

词汇 put
释义 put[pʊt; put]及物动词(put; put.ting)
1 放置
【同义字】 put 放置 set 郑重其事, 放于“固定位置” place 放在正确的位置 lay 横放
a. 把< 东西、人> 放在 (某场所) , 搁
P~ your pencil down.把你的铅笔放下来
P~ the chair here, please.请把那张椅子放在这里
She ~ the dish on the table.她把盘子放在桌子上
b. 把< 东西、人> 置于 (某位置) , 使< 人> 陷入 [处于] (某种处境, 情况)
You should ~ your happiness first.你应该把你的幸福置于第一位
This case will ~ him in a serious position.这个案件将使他陷入困境
Just ~ yourself in his place.请你设身处地替他想想
c. 把…置于 (…状态、关系) , 使…成为 (某种状态、关系)
~ names in alphabetical order把名字依字母顺序排列
~ a law in force执行法律, 实施法律
~ something in motion使东西移动
~ a person in (a) good humor使某人兴高采烈
~ a person in charge of the work使某人负责那件工作
~ a person out of temper使某人发脾气 [发怒]
d. 把…弄< 成…>
She ~ his tie straight.她把他的领带弄直
His report ~ the matter wrong.他的报告把那件事弄砸了
2 移动
a. 使…移 (至…) , 使…朝向, 把…放进
He ~ the pail down the well.他把水桶放入井中
You mustn't ~ your finger into your mouth.你不可把手指放进嘴里
He ~ the book in his bag.他把那一本书放进他的书包里
They ~ the man into jail.他们把那个男子关进牢里
b. 把< 东西> 安装[接][在…], 使…贴近, 使…接近[to]
The driver ~ the horse to his cart.马车夫把马套在货车上
He ~ his eye to the telescope.他把眼睛贴在望远镜上
He ~ spurs to his horse.他以踢马刺刺马
c. 把…打入[…], 将…灌入[…] [into, in, through]
~ a nail into a board把钉子打入木板
~ a satellite into orbit把卫星射入轨道
~ a knife into a person把刀子刺入某人身体
~ one's pen through a word在某字上画线 (删除)
What ~ such an idea into your head?.何事把如此念头灌入你的脑子里?
3 a. 使< 人> 承受[痛苦], 接受 [考验等] [to, on, through]
~ a person to torture使某人受折磨
~ a person to great inconvenience [much trouble]给某人很多麻烦, 给某人带来诸多不便
~ a person to death [the sword]处死 [杀死] 某人
~ a person on trial使某人受审判
~ students through an examination使学生接受考试
→ PUT a person through it.b. (为某种目的而) 送 [载] … [到某场所] , 使…去[…][to, on]
~ one's son to school使儿子就学
~ one's children to bed使孩子们就寝
~ one's son to a trade使儿子从事某种生意
~ a play on the stage上演一出戏
c. 使< 某人> 著手[工作等][to]
~ a person to work使某人工作
~ the group to digging使那群人去挖掘
d. [~ oneself]著手[…], 开始[to]
~ oneself to work开始工作 [用功]
4 投入
a. 把 < 注意力、精力等> 投入[…][to, into]
~ one's mind to world economics把心思投注于世界经济
~ all one's energies into one's study倾全力于研究
b. 把< 钱> 投资[于…][in, into]
~ one's money into land把钱投资于土地
c. 把< 钱> 赌在[…上][on]
He ~ his last penny on the horse.他把最后的钱赌在那匹马的身上
5 a. 把…交给[…], 委托, 托付 [in, into, under]
~ matters in [into] the hands of the police把事情交给警方 (处理)
~ one's child under the care of the doctor把孩子交由那位医生治疗
b. 把< 责任等> 归于[…], 把…归咎[于…][to, on]
He ~ his failure to my carelessness.他把自己的失败归咎于我的粗心
You must not ~ the responsibility on any other person.你不可把该责任推给其他任何人
c. [对…]课 < 税> , 加以 < 侮辱> [on, upon]
~ a tax on an article对物品课税
~ an insult on a person侮辱某人
d. [对…]予以 < 信任> , 将 < 信任> 寄予[某人][in]
~ one's trust in a person信任某人
6 a. [向…]提出, 提起 < 问题、议案等> [to, before]
He ~ the motion to [before] the committee.他向该委员会提出那项动议
He ~ several questions before me.他向我提几个问题
I ~ it to you that you have told a lie.我要你承认你说了谎话
b. [对…]设 < 限> , 做 [了结] [to]
~ an end [a stop] to﹍对…打上休止符, 使…结束
~ an end to one's life结束自己的生命
c. 抑制[…], [对…]施加 < 压力> [on]
~ a check on one's enthusiasm抑制某人的狂热
7 a. [在…]写 [签] < 名字等> [to]
I ~ my signature to the document.我在文件上签名
b. 列 < 名字等> [于表等上] [on]
He ~ the name on the list.他把那个名字列在表上
c. [在…]做[打] < 记号等> [in, at, on, against]
~ a tick [check] against a name在名字上打“ˇ”记号
~ commas ina sentence在句子中打上逗点
8 a. 叙述
Let me ~ it in another way.让我以另一种方式来说, 让我换个说法
To ~ it briefly, .﹍. 简单地说, 简言之
I'm - how shall I ~ it? - in love with you.我不知怎么说才好-我爱上了你
b. 将… 陈述; 把…翻译 [成某种语言] [in, into]
~ Goethe into English把歌德翻译成英文
P~ the following sentence into Chinese.把下面的句子译成中文
Can you ~ this well in French?.你能用法语把这个说得很好吗?
