

词汇 grave
释义 grave[grev; ɡreiv]《源自古英语“洞穴”的意思》名词
1 (C)坟墓, 埋葬尸体的墓穴
in one's ~已死
see [visit] one's mother's ~上母亲的坟
Someone is walking on [over] my ~.有人在我坟上走
【同义字】 grave 坟墓, 泛指埋葬尸体的所有场所 tomb 埋葬尸体的场所, 常立有墓碑, 纪念碑
2 [the ~](文语)死
The ~ comes to all men.死神造访每个人
(as) silent [quiet] as the grave
(1) (像坟墓般) 寂静的
(2) (对于秘密) 完全沉默的, 守口如瓶的 dig one's own grave
自掘坟墓, 自取灭亡 from the cradle to the grave
→cradle 2a have one foot in the grave
→foot make a person turn (over) in his grave
使人死不瞑目; 使人难安于九泉之下
Your conduct would make your father turn in his ~.你的行为会使你的父亲死不瞑目
turn (over) in one's grave
< 已故者> 在墓中难安
Your father would turn in his grave to see your conduct.你父亲看到你这种行为会难安于九泉之下的




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