

词汇 make
释义 make[mek; meik](made[med; meid])及物动词A
1 作, 做, 制, 造
(→ build【同义字】)a. 做< 物> , 制作, 制造, 组合, 建设, 筑, 建造; 创作 < 诗、文章等> , 著作
~ sandwiches做三明治
~ a garden营造花园
~ a poem作诗
b. 为< 人> 造< 物> ; [为人]造< 物> [for]c. 制< 物> [ (out) of, from]
We can ~ synthetic fibers from petroleum.我们可以用石油制造合成纤维
He made a little statue (out) of clay.他用黏土做了一座雕像
What is your dress made of?.你的衣服是用什么 (布料) 做成的?
Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄制 [酿] 成的
d. 将 < 材料> 制成[…][into]
She made the material into a dress.她把那块布料制成一件衣服
Barley can be made into beer.大麦可以制成啤酒
e. 调制< 物> [with]
What can you ~ with eggs?.你能用蛋调制什么?
2 a. 创造 < 人 (类) > ; 使< 人> 命中注定
God made man.上帝创造人类
I am not made that way.我生性不是那样 [我生来不是那种个性]
She was made to be an actress.她生来就是演员 (的料子) [她是个天生的演员]
b. 制定< 法律等> ; 制作< 文件> , 立, 签订 < 契约>
~ a will [contract]立遗嘱 [订契约]
~ a law制定法律
3 a. 整理…, 准备…, 布置…
~ a bed铺床
~ tea
b. 为< 人> 准备…, [为人]准备…[for]
He made her a cup of tea. = He made a cup of tea for her.他为她沏了一杯茶
4 a. 使…发生, 引起…, 成为…之原因
~ a noise发出噪音, 吵闹
~ trouble [war]惹麻烦 [引起战争]
~ a difference产生差异; 有影响
~ an impression给与印象
~ a fuss小题大作, 无事自扰
b. 生< 火>
~ a fire生火
5 a. 赚, 挣< 钱> , 聚积< 财产> ; 得< 利益> ; 维持 < 生计> ; 谋 < 生>
~ a fortune发财, 致富
~ one's [a] living维持生计, 谋生
I ~ 5, 000 dollars a month.我月入五千美元
b. 作成…, 建立, 筑成, 使…发达
~ one's own life决定自己的一生
c. 使< 人等> 成功, 保证< 人等> 成功 [发迹]
This performance will ~ you.这场演出 (若顺利) 一定会使你成功
6 [常后接带有修饰语之受词]
a. 成为 [做, 当] …
He will ~ an excellent scholar.他将成为杰出的学者
Fir ~s good building material.枞木是 [可做] 上等的建筑材料
b. 成为 [做, 为] < 人之> …; 成为 [做, 为] [人之] …[for]
She will ~ him a good wife. = She will ~ a good wife for him.她会成为他的好太太
7 a. < 成分> 构成…, 得…之数, 计为…, 等于…
Two and two ~ four.二加二得四
One hundred pence ~ a pound.一百便士计为一英镑
b. 为 < 第… (之人, 物) >
This ~s the third time I've been here.这是我第三次来这儿
c. (口语)加入 < 球队、俱乐部> 为队员 [会员]
.(美)Did you ~ the club ? =(英)Did you ~ one of the clubs?你加入俱乐部成为会员了吗?
8 a. 足够 < 构成…> , 足以…, 对…有用
This book ~s good reading.这本书有看头
b. 足够给< 人> < 做…>
This length of cloth will ~ you a suit.这长度的布料将足够给你做一套衣服
9 a. [将…]认为…, 视为…; 解释, 了解[of]
I could ~ nothing of his words.我完全听不懂他所讲的话
What am I to ~ of his behavior?.我该怎么解释他的行为?
I don't know what to ~ of it.我不知道该对这件事持什么想法
b. 将…认为…, 视…为…, 估计…为…
What time do you ~ it?.你想 现在几点钟了?
I ~ it five miles.我估计有五哩
What insect do you ~ that to be?.你认为那是什么虫?
