

词汇 reply
释义 re.ply[rɪ`plaɪ; riˈplai]不及物动词
1 a. 答, 答覆, 回答, 应答, 答辩
(→ answer 【同义字】)
I asked her why she did it, but she did not ~.我问她为什么那样做, 但是她没有回答
b. [对…]回答, 答覆[to]
I won't ~ to this letter.我不想回覆这封信
c. [代表…] 致答辞 [谢辞] [for]
I have the honor to ~ for the guests at this dinner.我很荣幸代表参加这个宴会的来宾致谢辞
2 [对于攻击等] 应对, 应战, 应付, 对付[to][with]
They replied to the enemy's attack with heavy gunfire.他们以猛烈的炮火对付 [回敬] 敌人的攻击
1 回答
He did not ~ a word [anything].他一句话 [什么] 也没有回答
I did not know what to ~.我不知道要怎么回答
2 a. 回答说…, 还嘴说…
" No, thank you, " he replied.他回答说 :“不用了, 谢谢!”
b. [对人]回答说…, 答称[to]
He replied that his mind was made up.他回答说, 他已下定决心
答覆, 回答, 覆函[to]
I haven't heard your ~ yet.你还没有回答我
He made no ~ to my request.他没有回答我的请求
in reply (to﹍)
作为 (对…的) 答覆, 为答覆…
He said nothing in ~.他什么也没有回答
In ~ to the question, he referred me to a recent article in The Times.为答覆这个问题, 他叫我参阅泰晤士报最近的一篇文章




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