

词汇 blaze
释义 blaze[blez; bleiz]《源自古英语“火把”“火”的意思》可数名词
1 (明亮的) 火焰; 烈火
(→ flicker【同义字】)
in a ~四面著火, 在火焰中
2 a. 闪光, 强烈的光辉; 火焰似的色彩 [五彩缤纷]
a ~ of colors火焰似的色彩
the ~ of noon正午的光辉
b. (名声的) 远扬
the ~ of fame名声的远扬
3 [感情等的]激发, 昂扬[of]
in a ~ of passion盛怒之下
4 [~s](俚)
a. 地狱
Go to ~s !.该死! 下地狱去吧!
b. [the ~s; 用于疑问词后加强语气] 究竟, 到底
What [Who] the ~s are you talking about?.你到底在说什么 [谁] ?
like blazes
1 燃烧, 冒火焰
When the fire engine arrived, the fire was blazing.消防车到时, 火正在炽烈燃烧著
2 a. 发光, 放光, 生辉[with]
On Christmas Eve the large house ~d with lights.在耶诞节前夕那栋大房子灯火辉煌
b. < 太阳> 照射, 强烈地晒< down>
The sun ~d down on the sand.阳光强烈地晒在沙滩上
3 [因怒等而] 激动, 激昂; 激怒[with]
Father was blazing with anger.父亲勃然大怒
明显地表示< 感情>
Her eyes ~d hatred at him.她以憎恨的眼睛瞪他
blaze away
(1) 不断地射击
(2) 喋喋不休地说
(3) 不停地做[工作等][at]
She ~d away at her housework.她不停地做家事
They kept blazing away about the result of election.他们热烈讨论投票的结果
(5) 射尽< 子弹> blaze up
(1) 突然发火
(2) 突然发怒




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