10 a. 抵达…, 到达…
Our ship made port on Saturday.我们的船在星期六入港
b. (口语)赶上< 车、船等> , 赶得上, 追上
If you hurry, you can ~ the next train.你如果动作快些, (你) 就能赶上下一班火车
c. 行走 < 距离> , 旅行, 行进; 达到 < 某速度>
Some airplanes can ~ 1500 miles an hour.有些飞机每小时可飞行一千五百哩
The ship was making thirty knots.那时船以 (每小时) 三十节的速度航行著
11 (俚)把< 异性> 弄 [追] 到手, 使< 异性> 迷上自己, 引诱< 女人> 与自己发生性行为
12 吃 < 餐点>
~ a simple meal吃一顿便餐
13 ‘板球’得< 分>
~ a run得一分
1 a. 做 < 动作、行为等> ; 进行
~ an effort努力
~ a speech演讲
~ arrangements安排
b. 向< 人> 提出 < 要求、建议等> ; [向人]提出 < 要求、建议等> [to]
~ a person an offer= ~ an offer to a person向某人出价[提议]
2 做…
~ (an) answer做答, 回答
~ a pause中止, 停顿
~ progress进步
~ a rude reply无礼地答覆
~ a search搜索
3 心怀 < 判断、疑惑等>
~ a judgment of﹍ 判断…
I ~ no doubt of it.我对这件事毫不怀疑
1 a. 使…成为…; 使…显得…
Flowers help to ~ a room more cheerful.花有助于使房间显得令人更愉快 [更有生气]
My answer made him angry.我的回答使他生气
He soon learned to ~ himself useful.他很快就学会使自己成为有用的人
I will ~ him my secretary.我要使他成为我的秘书
He made it clear that he agreed to the plan.他表明他赞成那项计画
b. 使…被 (他人) …
I made myself understood in English.我用英语使我的意思被 (人) 了解
2 (强制地或非强制地) 使…< 做…>
I made him go.我 (迫) 使[叫]他去
He was made to go.他是被要求 [被迫] 而去的
Could you ~ the car go (any) faster?.你能使车子跑得更快吗?
What ~s you think so?.是什么使你以为是这样? 你为什么会做如是想?
The author ~s the lovers live happily ever after.作者使 (故事中的) 那对情侣尔后一直过著幸福的生活
3 [将…]弄成…, 改变[of]
He made a lawyer of his son.他使儿子成为律师
They ~ a fool of him.他们愚弄他
1 成为
→ make MERRY, make SURE, make BOLD to do.
2 (口语)行动得 < 像…> , 装做< 要…> 的样子
He made as if [as though] to strike me.他装做要打我的样子
He made as if he were ill.他装病
She ~s [made] as if she knew everything.她装出什么都懂的样子
3 (文语)眼看要开始…, 似乎要…
He made to strike her and then hesitated.他眼看要打她, 然后又踌躇了
4 a. (赶紧) (向…) 前进, 走
He made for home.他 (赶紧) 走回家
Seeing a light, I made for it.我看见灯火, 便朝著它走去
He made toward the door.他朝著门走去
The dog made straight at [for] him.那只狗直向他扑去[攻击]
b. < 路> 指向…, 通往; < 证据等> 倾向…
The evidence ~s for her guilt.证据倾向于 [表明] 她有罪
The road ~s toward the sea [through the wood].那条马路通往海边 [穿过森林]
5 < 潮汐等> 涨, 满; 开始涨 [退]
The tide is making fast.潮水正在急涨
make after ﹍
追求…; 追赶… make away with ﹍
(1) 偷…, 偷走…; 拿走
The thief made away with their diamonds.小偷偷走了他们的钻石
(2) 消耗尽…; 用光, 吃光
(3) 杀死…
(4) 毁弃…, 灭掉… make believe
假装…, 装作…
Let's ~ believe that we're Indians.我们就装作我们是印地安人吧
The boys made believe that they were explorers.那些男孩子们佯装他们是探险家
make (﹍) do
< 以…> 将就使用, 设法应付
This suit seems rather tight but I'll ~ (it) do.这套衣服好像稍微紧了些, 不过我会将就穿它
make do with[on]﹍
(虽不充足) 设法以…应付过去, 以…将就使用
I must ~ do with the old suit.我得将就穿这套旧衣服
He can't ~ do on his present salary.他无法以目前的薪水过日子
make do without ﹍
We had to ~ do without a telephone for some time.我们只好将就一段时间不用电话
make for ﹍
(1) → v.i. 4 a
(2) 有助于…, 有益于…, 促进…
The Olympic Games ~ for good relations between nations.奥林匹克运动会有助于促进 [建立] 国与国之间的良好关系
