释义 |
reach[ritʃ; ri; tʃ]及物动词1 到, 达, 抵a. 到达 < 目的地、去处等> , 抵达; 到We shall ~ New York tonight.我们今晚将到达纽约London can be ~ed in two hours.两个小时内可以到达伦敦The upper story is ~ed by rough stone stairs.崎岖的石阶可通到楼上b. 达到 < 某种状态、结果等> , 届, 及Have you ~ed the end of the first chapter?.你已读到第一章的末尾了吗?They have ~ed old age.他们已届高龄c. 达成 < 决定、结论等> ~ a conclusion [an agreement]得出结论 [达成协议]d. 伸手 [脚等] 及到< 物> , 触及, 接触到I could not ~ the top of the wall.我 (的手) 及不到围墙的顶端The ladder did not ~ the window.梯子 (长度) 达不到窗子Her hair ~es her shoulders.她发长及肩e. 进入 < 耳、目等> Rumor ~ed her ears that.….她听 (人传) 说…(…的传闻进入她耳中)Not a sound ~ed his ears.他没有听到一点声音f. < 数量> 达…, 及…The total number of people infected with malaria was expected to ~ 20 million.感染疟疾者的总人数预期达到两千万人g. < 影响等> 扩及, 延及, 及His influence ~es the next village.他的势力扩展到邻村The book ~ed a wide audience abroad.那本书在海外拥有广大的读者(那本书深受海外广大读者的欢迎)2 伸出a. 伸出 < 手、树枝等> < out> I ~ed out my hand for [to get] the fruit.我伸手去拿那水果The trees ~ed their branches toward the sun.那些树木向阳伸展著树枝b. (伸手 [臂] ) 触及, 接触Can you ~ the top shelf?.你伸手能触及架子的顶层吗?c. (伸手) [从…]取< 物> < down> [from]She ~ed the book (down) from the shelf.她从书架上取 (下) 那本书d. (伸手) 将< 物> 递给< 人> , 为< 人> 取< 物> ; (伸手) 将< 物> 递给[人], [为人]取< 物> < over, down> [for]Will you ~ me (over) the salt?= Will you ~ the salt over for me?.请把盐递给我好吗?Will you ~ me (down) the book?.请替我拿书好吗?3 打动 < 人、人心等> Men are often ~ed by flattery.人常为恭维话所动4 (以电话等) 连络He can be ~ed at this number.打这个号码便可与他联系上If anything happens, you can ~ me by telephone [on the office telephone].如果有什么事, 可以打电话 [打办公室电话] 跟我连络1 a. (为某种目的而) 伸手~ for the telephone伸手去接电话He ~ed into his pocket for his wallet.他把手伸入口袋中去拿钱包I ~ed out for a cigarette.我伸手去拿香烟He ~ed over the fence to pat the horse.他把手伸过栅栏去拍马He ~ed up but could not get it.他把手往上伸, 但拿不到它b. 努力想得到 (某物) , 设法得到, 追求He ~ed after fame.他追求名声The mind ~es forward to [out toward] the ideal.心怀崇高的理想 [一心向著崇高的目标迈进]2 a. (伸手) 构到; < 视力、物等> 达, 及, 届A walkie-talkie will ~ as far as 20 miles.手提式无线电对讲机电波可达二十哩之远as far as [farther than] the eye can ~就视力所能及, 极目望去Can you get me down that vase from the top shelf? I'm too short to ~.你能从架子的顶层拿下花瓶给我吗? 我太矮了, 构不到b. 届, 到, 达, 及[…]< down> [to]The coat ~ed (down) to his knees.那件外衣长及他的膝盖Her blond hair ~ed to her shoulders.她的金发长及双肩名词1 [a ~]a. (手、臂等之) 伸出, 伸长He made a ~ for my hair.他伸手抓我的头发b. (伸直的) 手臂长度That boxer has a long ~.那名拳击手 (握拳伸直) 的手臂很长2 (U)a. (手、臂等的) 所及的范围; [从…]能轻易到达的距离[of]Keep all medicines out of the children's ~.把所有的药放在孩子们构不到的地方The hotel was within easy ~ of the station.那旅馆离车站很近b. (能力、理解力等的) 所及的范围The car is priced beyond the ~ of many of us.那部车子定价太高, 超出我们大多数人的财力所能及的范围(我们大多数人都买不起这种定价过高的车子)Nuclear physics is beyond [out of] my ~.核子物理学非我所能理解3 (C)a. 广袤; 区域the great ~es of forest一大片一大片的森林地带b. [常 ~s]河区; 江区; (运河) 两水闸间的部分(河流两弯曲处之间的一段)the upper [lower] ~es of the Thames泰晤士河上[下]游■ not …b y a long reach远 (不…)His English is not good enough for the exam by a long ~.他的英语水平尚低得很, 难以应付考试 |