

词汇 command
释义 com.mand[kə`mænd; kəˈmɑ:nd]《源自拉丁文“委托”的意思》
1 a. (掌权者正式地) 命令, 下令
~ silence下令肃静
b. 命令< 某人> < 做某事>
The captain ~ed his men to gather immedicatly.队长命令他的部下立刻集合
c. 命令< 某事>
The general ~ed that the troops (should) cease fire.将军命令军队停止射击
2 指挥, 统率
The captain ~s his ship.舰长指挥船舰
3 a. 控制, 克制, 抑制< 感情等>
~ one's passion [temper]控制某人的感情 [脾气]
b. [~ oneself]自制c. 支配, 控制, 自由运用
I cannot ~ the sum.我不能支配这笔款子
He ~s a wide-ranging knowledge of physics.他具有广博的物理学知识
4 a. 博得, 得到, 值得 < 同情、尊敬等>
~ great attention受到很大的注意
He ~ed much respect for his honesty.他因诚实而备受尊敬
b. < 商品> 可卖 < 高价钱>
Things ~ a higher price when they are scarce.物品缺乏时必然能卖到好价钱
5 a. 占据[控制] < 重要地点等>
The fort ~s the entrance to the harbor.那碉堡控制海港的入口
b. 瞭望, 眺望, 环视 < 景色>
a house ~ing a fine view视野极佳的房子
From the mountain peak we ~ed a view of three States.从山顶我们可以眺望三个州
命令, 下令
1 (C)
a. (具有权威性的) 命令, 吩咐
at [by] a person's ~奉某人的命令, 遵从某人的指示
give a ~下命令
execute a ~执行命令
b. < 下…的> 命令
give a ~ to attack下攻击令
c. [要某人] < 做某事的> 命令
The Admiral issued a ~ for the fleet to set sail.舰队司令下令舰队开航
d. < 做某事的> 命令
The teacher gave a ~ that all the pupils (should) gather at once.老师命令所有的学生立即集合
2 (U)指挥[of]
a leader in ~ of the team一位指挥队伍的团长
General White was in ~ of the army.怀特将军统率那个军队
I had thirty men under my ~.我有三十个人听我的指挥
He took [had] ~ of the battalion.他指挥那个大队
3 a. (U) (对于感情等的) 抑制, 控制; 抑制力, 控制力[of]
have ~ of oneself能自制
lose ~ of oneself失去自制力
b. (U)支配权, 指挥权, 统率权[of]
get [have] ~ of the air [sea]取得 [掌握] 制空[海]权
c. (U) [又作 a ~] (对语言的) 运用自如的能力; (对金钱等的) 自由支配[控制][of]
He has (a) good [great] ~ of French.他精通法语
4 (U)
a. 可俯视 (重要地点) 之位置b. 俯瞰, 眺望
The hill has the ~ of the whole city.从这山丘可以俯瞰全市
5(C)‘军’指挥 [管辖] 下的部队; [常 C~]司令部 at a person's command(1) →n. 1
(2)(文语)供某人支配, 在某人掌握中; 可随意使用
all the money at my ~我可以随意支配的所有金钱
He is at your ~.他由你任意支遣 [他听你的命令]
at the word of command
命令 [口令] 一发, 一声令下




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