 使< 物> 显得好[不好], 使< 物> 显得有利[不利] see the light
(1)(文语)出生, 诞生; 公诸于世; 问世
His book of poetry will see the ~ (of day) before long.他的诗集不久将问世
(2) 明白
Now I see the ~.我现在明白
(3) (在宗教上) 省悟; 改变宗教信仰
the light of one's eyes所钟爱之物, 最爱的人
形容词(~.er; ~.est) (←→ dark)
1 光明的, 明亮的 (bright)
a ~ room明亮的房间
It's getting ~.天渐渐亮起来
2 < 颜色> 淡的, 浅的 (pale)
~ brown淡褐色, 浅棕色
~ hair浅色的头发
及物动词(light.ed, lit[lt; lit])
1 a. 给…点火, 点燃< up>
~ a candle [cigarette]点燃蜡烛 [香烟]
a ~ed oven已点火的烤炉
b. 生< 火> , 燃, 烧
~ a fire生火
2 给…点灯, 照亮; 使…明亮, 照射, 照亮< up>
The moon is lit up by the sun.月球藉太阳而发亮
The town is brightly lit up.城里灯火通明
3 使 < 面容> 有光采; 使…容光焕发, 使春风满面, 使精神百倍< up>
His face was ~ed by a smile. = A smile lit up his face.微笑使他容光焕发
4 点灯领< 人> 行路
L~ the ladies downstairs.点灯领女士们下楼
The boy ~ed me on my way.那少年拿著灯为我带路
1 a. 亮灯, 点灯< up>
The room lit up.房间灯亮了
b. 变亮, 照耀< up>
The sky has ~ed up.天空已转亮了
2 < 面容、眼睛> 发出光芒, 容光焕发< up>
Her face lit up when she saw me.她看到我时脸露喜色
3 a. 著火, 燃烧
These matches ~ easily.这些火柴易著火
b. (口语)点香烟 [烟斗] 的火< up>
He took out a pipe and lit up.他取出烟斗点火




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