9 a. 把…估量[为…], 估计; 认为[at]
I ~ the losses at 10, 000 dollars.我认为 [估计] 损失达一万美元
He ~s the distance at ten miles.他估计该距离为十哩
b. [给…]估< 价> , 评价[on, upon]
The experts ~ a price on the painting.那些专家给那幅画估价
He ~s a high value on your ability.他对你的能力给予很高的评价
10‘运动’掷 < 铅球> , 投 < 弹等> be hard put (to it) → hard
副词 not put it past a person (to do﹍) → past介系词 put about
(1) 变更< 船等> 的方向
(2) 散布< 谣言等>
(3) 谣传< …事>
It has been ~ about that he will resign.谣传他要辞职
(4) [~it[oneself]about] (英俚)< 女子> 轻佻的, 轻浮的
(5)< 船等> 变更方向 put across
(1) 传达…[给某人], [使…]了解[to]
I couldn't ~ the idea across to my students.我无法使学生们了解那种思想
(2) 把 < 戏等> 演成功
She ~ the song across well.她把那首歌唱得很成功
(3) 使< 人等> 渡< 河等>
He ~ me across the river.他使我渡过那条河
(4) [~it [one, that] across a person] (口语)欺骗< 某人> put ahead
(1) 促进
(2) 把< 钟表> 的针拨快 put aside
(1) 收拾, 整理< 东西> , 把< 东西> 放在一旁; 挪开
~ aside a book把书挪开 [放在一旁]
(2) 储存< 钱等>
How much do you ~ aside every month?.你每月储存多少钱?
(3) 忽视, 忘记 put away
(1) 收拾, 整理< 东西>
(2) (为将来而) 储存, 贮存< 钱>
~ a little money away储存少许钱
(3)(口语)吃光< 食物> , 喝完< 饮料>
(4)(文语)放弃, 摒弃< 想法等>
He ~ away all prejudices.他摒弃所有的成见
(5)(委婉语)杀死 < 老狗等> , 收拾
(6) 把< 人> 送入 [监狱、精神病院] [to] put back
(1) 把< 东西> 放回 (原处)
P~ the dictionary back on the shelf when you're through.你用完字典后把它放回书架上
(2) 使…后退 [停滞, 迟延]
The earthquake ~ back the development of the city (by) ten years.地震使该城市的发展推迟了十年
(3) 把< 钟表> 的针拨慢
P~ the clock back five minutes.把时钟拨慢五分钟
(4) 使…延期[到…] [to, till, until]
(5) 使< 船等> 返回[…][to]
(6)< 船等> 回[到…], 返回[to]
The boat ~ back to shore.那条小船回到岸边
put by
储存, 积蓄
~ by money for the future为将来而储存钱
put down
(1) 放下
He ~ the phone down. (通完话后) 他把听筒放下
(2)(英)把< 乘客> [在…]放下[at]
P~ me down at Oxford Circus, please.请在牛津圆环让我下车
(3) 使< 飞机> 降落
(4)(英)储存; 储藏 < 食物、饮料>
She ~ down some vegetables in salt.她把一些蔬菜腌盐储存
(5) 把…压下来, 镇压, 制止; 使沉默
~ down a strike制止罢工
(6) 使< 价格等> 下降
(7) 把…写 [记] 下来, 将…记帐
~ down an address把地址写下来
(8) 写下…的名字 [作为…的捐款 [预约] 者] [for]
P~ me down for 50 dollars.登记我捐五十元
(9) 把< 费用> 记在[…][to]
P~ the bill down to my account.把帐记在我的帐户上
(10) 认为< 某人> […], 估计< 某人> […][at]
I ~ the child down at nine.我估计那个小孩是九岁
(11) 补] 视< 某人> < 为…> , 将…看作
They ~ him down as an idiot.他们视他为傻瓜
(12) 把…归咎[于…], 把…推给[…][to]
He ~ the mistake down to me.他把那错误推给我
All the troubles in the world can be ~ down to money.世上一切的纠纷都可归因于金钱
(13) 把…用于 [某种目的] , 利用[to]
~ a field down to grass利用原野为牧草地
(14) 杀死 < 老狗等> , 收拾
(15) 使< 人> 觉得没出息, 挫< 某人> 的锐气
(16) < 飞机、驾驶员> 降落 put forth
(1) 长出 < 芽、叶等>
(2) 发挥 < 力量等>
We should ~ forth our best efforts.我们应尽最大的努力
put forward
(1) 推举< 某人> [为…][for]
They ~ him forward for chairman.他们推举他为主席
(2) 把< 人> 推到前面, 使…显眼
(3)[~ oneself]走到前面; 出风头
(4) 提出 < 思想、主张等>
(5) 促进
(6) 把< 钟表> 的针拨快
~ the clock an hour forward把时钟拨快一小时
put in
(1) 伸入, 插入
He ~ his head in at the door.他在门口把头伸进来
(2) 插进< 话等> , 插嘴
→ put in a good WORD for a person.
