

词汇 balance
释义 bal.ance[`bæləns; ˈbæləns]《源自拉丁文“两个秤盘”的意思》名词
1 a. (C)天平, 秤
a pair of ~s一架天平
b. [the B~]‘天文’天平座 (Libra)
2 (U) [又作 a ~]
a. 平衡; 均衡; 调和, 均势 [均匀] (之美) ; (心情的) 平静, 沉著 (←→ imbalance, unbalance)
nutritional ~营养的调和[均衡]
the ~ of power (强国之间的) 均势
keep [lose] one's ~保持[失去]平衡 [重心] ; 保持[失去]平静
a ~ of mind and body身心的平衡
3 (C)‘商’余额, 差额
the ~ at a bank银行存款的余额
the ~ brought forward上期差额结转
the ~ carried forward差额结转下期
the ~ due [in hand]收支平衡的不足额
the ~ of accounts结帐的差额, 对帐
the ~ of [after] clearing票据交换余额
The ~ of the account is against [for] me.结帐的差额是我有赤字 [盈余]
4 [the ~](口语)余数, 余额; 找零的钱
the ~ of a meal剩饭剩菜
You may keep the ~.不用找了, 剩余的钱你留著吧
balance of (international) payments
[常 the ~]国际收支平衡表(略作 BP) balance of trade
贸易差额 a favorable [an unfavorable] ~ of trade
出[入]超 hold the balance (of power)
掌握决定之权 in the balance
hold the problem in the ~使这问题悬而未决
be [hang, tremble] in the ~处于不稳定 [不明朗] 状态, 处于未确定的状态中
off[out of]balance
失去平衡, 在不稳定的状态中 on balance
两抵, 权衡一切 (的结果) , 斟酌一切 (以观之) , 结果, 总的说来 strike a balance (between﹍)
(1) 结算 (…两者间的) 帐目
(2) 寻找 (两者间) 公平的解决办法; (两者之间) 妥协, 采 (两者间的) 中庸之道, 折衷 throw a person off (his) balance
(1) 使< 某人> 失去平衡, 使< 某人> 摔倒
(2) 使< 某人> 慌乱
1 a. 使…[用…]保持平衡[均衡], 使…平衡[on]
Can you ~ a coin on its edge?.你能使硬币竖著立起来吗?
b. [~ oneself] (为防倾倒而) [用…]保持身体的平衡[on]
~ oneself on one leg用单腿保持身体的平衡
2 a. 使… 相平衡 [with, by, against]
~ one thing with [by, against] another使某物与另一物相平衡
b. 与…相平衡, 与…相称; 弥补; 补偿; 抵消
His generosity ~s his bad behavior.他的慷慨大方弥补了他行为粗鲁之缺陷
3 a. 用秤称; 比较…的重量
b. 将< 问题等> 比较考量; 将 < 一个论点等> 比较 [权衡, 对照] ; 斟酌[against, with]
~ one opinion against another将某一个意见和另一个意见比较
4 ‘商’ (扣除而) 结算
~ one's accounts [the books]结算帐目 [帐簿上的借贷差额]
1 相称, 平衡[with]
The income ~s with the expenditure.收支平衡
2 a. 保持平衡, 均衡, 稳定
b. 保持身体的平衡[on]
~ on one leg以单腿保持身体的平衡
3 < 计算、帐目> 符合, < 收支> 平衡
The accounts ~d.收支平衡




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