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fill[fɪl; fil]及物动词1 使…满a. 使 < 容器、场所等> 满, 注满, 装满~ one's pipe把烟斗装满烟草b. [用…]装满 < 容器、场所等> , 填满; 把 < 容器、场所等> 装满[…], 填满[with]F~ the bottle with water.把这个瓶子注满水She ~ed her notebook with sketches.她在笔记本上画满素描c. 装满< 东西> < 给某人> , 倒满; 装满< 东西> [给某人][for]He ~ed me a glass of whiskey. = He ~ed a glass of whiskey for me.他倒满一杯威士忌酒给我d. [用…]装满< 容器等> 给< 某人> [with]; [替某人] 将< 容器等> 装满[…][for][with]Please ~ me this glass with water. = Please ~ this glass with water for me.请用水装满这个杯子给我; 请替我把这个杯子装满水e. 将< 东西> 装入 [塞入] [容器等] [into]~ wine into a decanter把酒装入玻璃酒瓶中2 使 < 人, 心中> 充满[感情][with]The sight ~ed his heart with anger.那情景使他怒火中烧3 a. 填满, 占满, 塞满 < 场所、空间> ; < 烟、气味等> 充满, 弥漫< 场所> Smoke ~ed the room.那个房间烟雾弥漫The crowd ~ed the hall.厅里挤满了人Sorrow ~ed my heart. = My heart was ~ed with sorrow.我内心万分悲痛; 我的心充满悲伤Life is ~ed with paradoxes and dilemmas.人生充满了种种矛盾与困境b. 填满, 填塞, 堵塞 < 洞穴、空缺处> ; 填补< 牙齿> I had my decayed tooth ~ed by the dentist.我请牙医填补我的蛀牙The position is not yet ~ed.那个职位还没有人递补 [还空著]4 a. 填饱< 人> 的空腹, 使< 人> 满足; 填 < 肚子> The meal failed to ~ him.那一餐没有填饱他 (的肚子)b. 使< 人> 满足[with]~ one's guest with a good meal以美食使客人满足5 a. 满足< 要求等> , 供应 < 需求> ~ an order for a shipment of coffee供应咖啡的订货b. 履行 < 约定等> ~ an engagement履行约定c. 配 < 药方> 6< 风> 使< 帆> 张满< out> 不及物动词1 a. 满, 充满The room did not ~ after all.那个房间还是没有客满b. 充满[…][with]Her eyes ~ed with tears.她的眼里充满了泪水2 a. < 帆> 张满< out> b. < 帆> [因风而] 张满[with]The sails ~ed (with the wind).帆 (因风而) 张满■ fill in(1) 填塞 < 洞穴> ; 填满; 填充~ in the time把时间排 [占] 满(2) 填满 < 空处> [with]F~ in the blanks in the following sentence (with suitable words). (以适当的字) 填入下面句子的空白处(3) 填写< 文件等> ; 插入~ in a form填写表格(4)(口语)对< 某人> 详细说明[…事]; 详细告诉< 某人> […事][on]He ~ed us in on the latest news.他详细告诉我们最新的消息(5) 堵塞(6)(口语)代替[某人], 代理[for]She ~ed in for me while I had lunch.我吃中饭时她代替我■ fill out(1) → v.t. 6(2) 把< 酒等> 注满(3)(美)填写 < 表格、文件等> , 填满 < 空处> ~ out an application填写申请书(4) → v.i. 2a(5) 长胖, 变丰腴The children are ~ing out visibly.孩子们明显地长胖了■ fill up(1) 把…装满, 使…客满(2) 给< 汽车> 装满汽油 [燃料]F~ it [her] up.给汽车装满汽油(3) 把…装满 [堵塞] ; 把 < 池塘等> 填满The heavy rain is ~ing up the reservoir fast.豪雨正使蓄水池迅速涨满(4) = FILL in (2)(5) 变满(6) < 池塘等> [因…而]涨满[with]名词1 [a ~] (容器的) 满量[of]a ~ of tobacco一烟斗的烟草2 [one's ~]尽量, 尽情, 饱满, 充分drink [eat, have, take] one's ~尽量喝[吃]grumble one's ~满腹牢骚weep one's ~尽情地哭have one's ~ of sorrow备尝辛酸, 饱经忧患have had one's ~ of﹍ 尝…, 对…生腻take one's ~ of rest充分休息 |