

词汇 represent
释义 rep.re.sent[ˌrɛprɪ`zɛnt; ˌrepriˈzent]及物动词
1 a. (尤指) < 绘画、雕刻等> 表现, 描绘
This painting ~s a hunting scene.这幅画描绘狩猎的情景
b. < 绘画、雕刻等> 描绘… < 正在…>
This picture ~s a girl playing the piano.这幅画描绘一个在弹钢琴的少女
2 a. < 物> (以文字、符号等) 表示, 象徵; 意味
X ~s the unknown. X.表示未知数
The stars in the American flag ~ the States.美国国旗上的星是各州的象徵
b. [对于…]意味…, 具有…的意义[to]
His excuses ~ed nothing to me.他的解释对我毫无意义
3 a. 代表, 代理
a union ~ing 700 workers代表七百名工人的一个工会
Each party is ~ed at the committee.各党都有代表参加该委员会
Our firm is ~ed in Taiwan by Mr. White.本公司在台湾是由怀特先生代表 [代理]
b. 当…的议员 [代表]
The State was ~ed (in Congress) by three Democrats and seven Republicans.该州选出三名民主党和七名共和党人士为 (国会) 议员
c. 当…的代表而参加, 作…的样板 [典型] , 示范
Every major American writer is ~ed in the library.该图书馆收藏了美国每一位主要作家的代表作
4 相当于…, 与…相对, 比拟, 代替
Camels are ~ed in the New World [the Americas] by llamas.在新世界 [美洲] 骆马相当于骆驼
5(文语)演出, 上演< 戏剧> ; 扮演, 饰演 < 角色>
The actor was somewhat old to ~ Hamlet.这演员扮演哈姆雷特稍嫌老了些
a. (用语言) 表达, 表现
~ ideas by words用语言表达观念
b. (屡次慷慨激昂地) [向…]说明…, 指出, 陈述, 主张, 建议[to]
The orator ~ed the importance of the bill to his audience.那名讲演者向听众指出该法案的重要性
c. (屡次慷慨激昂、声色俱厉地) [向…]说…, 陈述, 说明, 告知, 建议[to]
I ~ed to him that the plan was not practicable.我对他说那项计画是行不通的
d. 将…描写< 为…>
Macaulay ~s Charles II as a faithless fanatic.麦考莱把查理二世描写为无信义的狂热者
7 (凭想像) [让自己] 想起, 在心里想像[to]
Can you ~ infinity to yourself?.你能在心里想像无限吗?
8(文语) (或与事实不符地) 将… (硬) 说< 成…> , 声称, 断定, 主张
He ~ed the plan as safe, but it was not.他声称该计画稳当, 但事实却不然
The stranger ~ed himself to be a lawyer.那个陌生人声称自己是律师




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