

词汇 by
释义 by[(重读)baɪ; bai; (轻读)bə; bi, bə]介系词
1 在…近旁, 在…之旁边, 在…身边, 靠近…
a house by the seaside海滨的房屋
I haven't got it ~ me.我身边没有这样东西
【同义字】 beside 和 by 都有“旁边”的意思, 而 beside 比 by 更明确
2 a. 由…的旁边, 经过…
go by me [the church]从我 [教堂] 旁边走过
b. 通过< 路> , 沿著…, 顺著…
drive by the highway沿著公路驾车
pass by the river经过河边
c. 经由…, 取道… (via)
travel by (way of) Italy取道义大利旅游
3 a. 用…, 藉…, 乘…, 搭…
by letter [wire]用书信 [电报]
send by post邮寄
go [travel] by bus [boat, bicycle, plane, rail(road), train, etc.]搭乘巴士 [船, 自行车, 飞机, 火车 (等) ] 去[旅行]
go by water [air]由水路 [搭飞机] 去
by land [sea]由陆路 [水路]
go by the 9:00 p.m. train搭下午九点的火车去
b. 用…, 藉…, 以…
by hand [machine]用手[机器] (制的)
sell by auction以拍卖出售
learn by heart默记, 背
c. 藉< 做…> , 以
Let's begin by reviewing the last lesson.我们开始 (上课) , 先温习上一课
We learn by listening.我们以听力训练法学习
d. 因…
die by poison中毒而死
by reason of﹍ 由于…, 因为…
4 由…, 被…
America was discovered by Columbus.美洲是由哥伦布发现的
Those locomotives are driven by electricity.那些火车头是电动的
be made [written] by John Smith由约翰.史密斯制作 [执笔]
a novel by Scott司各脱 (写) 的小说
5 a. 到…时已经, 不晚于…, 到…时为止 (not laterthan)
by the end of this month (最迟) 到这个月底
finish by the evening到傍晚完成
By the time we reached home, it was quite dark.我们回到家时, 天已经很黑了
b. 在…时间内, 在…期间 (during)
I work by day and study by night.我在日间工作, 夜间读书
He went home by daylight.他在天还没黑时回家了
6 a. 按…, 依照…, 依据…
It's five o'clock by my watch.依照我的表, 时间是五点
judge a person by appearances以貌取人, 根据外表判断一个人
b. [by the﹍; 表示单位] 以…为单位, 以…计, 按…计算
board by the month按月包饭 [搭伙]
sell by the yard [gallon]以码 [加仑] 计价卖
pay a worker by the piece按件计酬
by the hundred =by (the) hundreds好几百地, 数以百计
He used to read by the hour.他从前常常一看书就是好几个小时
7 a. 至于…程度; 至 (…之多)
by degrees逐渐, 渐次
miss by a minute迟一分钟, 只差一点而错过
win by a boat's length以一船身之领先获胜
He is taller than she (is) by five centimeters.他比她高五公分
little by little = bit by bit一点一点地, 逐渐
day by day日复一日地
drop by drop一滴一滴地
one by one逐一
step by step一步一步地, 逐步
room by room逐室, 一个房间一个房?a
b. 以…
multiply 8 by 2以 2 乘 8
divide 8 by 2八除以二
a room (of) 12 ft. by 15 (ft.)十二呎宽十五呎长的房间
a 5(by)8 inch card五吋宽八吋长的卡片
→ two (by) four.
8 将 (人、物之) …
He held the boy by the collar.他抓住那个男孩子的衣领
He led the old man by the hand.他牵著那个老人的手走
9 就…而言, 论…, 在…方面为, …是
by birth [name, trade]出生 [姓名, 行业] 为
a Frenchman by birth生为法国人
They are cousins by blood.他们是有血缘的堂[表]兄弟[姊妹]
He is Jones by name.他名叫琼斯
I know him by name.我只知道他的名字 (人倒是不认识)
It's O.K. by me.(美口语)我可以 [没有问题] (至于别人, 我可不知道)
→ by NATURE.
10 偏向…
North by East.北偏东
(略作 NbE; 介于北 (N) 与北北东 (NNE) 之间; → the POINTS of the compass)
11 a. 由 < 为父[母]者> 所生
He had a child by his first wife.他的第一位妻子为他生了一个孩子
b. < 马等> 以…为其父
Justice by Rob Roy.以罗布.罗埃为其父的佳斯帝斯
12 对… (toward)
do one's duty by one's parents对父母尽本分
Do (to others) as you would be done by.己所欲, 施于人
13 奉< 神> 之名, 对< 神> 发誓
swear by God that﹍ 对神发誓…
(all) byoneself
→ oneself by far
→ far adv
1 在旁, 在旁边, 在附近, 在侧, 在一边
close [hard, near] by在近旁
Nobody was by when the fire broke out.起火时没人在附近
2 a. 由旁边 (通, 经) 过
pass by由旁边经过 [走过, 通过]
go by过去, 走过
Time goes by.时光流逝
in days gone by往日
b. (美口语)到别人家
call [stop] by顺路访问
3 在旁边, 在侧; 在身边
keep by把…放在手边
put [lay]﹍by 收藏…, 贮藏…
by and by
不久, 不一会 (before long)
By and by you will understand.不久以后你会了解的
by and large
(1) 一般说来, 就整个来说, 大致上 (on the whole)
Taking it by and large, .﹍.就整个来看…; 大致上…
(2)‘航海’ < 帆船> 时而吃风时而不吃风 stand by
→ stand




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