(3) 插嘴< 说…>
" I'll go, too, " he ~ in.他插嘴说 :“我也要去”
(4) 提出 < 要求、请愿书等> , 申请
~ in a plea提出请愿书
He ~ in a missing persons report on his wife.他提出妻子的失踪人口报告书
(5) 给予< 打击等>
~ in a blow给予一击
(6) 做< 工作等>
~ in an hour's weeding拔草一小时
(7) 度过< 时间>
~ in a day at mahjongg打麻将度过一天
(8) 以选举选出 < 政党、政府>
(9) 进港
(10)(口语)顺便访问[…], [在…]停留一下[at] put in for﹍
申请< 工作等> , 志愿…, 做…的候选人
~ in for a raise [a twoweek vacation]申请加薪 [两周休假]
put it on
(1)(俚)夸张地表现感情; 乱吹牛
(3)(口语)乱开价 Put it there!
(口语) (表示同意、和解) 握手吧! put off
(1) 把…延期[到…], 使…延迟; 使…等待 [till, until]
Don't ~ off till tomorrow what you can do today.你今天可以做的事不要延到明天
We have ~ the Robinsons off until Saturday.我们把跟罗宾逊夫妇的约会延到星期六
(2) 延期< 做…> , 延后
Don't ~ off answering the letter.不要延迟回那封信
(3) [用藉口等] 敷衍< 某人> , 搪塞[with]
He is not to be ~ off with words.他不是用言辞可以敷衍过去的
(4) 使< 人> 丧失意愿 [失去干劲, 没精神做事]
Anxiety ~ him off.焦虑使他无心 (工作等)
(5) 使< 人> 厌恶
The smell of the cheese ~ me off.乳酪的气味使我厌恶
(6) 关掉 < 自来水、瓦斯、收音机、电灯等>
(7) 把< 人> (从车上) 放下, 使…下车 [下船]
Please ~ me off at the next stop.请让我在下一站下车
(8) < 船、船员等> 出航, 出海
They ~ off from the port.他们从港口出航
put on
(1) 穿上 < 衣服、裤子、鞋子等> ; 戴上 < 眼镜等> ; 化妆, 搽粉
(←→ take off) (→ wear A{用法})
~ on ordinary clothes穿上便服
~ one's bedroom slippers on穿上卧房用的拖鞋
~ on one's glasses戴上眼镜
~ some lipstick on涂上少许口红
(2) 摆出 < 态度、外表等> , 装出…样子
~ on an innocent air装出天真无邪的样子
(3) 增加 < 体重、身上的肉、速度>
~ on speed增加速度
~ on years(口语)增加岁数, 变老
He is putting on weight.他的体重在增加
(4) 把< 钟表> 的针拨快
The clock was ~ on one hour.那个时钟被拨快了一小时
(5) 上演< 戏剧>
~ on a new play上演一出新戏
(6) 请求< 某人> (演戏、出赛)
~ a person on next请求某人接下去演出 [出赛]
(7) 打开开关放出 < 自来水、瓦斯等> ; 开 < 收音机、电灯等>
~ on the headlights打开 (车子的) 前灯
(8)(美口语)欺骗< 某人> , 戏弄, 和…开玩笑
" I love you." - " You're putting me on." .“我爱你”“你在开我的玩笑吧”
(9)(英)给< 人> 添麻烦 put a person on to [onto] ﹍
(口语)使< 人> 注意到…, 使< 人> 知道… put out
(1) 熄灭 < 灯、火> , 扑灭; 丧失 < 视力>
~ out the lights [the candle]关掉电灯 [熄灭烛火]
The firemen soon ~ out the fire.那些消防队员不久就把火扑灭了
(2) 伸出, 拿出, 交出
I ~ my tongue out for the doctor.我伸出舌头给医生看
(3) 长出, 发 < 芽等>
(4) 把< 人> 赶出, 逐出, 解雇
(5) 弄脱 < 关节> ; 使…脱臼
He ~ his shoulder out during the match.他的肩膀在那次比赛中脱臼了
(6) 把…拿[送]出去; 把< 工作> 转给 [承揽工等] [to]
We ~ out our washing.我们把要洗的衣服送交洗衣店
(7) 出产, 使…[发生]产生
(8) 出版; 发表, 发布 < 法令 [命令] > ; 广播
