

词汇 life
释义 life[laɪf; laif]《live 的名词》名词(pl. lives[lavz; laivz])
1 (U)生命; 性命
the origin of ~生命的起源
the struggle for ~生存竞争
a matter of ~ and [or] death生死攸关的重大问题, 死活问题
at the sacrifice of ~牺牲性命
While there is ~, there is hope.(谚)留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧; 一息尚存永不绝望
2 (C) (个人的) 生命
seek the ~ of﹍ 企图谋害…的生命
lose one's ~丧生
take a person's [one's own] ~杀人 [自杀]
3 (C) (有生命的) 人
Many lives were lost.死了很多人
4 (U)[集合称]生物
animal [vegetable] ~动[植]物
bird ~鸟类
There is no ~ on Mars.火星上没有生物存在
5 a. (C) (某一段时期或毕生的) 生涯, 一生, 寿命
a long [short] ~长[短]寿
all one's ~ = in one's ~一辈子, 毕生, 终生; 出生以来
all one's ~ (through)=through ~终生一直
b. (C) (机械、政府等的) 寿命
the ~ of machine [battery]机械 [电池] 的寿命
c. (U)(口语)无期徒刑
get ~被处无期徒刑
6 a. (U)生活 (状态)
city [town] ~都市生活
rural [country] ~田园 [乡村] 生活
married [single] ~婚姻 [单身] 生活
b. (C) (具体的) 生活, 生活方式
live a happy ~过幸福的生活, 幸福地生活
He led an exemplary ~.他的一生堪作楷模
c. (U)[常 one's ~]生计
earn [make] one's ~谋生
7(U)人生; 世间, 尘世, 世上
this ~今生, 今世, 现世
the other [future] ~ = the ~ to come来生, 来世
eternal [everlasting, immortal] ~永恒的生命, 来世
see [learn] ~见 [阅历] 世面 [世事]
get on in ~出人头地, 发迹
Such is [That's] ~.这就是人生 [人生就是这样] , (怎么也) 没办法
This is the ~.这才是真正的人生
8(C)传记, 言行录
Boswell's L~ of Johnson.包斯威尔著的“约翰生传”
9(U)实物, 真物; 实物大小 (的形状)
a picture sketched from ~写生画
true to ~与实物一模一样
paint [draw] a person to the ~把某人画得和真人一模一样
paint﹍ from ~ 根据实物画…
10 a. (U)元气, 精力, 活气, 生气, 精神, 活力
full of ~充满活力; < 市镇等> 热闹
with ~精神饱满地
Put some ~ into your study.鼓起劲来学习!
b. [the ~]活力[生气]的泉源; 中心 [灵魂] 人物; 明星; 台柱[of]
He is the ~ (and soul) of the party.他是该团的台柱 [灵魂人物]
c. [one's ~]生存的意义
Traveling is his ~.旅行使他活得有意义
as I have life
确实, 的确 (as) large [big] as life
(1) 实物大小的
(2) 不可能错误, 的确, 确实, 亲自(来到等) bring ﹍ to life
使…复活, 使…苏醒 come to life
(1) 复活, 苏醒
(2) 活跃起来, 呈现生气勃勃 for life
(从某时候到死为止的) 一生 (的) , 毕生 (的) , 终生 (的) ; 无限期的[地]; 终身 [生] 的[地]
an official appointed for ~被任命终身 (职) 的官吏
for one's life = for dear[very]life
拼命地; 为了保全性命地; 全力地
hold [hang] on for dear ~拼命地搂 [缠] 住
run for one's [dear] ~拼命跑
for the life of me
(口语)怎么也, 无论如何
I can't for the ~ of me understand it.我怎么也搞不懂这件事
have the time of one's life
(口语)享受一生中前所未有的快乐, 从来没有这样快活过 in life
(1) 在有生之年, 在世时, 生前
late in ~在晚年
(2) [强调all, no 等] 完全, 全然
with all the pleasure in ~非常高兴地
Nothing in ~ will induce him to give up the plan.简直无法使他放弃那计画
(3) → n. 7 life and limb
生命和身体, 五体
safe in ~ and limb身体和性命都安然无恙
escape with ~ and limb未受大伤害 [损害] 而逃脱 [安然逃脱]
Not on your life
[接上句] (口语)绝对不, 决不, 千万不 (certainly not) on your life
务必, 无论如何要, 一定要 (by all means) take one's life in one's hands
(明知危险仍) 冒死去做 the change of life → change n. 1 the water of life → water n upon ['pon] my life
以我的生命为凭 (发誓) , 我发誓; 真令人惊讶!
1 一生的, 毕生的, 终身的
a ~ member终身 [永久] 会员
a ~ story传记
2 生命的
→ life span.
3 人寿保险的
~ insurance [(英)assurance] 人寿保险
a ~ policy人寿保险单
a ~ office人寿保险公司




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