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hold[hold; hould]《源自中古英语“饲养家畜”的意思》(held[hld; held])及物动词1 a. 拿住< 物> , 握…~ a pen firmly紧握笔They held hands [each other's hands].他们互握著手b. 抓住< 人> [手、腕等] [by]He held me by the arm.他揪住了我的手臂c. [用手、腕等] 支撑…, 抱著 [in, between]The girl was ~ing a doll in her hand.那女孩拿著洋娃娃.He held his head in his hands.他用双手托著头The gentleman was ~ing a pipe between his teeth.那绅士叼著烟斗2 a. 使…保持 < 某种状态、姿态等> ~ the door open (for someone) (为某人) (用手顶) 把门开著~ oneself still [erect]使身体不动 [笔直]H your head straight a second.把你的头抬直一会儿~ a person in suspense使人不安Astonishment held me dumb.我惊愕得说不出话来→ hold one's head high.b. 把< 物> 固定[在…], 贴[在…][to, on]~ binoculars to one's eyes把双眼望远镜贴著眼睛She was ~ing an ice pack to her head.她把冰袋放在头上3 a. < 容器等> 盛装< 液体等> This bottle ~s half a pint.这个瓶子装半品脱This box ~s all my books.这个箱子装了我全部的书b. < 房间等> 容纳< 人> This room can ~ fifty people.这个房间可容纳五十人c. 含有…His tone held reproach [accusation] (in it).他话中带有责备的口气4 a. 拥有 < 金钱、土地等> ~ shares拥有股份b. 占据 < 职位、地位等> ; 拥有 < 学位> ~ an MD拥有医学博士学位He held office for eight years.他就任公职有八年c. (军事上) 占领 < 阵地等> , 防守~ a fortress坚守堡垒5 a. (心) 持, 怀 < 信念、意见等> ~ a belief [an opinion]抱持信念[意见]b. 把…留 [在记忆中] [in]~ the event in memory把那事件留在记忆中c. 认为< 人等> 值得 [尊敬等] [in]Many people held him in respect [esteem, contempt].许多人尊敬[轻视]他6a. 认为, 想, 相信Plato held that the soul is immortal.柏拉图认为灵魂不朽b. 把…视为< 是…> ; 把…判决< 为…> ~ a person dear惦念 [爱] 某人~ a person [thing] cheap轻视某人[某物]I ~ myself responsible for what my son did.我对我儿子过去所作所为负责The court found him innocent, but I still ~ him (to be) guilty.法庭裁决他无罪, 但我仍然认为他有罪c. 把…视为She ~s his opinions lightly.她轻视他的意见7 a. 压抑, 抑制, 节制~ one's breath屏住呼吸~ one's temper抑制脾气, 忍住怒气There is no ~ing him.拿他没办法, 管不了他b. 不发 < 言语、声音等> H~ your tongue [noise, jaw].别吵, 住口8 召开< 会议等> ; 举行 < 祭典、典礼、仪式> ~ a press conference [a meeting]召开记者会 [召开会议]Court is to be held tomorrow.预定明天开庭9 a. 保持…, 维持…~ silence继续保持沈默~ the course < 船、飞机等> 不偏离航线, 持续前进b. 吸引 < 爱情、注意等> He couldn't ~ her affection any longer.他再也无法留住她的爱情The sight held his attention.这景象引起了他的注意10 a. < 物> 耐得住 < 重量等> , 支撑The roof is held by several pillars.这屋顶由数根柱子支撑著The shelf will not ~ much weight.这架子无法承受太大的重量b. 不喝醉< 酒> ~ one's liquor [drink]喝了酒也不胡闹11 使< 人> 信守[约定], 使< 人> 尽[义务], 使< 人> 负[责任][to]~ a person to his word使某人守信12 < 事物> [为…]准备…[for]This contest ~s a scholarship for the winner.这场竞赛为优胜者准备了一份奖学金Who knows what the future ~s ?.谁也不知道将来会发生什么事不及物动词1 a. < 绳子、船锚等> 持久不坏, 经久耐用If too many people get in the elevator, the cable won't ~.如果太多人进入电梯, 钢缆将承受不住b. 握住[…], 抓住[…] [onto, to]~ onto a rope抓住绳子2 a. < 天气等> 不变I hope the weather will ~.我希望这种天气会持续下去His luck was still ~ing.他的好运持续著b. 持续< …的状态> ; 持续< 做…> The weather held warm.天气持续暖和Please ~ still.请不要动H tight!.抓紧!c. 继续前进~ on one's way [course]继续前进3 a. 有效, 可适用The rule does not ~ in this case.这规则不适用于此一事例b. 持续拥有< …的> 效力The argument [promise] still ~s good [true].此论据 [诺言] 仍然适用 [有效]4 固守[…] [by, to]H~ to your resolution.不要动摇你的决心5 意见相同; 赞成[…][by, with]I don't ~ with [by] the proposal.我不赞成那个提案hold﹍against a person 以…理由怨恨某人She still ~s it against him that he criticized her once.