They are putting out a new model in April.他们预定在四月间推出新型产品
(9) (徵收利息) 放< 款> , 借出; 投资
(10) 使< 人> 慌乱; 使…为难, 使…困窘
I was very much ~ out by his rudeness.他的粗鲁使我感到非常困窘
(11) 给< 人> 添麻烦, 使…麻烦
(12) 费神, 操心, 照料
Don't ~ yourself out for me.别为我费神(我会照料我自己)
(13) ‘棒球.板球’刺杀< 打击者> , 使…出局
(14) 开船, 出航
The ship ~ out to sea.那艘船出航了
(15) (美俚)< 女人> 沈迷于乱交[for] put over
(1) 使…渡过
(3)(口语)使< 想法等> 被瞭解
(4) [~ one over on﹍] 欺骗< 某人>
(5)< 船等> 渡航, 渡过 put paid to﹍ → paid put through
(1) 完成, 做完
Our new plan has been ~ through successfully.我们的新计画已顺利完成
(2) (用电话) 帮< 某人> 接通[…][to]
Please ~ me through to Mr. Smith.请接史密斯先生
(3) 打< 电话>
~ through a call to New York打电话到纽约
put a person through it
(口语)严格调查 [盘问] < 某人> put together
(1) 整理 < 思绪等> ; 汇集, 拼凑, 把…综合起来, 合计
Putting all this together.﹍.把这一切综合起来 (考虑)
→ put TWO and two together.
(2) 组合, 组成
~ a team together组成一支球队
(3) 使…集在一起, 结合
All the money ~ together still won't be enough.把全部的钱凑合在一起仍然不够
put up
(1) 升起 < 旗、帆等> , 举起; 搭, 撑开 < 帐篷等>
~ up a flag升旗
~ up a tent搭 [撑开] 帐篷
P~ up your hands!.把手举起来!
(2) 建造 < 房子> , 立 < 碑>
~ up a memorial to the victims of the war建造那次战争牺牲者的纪念碑
(3) 梳卷< 头发>
(4) 贴 < 告示等> , 布告; 公布 < 结婚预告>
~ up the banns公布结婚预告
(5) 提出 < 意见、请愿书>
(6) 表示 < 抵抗等> ; 继续 < 作战>
~ up opposition唱反调, 提出异议
~ up a bluff虚张声势, 故弄玄虚
They have ~ up a long hard fight against poverty.他们已经和贫困做了长期的苦斗
(7) 使< 商品> 上市, 出售
~ up furniture for auction拍卖家具
(8)(罕)储藏, 贮存< 食物等>
(9) 包装 < 食品、药品等> , 将…捆包
(10) 提名, 推荐< 某人> 为[…的]候选人[for]
He was ~ up for president.他被推荐 [提名] 为主席
(11) 提供 < 资金>
(12) 整理, 收拾; 插 < 刀> 入鞘
We must ~ up the garden chairs for the winter.冬天我们必须收起花园里的椅子
(13) 供< 某人> 住宿, 留宿
Will you ~ us up for the weekend?.你周末愿意提供我们住宿吗?
(14) (打猎时自巢中) 赶出< 动物>
(15) (英)通知, 告知< 某人> [消息等] , 传达; 教导< 某人> [工作等][to]
I ~ him up to the details of the situation.我告诉他详细的情况
(16) [~ +受+up] 唆使< 人> [使做坏事等] [to]
His brother ~ him up to a prank [playing a prank].他的哥哥唆使他去做恶作剧
(17) 住宿[在…][at]
We ~ up at the hotel for the night.我们那一晚住宿在那家旅馆
(18) (英)提名为[…的]候选人[for]
~ up for Parliament提名为国会议员的候选人
put upon﹍
给< 人> 添麻烦 put up or shut up
(口语)下赌 [要干就干; 拿出确实证据] 否则闭嘴 put up with﹍
忍受… (endure)
I had to ~ up with a great many inconveniences.我不得不忍受很多的不方便
(铅球等的) 投掷
(口语)一点都不动的 stay put → stay




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