make good
→ good adj make it
(1)(口语)达成, 做好; 成功, 发迹
(2) 赶上, 来得及
You will ~ it if you hurry.如果你赶快, 你就会来得及
(3) 设法, 想办法
(4)(俚)性交[with] make it up to a person
There's no way I can ~ it up to you for my impoliteness.我无法补偿 [弥补] 我对你的无礼
make like ﹍
(美口语)佯装…; 模仿…
He made like Charlie Chaplin.他模仿查理.卓别林
make off with ﹍
= MAKE away with (1) make or break [mar] ﹍
成之或毁之, 弄好或糟蹋掉; 左右…的命运 make out
(1) 开列 < 名单等> ; 作成, 填写 < 表格等> , 拟, 起草, 写成< 文件等>
~ out a list of the members开出一份会员名单
(2) 好不容易地分辨出来 [看懂, 读懂, 看出] …
He could barely ~ out what looked like an island in the hazy distance.他勉强认出了在模糊的远处看起来像个岛屿的东西
(3)(口语)了解< 人> 的想法 [性格 (等) ]
I can't ~ her out.我摸不清她在想什么
(4) 了解…, 领悟…, 明白…
I can't ~ out what he wants.我不明白他要什么
(5) 企图证明, 论证 < 自己之立场> ; 主张
~ out a case企图证明自己的说法正确
~ out a strong case for [against]﹍极力地主张赞成[反对]…, 极力为支持[反对]…申述理由
(6)(口语) (不是却) 说是…, 声称是…
He made out that he was a friend of mine.他声称他是我的朋友
(7) 把< 人> 说成…样子
He ~s himself out (to be) richer than he really is.他把自己说得比实际上更富有.
(8)(美口语) (生意、生活等) 进展; 成功; 设法度过
His store is making out very well.他的店生意很兴隆
How are you making out in your job?.你的工作进展得怎样?
How are you making out with her?.你跟她相处得怎样?
(10)(美口语)< 男女> 互相爱抚; 发生关系[with] make over
(1) 将…转让 [移交] [给…][to]
When we married, my wife made over all her property to me.我们结婚时, 妻把她的一切财产转让给我
(2) 更改…[成…], 修改…[成…][into]
~ over an old overcoat修改旧大衣
He made over the mews into flats.他把马厩改建成公寓
make up
(1) 将…集在一起[成…], 收拾…[into]
~ up parcels打包包裹
~ up hay into bundles把乾草扎成捆
(2) 作成…, 起草…, 编辑
~ up a list (of﹍) 作成 (…的) 表
(3) 配< 药>
(4) 准备妥, 整理 < 床铺等>
(5) [由种种部分] 构成, 形成, 组成 < 整体> [of]
The Morse code is made up of dots and dashes.摩尔斯电码是由点与线所组成的
(6) 虚构, 捏造 < 话、藉口等> , 编造, 杜撰< 故事等>
The story is made up.这故事是编造的
(7) 化妆< 脸> , 美容
(8)[~ oneself]化妆; 装扮, 化装
The actor made himself up for the part of Hamlet.那演员为 (演) 哈姆雷特一角而化装
(9) 弥补…, 补足…, 补充…, 补偿…, 赔偿…, 填补…
We must ~ the loss up next month.我们下一个月必须弥补这笔损失
(10) 重修 < 上课之科目> ; 重考…, 补考…
(11) 和解; 调解, 排解 < 纠纷、吵架等> [with]
I once quarreled with him but now I have made it up (with him).我以前曾和他吵过架, 但现在已经跟他和解了
(12) ‘印刷’将 < 栏、页> 拼版, 将…排版, 将…整版
(13) 复交, 和好, 言归于好[with]
(14) 化妆, 打扮, 化装, 装扮 make up for ﹍
弥补…, 补足…, 补回…, 补偿…
~ up for past sins弥补 [赎] 过去所犯的罪恶
~ up for lost time补回损失的时间
make up to ﹍
(口语)讨好< 人> , 巴结, 奉承; 接近; 向< 人> 求爱 make with ﹍
(美俚)做…; 做…动作; 给 (人) 看…; 提供…
~ with the lunch做 [弄] 午餐
~ with the tears流眼泪给人看
1 a. …制; 制造 (法) ; 型式
home [foreign] ~本国 [外国] 制
of Chinese [American] ~中国 [美国] 制的
a new [an expensive] ~ of car新型 [高级] 车
b. 制作量, 制造量, 生产量
2 体格; 性格, 气质
a man of slender ~体型修长的人
a man of quite another ~完全不同性格的人
3‘电学’ (电路的) 接续
(←→ break) on the make
(1) 热中于名利
He is always on the ~.他一天到晚想搞女人




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