她因他曾经一度批评过她而至今仍怀恨在心■ hold back(1) 抑止; 制止, 打消 < 意念> (2) 把…[自…]隐藏起来[from]~ back goods from market囤积居奇, 货不出售(3) 抑制< 感情> (4) 保持缄默; 秘而不宣; 克制[from](5) 踌躇, 犹豫■ hold down(1) 抑制< 物价等> They failed to ~ costs down.他们未能抑制费用的增长(2) 控制< 人> 的自由; 使< 人> 屈从(3) 维持 < 工作、职位> ; 保有 < 地位> ■ hold forth(1) 发表, 提议, 提供< 意见等> (2)(轻蔑)滔滔不绝地陈述[…][on]■ hold in(1) 抑制< 感情等> (2) 克制, 忍耐, 沈默~ in one's temper抑制怒气■ Hold it!(口语)不要动!等等!■ hold off(1) 不使< 敌人等> 挨近, 阻止…靠近I'll ~ off the bill collectors until pay day.在发薪日到来之前, 我将避开收款人(2)(美)延缓 < 做决定、行动等> , 拖延…(3) 离开, 不靠近[…][from]The ship held off from the coast until the storm died down.在暴风雨停止之前船只没有靠近海岸(4) 迟, 拖拉H off for a minute.稍等片刻 (做)(5)< 雨等> 迟迟不下, 没下■ hold on(1) 继续下去, 持续(2) 缠住[…], 抱住[…][to]The child held on to his coat.那小孩紧抓住他的上衣(3) (不管困难而) 继续, 坚持下去; 拒绝投降(4) 不要挂断电话; 稍待, 停住H on, please. (不要挂电话) 请稍等一下■ hold out(1) 伸出< 手等> (2) 提供< 奖赏等> , 给与 < 承诺、希望等> The company ~s out the promise of promotion to inventive young men.那公司承诺擢迁富有创意的年轻职员(3)(口语)扣留, 不交出 < 该交出的东西> (4) 继续抵抗, 坚持到最后, 撑下去They held out against the enemy attacks for two months.他们在敌人的攻击下坚持抵抗达二个月(5) < 库存品、金钱等> 维持, 支持hold out for﹍坚持要…The strikers held out for higher wages.罢工者坚持要提高工资■ hold out on﹍(口语)(1) 不向< 人> 泄漏秘密 (等)(2) 拒绝< 某人> 的要求Stop ~ing out on me.不要瞒著我■ hold over(1) 将< 会议等> 延期(2) (超出原定的期限) 继演 [映] < 戏剧、表演、电影等> hold over a person以…勒索 [威胁] 某人(cf. have a hold on[over](2)They held the threat of a salary cut over us.他们以减薪威胁我们■ hold together(1) 使…在一起, 集合…(2) 把< 物> 黏住 (不使分散)Glue ~s things together.胶把东西黏起来(3) 使…结合 [团结]Their mutual danger held them together.共同感受的危险使他们团结在一起(4)< 物> 黏住, 不分散, 不变形(5) 团结; 持续■ hold up(1)[对…]举起 [提出] < …> [to]The cashier held the money up to the light.出纳员把钱拿起来对著灯光照(2) 把…暴露于 [笑柄等] [to]~ a person up to ridicule把某人当笑柄(3) 举< 某人等> [作为榜样] [as]People used to ~ him up as a model (of hard work) to [for] younger students.人们常常举出他作为年轻学生的 (勤勉) 榜样(4) 举出 [举起] < 手等> (5) 妨碍…; 阻止…The traffic was held up by an accident.交通因车祸而被堵塞(6) (以手枪等对准著) 命令停止…, 拦住< 某人> 而抢夺; < 强盗> 袭击 < 商店等> ~ up a gas station袭击加油站(7) 坚持, 保持His theory still ~s up.他的理论仍然有用(8) 保持步伐(9) < 好天气> 持续, 经久(10) 站稳名词1a. (手) 持, 握Don't let go your ~ (on the rope).别松手 (别放松蝇子)→ catch hold of.b. (C)‘摔角’压住对方(cf. toehold 2)2 (U) [又作 a ~]a. 掌握, 支配力, 威力, 影响力[on, over]lose one's [its] ~ on﹍< 人、物> 失去对…的影响力, 无法再抓住…的心b. 把握力; 理解力 [on, upon, of]3 (C) (尤指登山时等的) 抓点, 脚踏处; 支撑物4 (C) (著手、执行等的) 暂缓 (通告)announce a ~ on all take offs宣告所有起飞暂停5(C) (发射飞弹等时的) 停止读秒■ catch hold of﹍(1) 抓住…(2) 捉拿…, 逮捕…catch ~ of a monkey by the tail抓住猴子的尾巴■ get hold of﹍(1) = catch hold of(2) 得到…(3) 理解…(4) 连络< 人> , 逮到< 人> ■ have a hold on[over]﹍(1) 对…具有支配力 [影响力](2) 抓住< 某人> 的要害 [弱点](cf. Hold﹍ over a person)■ keep hold on﹍ (紧紧) 抓著…, 抓牢…, 握紧…■ lay hold of[on, upon]﹍(1) 抓住…, 握住…Lay ~ of it firmly.紧紧抓住它(2) 捕获…, 逮捕…They laid ~ of him and threw him in prison.他们抓住他, 把他关进监狱(3) 发现…, 得到…■ lose hold of﹍(1) 从…放手(2) 失去…的线索■ on hold(美)< 人> (在电话中) 等候Mr. White is on ~. Will you speak to him? [办公室的秘书等] 怀特先生打电话来, 您要跟他谈吗?■ seize hold of﹍= catch hold of■ take hold< 事物> 固定, 确立Grassroots democracy has not taken ~ in this country.在这个国家, 基层的民主尚未确立■ take hold of﹍(1) 抓住…, 逮捕…(2) 抓住 < 人心等> , 支配Fear took ~ of him [his heart].恐惧攫住了他 (的心)(3)< 人> 被 < 麻药等> 沾染上 |