

词汇 it
释义 it[ɪt; it]代名词
1 [第三人称单数中性主格] 它, 它
2 [第三人称单数中性受格]
a. [直接受词] 它, 它
I saw ~.我看到它
I gave it him.我把它给了他
b. [间接受词] 它, 它
I gave it food.我给它食物
c. [介系词受词]
I gave food to it.我给它食物
Go and see who it is.去看看是谁
It's me.(口语)是我
It says, " Keep to the left." .它 [标示] 写著“靠左边走”
It says in the Bible that.﹍. 圣经上说…
It says in the papers that.﹍. 报纸上说…
4 a.
It is impossible to master English in a month or two.要在一两个月内精通英文是不可能的
It will be difficult for him to come so early.要他来得那么早是有困难的
It's kind of you to give me a present.你真好, 送我礼物
It is no use trying.试也白试
It isn't certain whether we shall succeed.我们是否会成功还很难说
It is strange that he says so.他这样说真奇怪
It is said that the universe is infinite.据说宇宙是无限的
b. [作形式上的受词, 以代表后述实际主词的不定词片语、动名词片语、that 子句等]
I make it a point to get up early.我强调要早起
They considered it impossible for us to attack during the night.他们认为我们不可能在夜间攻击
You will find it very nice taking a walk early in the morning.你会发现在清晨散步很好
I think it necessary that you (should) do it at once.我认为你必须立刻做那件事
I take it (that) you wish to marry her.我以为你想和她结婚
It is a nuisance, this delay.这样拖延真受不了
5 [作非人称动词 (impersonal verb) 的主词]
a. [天气、气候的冷暖]
It is raining.正在下雨
It is getting hot.天气渐渐变热
It looks like snow.好像要下雪的样子
b. [时间、日期]
It will soon be New Year.快要新年了
It is Friday (today).今天是星期五
How long does it take from here to the park ?.从这里到公园要多久?
It takes time to get used to new shoes.穿惯新鞋需要时间
c. [距离]
It is 2 miles to the station.到车站 (距离) 有两哩
d. [明暗]
How dark it is !.好暗啊, [事情、情况] !
How goes it with you today?.你今天觉得怎样?
Had it not been for you, what would I have done ?.要不是有你 (的帮助) , 我真不知该怎么办呢 ?
f. 作 seem [appear, happen, etc.] that﹍ 的主词
It seems (that) he has failed.看来他已经失败了
It happened (that) he was not present.碰巧他没有出席
a. [作某种动词无意义的形式上受词]
Let's walk it.我们走路去
Damn it (all)!.该死!糟了!
You'll catch it from your father.你会挨你父亲的骂
Give it (to) him!.教训他一顿!
→ Go it.b.
If we miss the bus, we'll have to foot it.如果我们赶不上公共汽车, 我们只好走路
cab it(美)坐计程车去
lord it →lord v.t.
king it → king v.t.
queen it →queen v.t. 2.
c. [作介系词的无意义、形式上之受词]
I had a good time of it.我玩得很愉快
Let's make a night of it.让我们痛饮一晚吧
7 [在 " it is[was]﹍ that [who, whom, which, etc.] " 的句型中用以强调句子主词, (动词或介系词的) 受词, 副词片语]
It is I that [who] am to blame.该受责备的是我
It is the price that frightens him.使他吓一跳的是那价钱
It was Franklin who wrote " God helps them that help themselves." .写“天助自助者”这句话的人是富兰克林
It was Mary (that) we saw.我们看到的是玛丽
It was peace that they fought for.他们作战为的是和平
It was in this year that the war broke out.战争就是在这一年爆发的
It was beer (that) you drank, not water. = It was beer, not water, (that) you drank.你喝的是啤酒, 不是水
have had it →have v have what it takes →what pron If it had not been for →if If it were not for → if




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